Rude Drivers

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member

I am so confused. :confused:  First it’s people that don’t follow the speed limit, run the red light, cut someone off, or blow through stop signs.  :nono: Then it’s the old folks that don’t speed, that aren’t in a hurry to run the lights or signs that are the problem.  At what age do things go downhill rapidly?  Is it 40, 50, 60, 70, older, younger?  If we make new laws for the older people, why not some special ones for the women or maybe oriental males for how they drive?  Based on Sxy’s :crazy: admissions she shouldn’t be allowed to walk.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Sxy's just being flippant and you know that - I laughed and so did you.  Admit it.

I never said that old folks are the problem, but they're more likely to be truly impaired rather than just road-ragers.  Let's call it 65 when you have to renew your license and take a road test every year.  I don't think that's unreasonable and would be willing to do it if I were that age.

And since women have a lower vehicular incidence than men, I think your analogy is off base. :lmao:  Care to try me on the redirect, Counselor? :roflmao:  I like it when you make me think!

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member

I was being flippant (and playing with the emoticons :clap: :dude:) throughout the post with the exception of age restrictions.  Why just go after the old and why 65?  There are doctors still operating at 65.  There are some 20 year-olds that shouldn’t be driving for one reason or another, the same could be said for every age group, aren’t we worried about them? :scowl:  Let’s just make it so everybody that wants to drive takes a full drivers test every other year.  That way we can catch those losing their sight earlier.  Those that just can’t drive a lick will be weeded out too, who knows what they can catch.  Imagine the jobs it will make and money it will collect for the cost of a license.  Think about the day you'll have to take off from work every other year as you become accustomed to the routine. :bawl:

Crap, forgot about the analogy.  It wasn't about driving just life in general, you know, like how long before the woman got to vote, equal opportunity with employment, how American female military are treated in the Middle East, how long it took before a woman was president, stuff like that.  We've got all that, don't we?  :lmao:

(Edited by Ken King at 8:17 pm on Feb. 16, 2002)


Ken's right, Sxy shouldn't be allowed to walk--she might run over herself. :lol:


The epitamy of rude are some of the trucks that are doing the road construction. Travelling to Mechanicsville, a royal blue flat bed had construction debris sitting loose on the bed. A big chunk of asphalt came flying off headed straight for my windshield.  Luckily it hit right next to the glass, but sounded like a gunshot when it hit. I got behind the truck, flashed my lights, and then tried to get next to him to see whose truck it was. This driver took evasive action. I couldn't even keep up with him. He pulled away from me, and I was doing over 70 mph trying to get close enough to see what company truck it was. A friend told me that when he worked construction at one time, they were told if incidents such as this happened, they were to just keep going!!
Not only rude, it could have been deadly!

(Edited by jellybean at 4:02 pm on Feb. 18, 2002)


Ok- two more examples of rude:

WalMart shoppers leaving their carts in the handicap parking spots, and also non handicapped drivers parked in those spots(when they aren't full of carts).


Jellybean that is leaving the scene of an accident and isn't only rude its against the law.  You should have gotten a plate # and went straight to the police.  

I was driving on the interstate once beside of a truck hauling lumber.  He had a strap arround it but the end of the strap was flapping arround wildly, well after a while it managed to get under the rear tire and that pulled the strap off and lumber went everywhere.  Luckily nothing happened to me, I was able to get out of the way quickly.  But he just kept on going, there were probably 30 2x4's all over the road.  

Something else that annoys me is the sheer number of people that pull right in front of the store and either park or sit there.  That is a fire lane and those people should be towed.  


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
And the winner is...

Stupid female in small black Acura...:spank:...speeding by and brushing my jacket with her car this morning--aaaargh!  If I'd have been able to get the tag # I'd have called the sherriff.  I don't ever remember seeing the car before so she must be an butthead from somewhere else.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Acura update:

I found out from a fellow jogger this morning and we swapped stories about that Acura.  This was just in passing, I told him to watch out for a black Acura and he mentioned this to me... He said that last week he as he was coming out to start his run, another woman was jumping in the bushes as the same car tried to hit her, it would have if she didn't.  The car didn't even stop.  Now come on...this woman driver must be crazy, you have to know how close you are to a person if they are jumping out of the way!  No one still has a tag # yet.  We all live on a road that is about a mile long (has about 10 courts branching off) and ends in a dead end, the speed limit is 25 and there are two lanes.  Traffic is usually light but the cars pass frequently during certain times of the morning.  There are lots of children at bus stops from 6:45am-8:30am.  I just can't imagine what this stupid idiot is thinking!


SxyPrincess on 11:21 am on Feb. 8, 2002[br]Rude is when I'm traveling down the road doing 70 mph or so and some idiot wants to get in front of me, causing me to brake! :lol:
 This sounds like my husband?  He's saying to ask if you are my husband...LOL


Ken King on 11:22 am on Feb. 12, 2002[br]Vraiblonde,

“It's rude to honk and yell at someone who makes a driving error - chances are good they already know they made a mistake and would wave a "sorry" at you, but you were too busy giving them the finger.  PS, it's rude to give the finger, in any circumstance.”  So when that idiot in the next lane starts coming over into my lane then it is rude for me to sound my horn alerting them to my presence and avoiding an accident.  I always thought that is what they make the horn for.  A rude use of the horn is like this guy down near where I live that beeps his horn every time he goes by a certain house regardless of what time of day or night it is or how about the people at stop lights that see a friend and just have to get their attention so they honk the horn.
How about it's rude to honk the horn beside somebody talking on the cell phone and jolting them into reality again :shocked:


geekboy on 7:18 pm on Feb. 11, 2002[br]Wow,  everyone is so confrontational before I moved here I never really saw it as prevelent as here.  That is part of what I was refering to as Maryland attitude, the "don't **** with me"  Maybe there are just alot of angry people here from their high stress jobs, mine has really been getting to me lately.  
Maybe it's the stress from driving in St. Mary's county  :dude:


SxyPrincess on 2:40 pm on Feb. 12, 2002[br]It's funny when I see someone in the Walmart parking lot with their turn signal on, waiting for a spot--I come right in behind them and take it... :lmao:
I love to do that too!  LOL! :moon:


Ken King on 1:02 pm on Feb. 16, 2002[br]Vraiblonde,
why not some special ones for the women or maybe oriental males for how they drive
Why lump us all into one category?:question:  Not all females are bad drivers.  :cussing:  Not all women are bad drivers only the ones too ditzy to realize what a danger they are too everyone around them... Personally in my 15 years of driving I've only had one ticket and no wrecks that were my fault?  Does this sound like a bad driver????


Sxy, because you're the only person who'll admit to being a bad driver.  :angel:
Besides, I never said you couldn't pick back.  :silly:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Here's to the DRUNK lady that came out of Ruby Tuesday's yesterday evening about 6:15.  She just about sideswiped the car next to her turning onto N/B 235, then as she was trying to sit up straight hits the curb, then straddled both first & second lanes and swerved all over to her hearts content.  :nono:

Then there was the guy that decided he needed to drive on the shoulder from Clarkes Landing Road all the way to the Hollywood light (then I turned off).  I saw him twice swerve and almost go into the ditch with dirt flying!  :eek:

One ahead of me and one behind me.... where's a cop when you need one!
and to think, the moon was not full!  


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Here's to the DRUNK lady that came out of Ruby Tuesday's yesterday evening about 6:15.  She just about sideswiped the car next to her turning onto N/B 235, then as she was trying to sit up straight hits the curb, then straddled both first & second lanes and swerved all over to her hearts content.  :nono:

Then there was the guy that decided he needed to drive on the shoulder from Clarkes Landing Road all the way to the Hollywood light (then I turned off).  I saw him twice swerve and almost go into the ditch with dirt flying!  :eek:

One ahead of me and one behind me.... where's a cop when you need one!
and to think, the moon was not full!  

mrs potts

I agree - drivers in DC and SMD are RUDE!  I often have had to make sudden movements just to avoid an accident!  And this law in MD - if you rear end a person ... YOU get a ticket, even if it is a chain reaction or the person CUT you off!  :-((


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Try driving a little Jeep Wrangler on the beltway!  Bigger cars have no respect - I guess they figure you'll get out of the way or be squished.  As a result, I'm an excellent defensive driver but geez!  It's a heart-stopping experience.

Here's what I saw the other day:

Older lady walking across the street in front of all of us waiting at the red light.  The front car is filled with teenagers and as the woman crosses directly in front of them, the driver honks at her - and it was loud!  Scared her half to death - she jumped, almost lost her balance and glared at them as she proceeded, while they were cracking up laughing.  The light turned and the car took off - I thought briefly about chasing them down and beating them with a tire iron.


And I know it wasn't Sxy unless she's gotten a recent sex change. :lol: