Rudy for President?


New Member
I was there when he was doing great things in NY (even before 9/11). He's motivated to do the best that he can.

I would REALLY need to know more about politics, but, if I were to have to vote today, I would give him a thumbs up. :bubble:


I agree that a Govenor and mayor of a large city make the best canidates for President because of their leadership experience. Possibly speaker of the house, senate majority/minority leader etc. Leadership ability is one thing that can not be taught.


New Member
I agree with Tonio that Guiliani needs to reach another, higher office in order to acquire the necessary experience to be president. Jumping from local office to federal office just is not practical.

Plus I am convinced he would not win a GOP presidential nomination despite these early polls. Far too many conservatives would be upset about abortion, gun control, gay rights. This guy was once a very liberal Democrat and the only reason he became a Republican was to advance in the Justice Department under Ronald Reagan was to change party.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
R Squared...

A mayor does not have the necessary experience to become President of the United States (neither did a governor from Vermont).

Please list who does have the experience to become President.

Ex Presidents?

You WAY under estimate Rudolph Guliani. 9/11 was not his crowning achievement, pulling NYC out of the cess pool it had become is his REAL success. It became the greatest city in the world again.

He made the cops proud of being cops again and not withstanding a few bad incidents, New Yorkers started seeing cops as heros again, long before 9/11.

He insisted that people be civil to one another; no more jaywalking, no more turnstile jumping, no more aggresive panhandling, crack down on drugs markets and other vice and so on. He got the trash picked up on time and maintenance and repairs done more timely.

Lib commentators spent endless column space during his first term decrying the loss of what they saw as NYC charm and character. Most everyone else called it 'crime' and said good riddance.

After this Terri Schiavo fiasco, Rudy's stock is on the rise.


Asperger's Poster Child
No one has yet mentioned another experience-builder for President--general. Besides Washington, ones that come to mind are U.S. Grant (a terrible President) and Eisenhower.


Routinely Derailed
I don't do a lot of research about individual politicians, so I freely admit I don't know much about Mr. Giuliani, but I haven't heard him say anything I disagreed with, nor has he done anything to make me uncomfortable about him. Although rraley makes a good point about Fedral and State government being different playing fields, I do like Mr. Giuliani and would vote for him, depending on the choice of candidates.


Lovin' being Texican
rraley said:
To vraiblonde...I think that senators make great presidents; the problem is getting them elected because so many votes in their past can be misrepresented. Look to history: Kennedy, Johnson (beside Vietnam), Truman. All great presidents who came from the Senate.

You should cast your net a little farther to the left. The saint of the Democrat party never served in the United States Congress. He did serve in the cabinet of a former president as Assistant Secretary of the Navy. He was a Governor.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Railroad said:
I haven't heard him say anything I disagreed with, nor has he done anything to make me uncomfortable about him.
I like Rudy but Tex is right - the Democrats would have a field day with him. However, it's highly likely that his moderate stance and leadership skills would coat him with Teflon and nothing would stick.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Cut that out....

I think that senators make great presidents; the problem is getting them elected because so many votes in their past can be misrepresented. Look to history: Kennedy, Johnson (beside Vietnam), Truman. All great presidents who came from the Senate

You cannot possibly mean that????????????????????????

Truman only came in second to Roosevelt in trashing the Constitution. LBJ was the most corrupt politician of his day until Clinton came along and Kennedy was simply a freakin mess.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Like what????

the Democrats would have a field day with him

What in the heck is any Democrat gonna do with a man who got along with every ethnic group in the most diverse place in the planet? Gays. Blacks. Hispanics. The Rainbow of people from South America and the Caribean and Europe.

What are they gonna say, he's to liberal socialy?


I bowl overhand
rraley said:
itsbob, Rudy Guiliani did do a great job of keeping New York moving forward. But I don't credit him or any other leader with the ability of pulling New York out of that terrible situation. The credit goes to the New Yorkers themselves and the nature of the American people...when we meet challenge, we move forward and cope with it. And when I watched TV after 9/11, I saw four people in NYC: Rudy Guiliani, George Pataki, Chuck Schumer, and Hilary Clinton. Shouldn't credit go all around and not just to the mayor?
NO.. The day NYC was attacked there was ONE brave, strong willed person on TV that led the ctiy out of disaster calmly LIVE on TV.. RUDY was the one walking through the dust and rubble telling people that everything was going to be OK to be calm, and where to walk to, where to go to be safe. The same time he was getting word of some of his best friends dying, here he was facing the public on TV and radio talking his people through a disaster. I personally don't recollect EVER seeing Hillary with any WTC dust and debris around her, and don't remember seeing her on TV at all until days after the fact, probably after she got results back from two or three polls to detemine what the people wanted to hear. Rudy knew who to call, and got things done that I don't think any other mayor in this country could have done. Within an hour he had Combat Air Patrols over NYC.. and he accomplished that as a MAYOR!!

Yeah, I could have cared less about Rudy before 911, but now am a huge fan. He showed the country and the world what it is to be American, and how we as a country face adversity, and would love to see him represent our country as it's next president!


I bowl overhand
Larry Gude said:
Please list who does have the experience to become President.

Ex Presidents?

You WAY under estimate Rudolph Guliani. 9/11 was not his crowning achievement, pulling NYC out of the cess pool it had become is his REAL success. It became the greatest city in the world again.

He made the cops proud of being cops again and not withstanding a few bad incidents, New Yorkers started seeing cops as heros again, long before 9/11.

He insisted that people be civil to one another; no more jaywalking, no more turnstile jumping, no more aggresive panhandling, crack down on drugs markets and other vice and so on. He got the trash picked up on time and maintenance and repairs done more timely.

Lib commentators spent endless column space during his first term decrying the loss of what they saw as NYC charm and character. Most everyone else called it 'crime' and said good riddance.

After this Terri Schiavo fiasco, Rudy's stock is on the rise.

:yeahthat: 911 overshadowed all of that, but the things he accomplished in that city prior to 911 were extraordinary!


Asperger's Poster Child
Larry Gude said:
Truman only came in second to Roosevelt in trashing the Constitution.
What did Truman do to trash the Constitution?

I've seen come columns lately criticizing the conservative rage against the judiciary. But the columnists don't mention FDR's unconstitutional "Court-packing" plan, which had the same objective of controlling the judiciary for purely political objectives.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Tonio said:
No one has yet mentioned another experience-builder for President--general. Besides Washington, ones that come to mind are U.S. Grant (a terrible President) and Eisenhower.
A pretty much do nothing president with the exception of the Interstate road system. Our past has rewarded good generals with the presidency. Being a good general does not qualify one for the presidency. The type of leadership is totally different. The leadership of a general is like that of a dictator. The leadership of a president is by assent.