Bruzilla said:
Rudy has the same skeletons in his closet as Bill Clinton did. I don't think that the Democrats could make much hay with those.
Hello? Tom Delay? Newt Gingrich? Trent Lott? George Bush? In fact, just about ANY Republican who has ever held office?
Democrats have very short memories when it comes to the pecadillos of their party members. Sandy Berger stole classified documents - where's that story? John Kerry just outed a CIA agent in the Bolton hearings - where's that story?
Oh yeah, I forgot - we're too busy worrying about Tom Delay's remarks about the judiciary and his piddling ethics violations to worry about actual crimes committed by Democrats.
Mark my words - if Giuliani runs, he will be the target of more attacks and smear campaigns than you ever saw. It's not "just sex" when you're a Republican.