Rudy for President?


I bowl overhand
2ndAmendment said:
A pretty much do nothing president with the exception of the Interstate road system. Our past has rewarded good generals with the presidency. Being a good general does not qualify one for the presidency. The type of leadership is totally different. The leadership of a general is like that of a dictator. The leadership of a president is by assent.
Agree, Schwarzkopf was a GREAT general, but would never be a good president. Powell was a very political General, and has a vast political backgorund, he maybe the exception to that rule.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
I would have a problem with Rudy on his lack of support for citizens rights under the Second Amendment. I had forgot he does not support the right of citizens to keep and bear arms.


Asperger's Poster Child
2ndAmendment said:
A pretty much do nothing president with the exception of the Interstate road system. Our past has rewarded good generals with the presidency. Being a good general does not qualify one for the presidency.
That was part of my point--that experience helps but only so much.

I wished Eisenhower had shown more leadership when the Brown vs. BOE decision was handed down. But then, would it have been politically possible for any president to do that in 1954?


ocean733 said:
Most of New York (from my personal experience) loved him as Mayor.
Maybe most of New York State loved him, but a lot of the people who lived in NYC came to dispise him.


Rudy has the same skeletons in his closet as Bill Clinton did. I don't think that the Democrats could make much hay with those.

I won't vote for Rudy because he's just as pro-gun control as any Democrat.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
Rudy has the same skeletons in his closet as Bill Clinton did. I don't think that the Democrats could make much hay with those.
Hello? Tom Delay? Newt Gingrich? Trent Lott? George Bush? In fact, just about ANY Republican who has ever held office?

Democrats have very short memories when it comes to the pecadillos of their party members. Sandy Berger stole classified documents - where's that story? John Kerry just outed a CIA agent in the Bolton hearings - where's that story?

Oh yeah, I forgot - we're too busy worrying about Tom Delay's remarks about the judiciary and his piddling ethics violations to worry about actual crimes committed by Democrats.

Mark my words - if Giuliani runs, he will be the target of more attacks and smear campaigns than you ever saw. It's not "just sex" when you're a Republican.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
alex said:
Maybe most of New York State loved him, but a lot of the people who lived in NYC came to dispise him.
New York State didn't vote for him - NYC did. Twice. Must not have despised him too much.


RUDY FOR PRESIDENT! what happened to the smiley with the American flag? :confused: