Originally posted by SmallTown
But with our people being killed over there everyday, you are saying that our highly skilled military can not handle a few outlaws in Iraq?
Not with their hands tied behind their back, no.
As I was in the shower it occurred to me why I scoff at this whole POW crap. It's the way it's been presented to us.
First came reports that POWs were being stripped down and Lynndie Englund laughed at their weenies. The public gave a collective yawn - tell someone who gives a crap.
Then came the reports of, "Well, they also wrote an ethnic slur on a POW's arm! AND they brought in a dog to bark at blindfolded prisoners to intimidate them!" Again, *yawn*.
So the story keeps getting tweaked until we can get the whole country in a state of outrage. Now Iraqi children are being raped and mutilated. Old women are being beaten to death. Yadda yadda yadda.
Now the Red Cross is getting in on the act with all kinds of stories of torture and abuse. My question is: the Red Cross has been there the whole time - why are they just now reporting abuse of this magnitude? The press has been there the whole time as well - why are THEY just now jumping on the "torture" bandwagon?
I think the whole thing is bullsh*t and Bush is buying into it to save his re-election chances.