Rumors of Civil War ..


PREMO Member

WOKE Waitress FIRED After LOSING HER MIND Over Trump Supporters Eating In Mexican Restaurant!​



Well-Known Member
It is interesting to me that the "News" sources that Leftist progressives run to...have become even more unhinged, more strident and less connected to reality. I see postings citing Vox, Politico, Center for American Progress, ...and there is this bizarre belief that these are actually valid news sites.
They throw out comments like "We are not longer living in a Democracy!"...Um, idiot, you never were.
"Trump is an Oligarch, living above the law!"...and you had no problem with the Biden Mafia family? Huh...
"He cannot defy a Federal Judge!"...Um, me in the Constitution where a district judge has more authority over a President....idiot.

All these laughable comments are easily shot down,...but even when factually countered...they continue running off to these horribly tainted source of their ginned up rage.

How does this relate to Civil War?...Just look at the opposing newspapers of 1858-1861....yup.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
It is interesting to me that the "News" sources that Leftist progressives run to...have become even more unhinged, more strident and less connected to reality. I see postings citing Vox, Politico, Center for American Progress, ...and there is this bizarre belief that these are actually valid news sites.
They throw out comments like "We are not longer living in a Democracy!"...Um, idiot, you never were.
"Trump is an Oligarch, living above the law!"...and you had no problem with the Biden Mafia family? Huh...
"He cannot defy a Federal Judge!"...Um, me in the Constitution where a district judge has more authority over a President....idiot.

All these laughable comments are easily shot down,...but even when factually countered...they continue running off to these horribly tainted source of their ginned up rage.

How does this relate to Civil War?...Just look at the opposing newspapers of 1858-1861....yup.
They become more and more unhinged every year.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
"We are not longer living in a Democracy!"

Well, we are living in a democracy, they just won't accept that they were outvoted.

"Trump is an Oligarch, living above the law!"

Trump is doing exactly what We the People hired him to do. They're just mad because we're getting our way, which is counter to what they want.

"He cannot defy a Federal Judge!"

When that judge has no jurisdiction - example, when said judge is trying to make presidential decisions - he should not only be defied, he should be removed from the bench. To quote the Left: "Who elected this guy to do these things??"

We learned during covid that there's an enormous segment of society that is triggered/reactive, like a feral animal. There's no common sense or logic involved, it's pure reaction to stimuli and instead of conditioning them to accept it they're being fed extreme propaganda and encouraged to flip out. It's a constant barrage of negativity and fear-mongering, completely irrational.

Democrats' good sense has left (ha) them. They're all Heaven's Gate people now. All People's Temple kook-aid drinkers. You can't reason with them or expect rationality. They're too far gone for that, and paid actors are relentless in keeping up the pressure.

This started with the demonization of Fox News and other conservative outlets. Democrats were conditioned to consume only one POV and one information source. Anything else was evil propaganda. I remember thinking back in the 90s that people were too smart to fall for that....then it turned out they weren't.

The internet was supposed to give us easy access to information, but all it did was reinforce cult behavior by giving the propagandists a larger audience. Social media stifling conservative news and opinions was part of the plan - they didn't want the cultists even accidentally seeing anything that might make them think. It became another tool for indoctrination.

So will there be an armed civil war? One could argue there already is. Democrats are rioting in the streets, beating and killing those they perceive to be their enemies. They're putting together militias on social media. Many times they don't bear any punishment for their actions. So far they're keeping it to their own communities - they can be as violent as they want and their victims will just take it because they've lived with Leftists their whole lives and are used to it.

But at some point it's going to spill over into conservative communities, and then there will be trouble. A couple years ago we had a group of young thugs from Atlanta and Birmingham try to riot and loot here in PCB, and cops from three counties AND state troopers landed on them like a ton of bricks. This was a planned invasion - they call it a "take over" event. They have one planned for Destin this year and cops are licking their chops at the chance to use their riot training again. They don't stand down and let the rioters express themselves like NYPD and Baltimore police. So we'll see if the thugs actually go through with it.

tldr; libprog cities and states are in a constant state of civil war, if you can call it that when there's no one fighting back. We need to think local and protect our communities.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Well, we are living in a democracy, they just won't accept that they were outvoted.

When that judge has no jurisdiction - example, when said judge is trying to make presidential decisions - he should not only be defied, he should be removed from the bench. To quote the Left: "Who elected this guy to do these things??"

Funny that the lefty loonies say we are in Constitutional crisis when Trump is following and enforcing that very Constitution.

And yet it is the wack jobs that see no issue with violating the Constitution by restricting, denying, or watering down our individual rights enshrined in said Constitution. That, is your democracy in action. It is a pick and choose way of governing, caring not for the people as a whole at all, but for the benefit of those only at the top.

It was said in a more enlightened period of humanity, "A fool contributes nothing and takes offense at everything." -- Aristotle


PREMO Member
We learned during covid that there's an enormous segment of society that is triggered/reactive, like a feral animal. There's no common sense or logic involved, it's pure reaction to stimuli and instead of conditioning them to accept it they're being fed extreme propaganda and encouraged to flip out. It's a constant barrage of negativity and fear-mongering, completely irrational.

Democrats' good sense has left (ha) them. They're all Heaven's Gate people now. All People's Temple kook-aid drinkers. You can't reason with them or expect rationality. They're too far gone for that, and paid actors are relentless in keeping up the pressure.

Operating on PURE EMOTIONS


PREMO Member

Terrorism How-To Guide Being Distributed to American College Students

Just when we assume things couldn't get worse, along comes Worse to remind us that we should be careful about assuming. Case in point: On Tuesday, we learned that a shadowy group is circulating a terrorist how-to guide among students. American college students, at Columbia University and, presumably, other institutions as well.

This little blood-red guide, we note, was produced by a group that celebrated the Hamas Oct. 7th attacks on Israel. It contains tips like:

Step 1 - Create a cell. A cell is an autonomous group taking actions without detection as part of Palestine Action Underground.
To build your cell, it is crucial that you only invite TRUSTED people to take part in it. You don't need loads of people either. Keeping the cell small, makes it more secure.

And then what is this cell to do? Read on:

Step 2 - Pick a Target. A starting point for research is to make sure your (sic) using a secure browser when looking into complicit companies.

And here's the goal:

Step 5 - Take Action. Adrenaline and nerves will be pumping through you at the same time. This is normal. Make sure you run through your plans right before taking action another time, to make sure everyone is on the same page. Then go for it.

Here's the cover; you see what we mean by "little red pamphlet."


The manual was discovered at Columbia by an online group that works to expose antisemitic activity.

Israel-based Shirion Collective, an online group that works to “track and expose” antisemitism, has shared screenshots of the manual on Instagram, claiming it was “found at Columbia University.” The group did not respond to a message from The Post on Tuesday asking it to elaborate on how and where the manual was found.
The full manual goes into great detail on everything from creating a “cell” of troublemakers to evading detection from law enforcement after committing criminal acts in the name of the cause.
Activists are advised to conduct reconnaissance missions, taking note of things such as security presence or police patrols, and whether the site has any cameras, alarms or barbed wire fences.
“How high a ladder would be needed to get over fences?” the guide notes.
The missive’s all-important step 4, “plan your action,” is where it veers into offering specific tactics for how to “destrupt [sic], damage or destroy your target,” with headings such as “spray paint,” “smashing windows and exterior equipment,” “block their pipes” and “break in.”

Note that they carefully and no doubt deliberately shy away from advocating for attacking people, only to commit acts of gross vandalism, arson, and intimidation. These are still acts of violence, carried out with the intent to intimidate to forward a political/religious agenda - ergo, terrorism.


PREMO Member

Florida man arrested for posting sickening threats against President Trump: ‘Fight me naked to the death’

The violent threats were quickly flagged to the US Secret Service, St. Lucie County Sheriff Richard Del Torro said.

“He just kept escalating his behavior,” Del Toro said. “He got the attention obviously of the United States Secret Service — and that got our attention.”

Del Torro said authorities had recently been keeping tabs on Todd over concerns for his mental health.

Neighbors told WPBF they’d recently seen deputies at the home of the suspect, who’d been acting strangely for some time.

The sheriff said a SWAT team moved in to apprehend him after he posted the disturbing video online, the sheriff said.

“It’s just very concerning for us,” he added. “Some of the things that have happened in the past to our president. We want to make sure we’re not leaving anything to chance.”


Well-Known Member
Trump is doing exactly what We the People hired him to do. They're just mad because we're getting our way, which is counter to what they want.

When that judge has no jurisdiction - example, when said judge is trying to make presidential decisions - he should not only be defied, he should be removed from the bench. To quote the Left: "Who elected this guy to do these things??"
Simple solution, move the illegals next door to judges and ones like Ratskins house, will change their tunes.