"We are not longer living in a Democracy!"
Well, we are living in a democracy, they just won't accept that they were outvoted.
"Trump is an Oligarch, living above the law!"
Trump is doing exactly what We the People hired him to do. They're just mad because we're getting our way, which is counter to what they want.
"He cannot defy a Federal Judge!"
When that judge has no jurisdiction - example, when said judge is trying to make presidential decisions - he should not only be defied, he should be removed from the bench. To quote the Left: "Who elected this guy to do these things??"
We learned during covid that there's an enormous segment of society that is triggered/reactive, like a feral animal. There's no common sense or logic involved, it's pure reaction to stimuli and instead of conditioning them to accept it they're being fed extreme propaganda and encouraged to flip out. It's a constant barrage of negativity and fear-mongering, completely irrational.
Democrats' good sense has left (ha) them. They're all Heaven's Gate people now. All People's Temple kook-aid drinkers. You can't reason with them or expect rationality. They're too far gone for that, and paid actors are relentless in keeping up the pressure.
This started with the demonization of Fox News and other conservative outlets. Democrats were conditioned to consume only one POV and one information source. Anything else was evil propaganda. I remember thinking back in the 90s that people were too smart to fall for that....then it turned out they weren't.
The internet was supposed to give us easy access to information, but all it did was reinforce cult behavior by giving the propagandists a larger audience. Social media stifling conservative news and opinions was part of the plan - they didn't want the cultists even accidentally seeing anything that might make them think. It became another tool for indoctrination.
So will there be an armed civil war? One could argue there already is. Democrats are rioting in the streets, beating and killing those they perceive to be their enemies. They're putting together militias on social media. Many times they don't bear any punishment for their actions. So far they're keeping it to their own communities - they can be as violent as they want and their victims will just take it because they've lived with Leftists their whole lives and are used to it.
But at some point it's going to spill over into conservative communities, and then there will be trouble. A couple years ago we had a group of young thugs from Atlanta and Birmingham try to riot and loot here in PCB, and cops from three counties AND state troopers landed on them like a ton of bricks. This was a planned invasion - they call it a "take over" event. They have one planned for Destin this year and cops are licking their chops at the chance to use their riot training again. They don't stand down and let the rioters express themselves like NYPD and Baltimore police. So we'll see if the thugs actually go through with it.
tldr; libprog cities and states are in a constant state of civil war, if you can call it that when there's no one fighting back. We need to think local and protect our communities.