TR...fascinating blend
Aggressive in empire building...Championed the cause of America's early entrance into WWI (Thank God Bryan would let us get in early!...look at the Somme!)...Big budget for military.
Social reformer: progressive, wants larger govt & agencies for public inspection & safety...higher taxes result.
Naturalist/conservator..friend of Muir, liked Animal sancuaries & habitat preservation (good hunting!)
Internationalist: Treaty of Portsmith (Russo-Jap war ends)...he brokered it.
Ticked off at Moslems in N Africa (Kidnapping incident enrages him)
Christian: never shrank from the ideals of evangelical Christianity within the Dutch Reformed church...regularly attended services & even spoke!
Family Man: loved his family intensely, experienced the loss of his first wife, loved sports,..stayed fit, hiked, Boxed, and loved Pranks.
We were a very blessed nation and better off because of him. I may not agree with all of his positions but he was one of our best.
Go rent "Rough Riders"...the video on 1898 and enjoy.