Running as a Republican for 29B


Pete said:
I am forming an exploratory committee with the intent for running as the Republican candidate for Delegate to the Maryland House for District 29B.

Oh - oh Do it!

I'll run against you in the primaries, and we can have debates and stuff. For fun though - we should talk like wrestlers during our debates.



Super Genius
Toxick said:
Oh - oh Do it!

I'll run against you in the primaries, and we can have debates and stuff. For fun though - we should talk like wrestlers during our debates.

I always thought it would be nice if there was a way to settle disputes in Congress with hand-to-hand combat...but that was back in the days of Newt "The Brute" Gingrich :biggrin:

Go Pete! Go Tox! Go stuff that I stepped in! ANYTHING IS BETTER THAN JPC! :yay:


Asperger's Poster Child
Pete, I'm in 29B and I'd like to see a GOP candidate who believes in keeping government out of people's wallets, bookcases, gun cabinets, bedrooms and churches. Sort of like classic meat-and-potatoes Republicans such as TR or Coolidge or Eisenhower, as opposed to Republicans like Tom DeLay or Rick Santorum or Sam Brownback.


Tonio said:
Pete, I'm in 29B and I'd like to see a GOP candidate who believes in keeping government out of people's wallets, bookcases, gun cabinets, bedrooms and churches. Sort of like classic meat-and-potatoes Republicans such as TR or Coolidge or Eisenhower, as opposed to Republicans like Tom DeLay or Rick Santorum or Sam Brownback.


New Member
Tonio said:
Pete, I'm in 29B and I'd like to see a GOP candidate who believes in keeping government out of people's wallets, bookcases, gun cabinets, bedrooms and churches. Sort of like classic meat-and-potatoes Republicans such as TR or Coolidge or Eisenhower, as opposed to Republicans like Tom DeLay or Rick Santorum or Sam Brownback.

Tonio Sounds like you are looking for a Reagan Republican. There may be one on the way soon.


In My Opinion
Damn, I would vote for my mother in law over JPC.

at least her breath would be better, and with her beard she would be more of a man than he is.


Asperger's Poster Child
Footballfreak said:
Tonio Sounds like you are looking for a Reagan Republican. There may be one on the way soon.
My views seem to be libertarian with a small L, with my social views somewhat more liberal that Reagan's. Reagan wasn't part of the religious right, but I didn't like the views of some of the people in his administration, like James Watt and Pat Buchanan. I definitely believe that both parties have become more extreme since 1980, which is one reason I don't belong to either party.


Asperger's Poster Child


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Well-Known Member
TR...fascinating blend

Aggressive in empire building...Championed the cause of America's early entrance into WWI (Thank God Bryan would let us get in early!...look at the Somme!)...Big budget for military.

Social reformer: progressive, wants larger govt & agencies for public inspection & safety...higher taxes result.

Naturalist/conservator..friend of Muir, liked Animal sancuaries & habitat preservation (good hunting!)

Internationalist: Treaty of Portsmith (Russo-Jap war ends)...he brokered it.
Ticked off at Moslems in N Africa (Kidnapping incident enrages him)

Christian: never shrank from the ideals of evangelical Christianity within the Dutch Reformed church...regularly attended services & even spoke!

Family Man: loved his family intensely, experienced the loss of his first wife, loved sports,..stayed fit, hiked, Boxed, and loved Pranks.

We were a very blessed nation and better off because of him. I may not agree with all of his positions but he was one of our best.
Go rent "Rough Riders"...the video on 1898 and enjoy.


Asperger's Poster Child
Hessian said:
Christian: never shrank from the ideals of evangelical Christianity within the Dutch Reformed church...regularly attended services & even spoke!
I haven't read as much about TR as some of you. But I don't believe that he desired or attempted to reshape government according to evangelical values. In my opinion, that's what the three modern Republicans that I mentioned want to do.