Running as a Republican for 29B


I am forming an exploratory committee with the intent for running as the Republican candidate for Delegate to the Maryland House for District 29B.


New Member
Pete said:
I am forming an exploratory committee with the intent for running as the Republican candidate for Delegate to the Maryland House for District 29B.

Do you have skeletons in your closet? :howdy:


New Member
Like this? :lol:


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Salt Life
Pete said:
I am forming an exploratory committee with the intent for running as the Republican candidate for Delegate to the Maryland House for District 29B.
Dude, get out of town. JPC has you beat by a long shot. You have no chance in this election. Boooooo!


Until such a time as I get my web site set up. Please refer all questions to my campaign mangager here at the below link.

Submit questions here :yay:

Remember a vote for Pete is a vote AGAINST Cusick!


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Knowing you IRL, I think you would do well as a delegate. You are thoughtful and intelligent. Maybe you should really declare. You would be a refreshing choice.

I have toyed with running for U.S. Senator, but when I watch CSPAN, I think I really don't want to waste my time like that. They do so much of nothing and pat themselves on the back for doing it. If I did run, my platform would be to repeal as many laws and do away with as many programs as I could.

Slogan: Least amount of government is the best government.


This is fun right?
2ndAmendment said:
Knowing you IRL, I think you would do well as a delegate. You are thoughtful and intelligent. Maybe you should really declare. You would be a refreshing choice.

I have toyed with running for U.S. Senator, but when I watch CSPAN, I think I really don't want to waste my time like that. They do so much of nothing and pat themselves on the back for doing it. If I did run, my platform would be to repeal as many laws and do away with as many programs as I could.

Slogan: Least amount of government is the best government.

get us back to "Right to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed" and you'll have my vote


RoseRed said:
Go Pete Go Pete Go Pete!!! :lmao:

Can I start putting banners up?<a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' border=0></a>


remaxrealtor said:
Can I start putting banners up?<a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' border=0></a>
Not yet, I am still exploring.

However send your ideas for banners here PETE for 29B !!


I bowl overhand
Pete said:
I am forming an exploratory committee with the intent for running as the Republican candidate for Delegate to the Maryland House for District 29B.
Seriously, you'd have my vote..