Satan ready to take his Woke Pope home?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The Catholic Church has been corrupt and on the take forever. Sorry, Catholics, truth hurts. I have no doubt there have been large "donations" tied to the ideology coming out of the Vatican.

It's like any entity. The players on the ground - you, your priest - are practicing what they preach and their hearts are in the right place. But the higher you go up the ladder, the farther they are from the mission statement, both morally and spiritually. Politics plays a part in everything, including organized religion.


America's Voice was talking about this Woke Pope and I missed it. Something about donations or something another. Did anyone else catch that?

I never thought I'd see a Pope mirror the radical Left’s propaganda. He’s against free-market economics and has deep Marxist leanings.


And yes, I think the Pope has a great deal of influence on our society and a big role in our government.


Well, this morning he had his weekly audience and attended. He looked like he was going to hurl and mentioned how he isn't well.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I said it and I have my reasons.

I did not grow up in the Catholic church, but after a terrible illness I had at age 8, my mother started taking me to the Catholic church and by 5th grade, I was in Catholic school where I stayed for several years. The Catholic church was very supportive to my parents when I was sick. My first encounter with a Catholic priest was waking up in a bathtub of ice hearing the Commendation of the Sick/Dying while in the hospital.

Amazing how I remember that well.

But anyway, I eventually became very active in the Catholic Church, receiving all the sacraments and later a member.

Years later, something in me snapped and I became disenchanted and disconnected to the church. Later the church was hit with several scandals.

So yes, I am judging the church based on knowledge of the church itself.

But when this Pope came along, he made me shudder. He is trying to be 'wordly/global,' etc. and it is all the things I was taught were wrong giving him the name "The Woke Pope."

He has cancelled several events lately and also saying he couldn't come to the window in the mornings. Now he is having breathing problems.

I have a feeling the next Pope will be worse, and it has only been as I have gotten older that I see the control the Catholic church has in society. To me, it isn't a good look. :ohwell:
What does WOKE mean? I've heard so many definitions... and some don't jive... so I'm asking... seriously... what does WOKE mean in this case?



What does WOKE mean? I've heard so many definitions... and some don't jive... so I'm asking... seriously... what does WOKE mean in this case?

It is hard to define because it does change depending on who you ask. I am conservative, maybe even more Libertarian leaning but in some instances open to progressive ideas.

Woke to me is defined as worldly, accepting of transgenderism, accepting critical race theory and opening up children to sexually at a young age, all of which I am against.

Next up... because people's opinions on this will vary.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
What does WOKE mean? I've heard so many definitions... and some don't jive... so I'm asking... seriously... what does WOKE mean in this case?

I may be 100% wrong, but most likely WOKE is an adherent of Critical Theory. If you are interested in a brief history lesson, look up something called "The Frankfort School" of the 1920's. Some believe it is the birthplace of Critical Theory. Basically a group of academics took Marx's economic philosophy and applied it to social questions.


Well-Known Member
OK... I spent the some time looking up Critical Theory as well as "The Frankfort School". Thanks, stgislander, for the lead. Dakota, I saw your reply as well, thank you. I also looked up "WOKE" and found it to be a "political" term.

So... am I to garner from all the gibberish going on... only the rich white republicans can get into Heaven? Are the rich white republican humans the "first fruits" I just read about?

So... am I to garner that if a woman is living on Social Security [after working for 50 years], freckled, and registered Independent... she is not worthy?

Are transgender humans not allowed to Believe?

Is the POPE supposed to decide who is "entitled" to hear the Word?

When I was a child, in a Baptist Sunday School, I was taught Jews were bad, because they hate Jesus. In the same class... I was warned never to marry a Catholic because they worship Mary not Jesus! They called it being "unequally yoked".

Since I have moved to Arizona.... I have learned about another "school". The "Christian" church decided it was their duty to "educate" the Native Americans on the "correct" way to live a "Christian" life. Most of the children didn't make it to graduation... and their graves are still being found in the fields behind the "school".

Now there's WOKE.

I've read the Bible through twice now... well at least twice... some parts I've read more than once. I'm beginning to think those rich white republicans have a different Gospel.

I read Jesus loved everyone... even the woman at the well... even the Samaritan... even Judas!

I don't buy WOKE is the way for Christians to go. I don't think Jesus will be checking a man's junk to make sure it's intact before admittance into Heaven.

God created each and every one of us.... and some were adorned with white skin... some freckled skin... and some dark skin. Should we just give up on seeing Heaven because the color God gave us doesn't match the "desired" skin color?

We don't need to change history... we just need to accept that the rich white republicans are full of bull on this front!

It's about protecting capitalism by blaming humans who "don't measure up".

Sorry... I am way off topic. I hope the Pope is a Believer. Remember, my church taught me the Pope was the head of the heathen Catholic Church that worships Mary as opposed to Jesus.

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Well-Known Member
We don't need to change history... we just need to accept that the rich white republicans are full of bull on this front!

It's about protecting capitalism by blaming humans who "don't measure up".

Can you please post articles you are referring to about rich white Republicans?
I wanna see which BS sites you follow as religiously as your bible...'s my definition of WOKE....Hypocritical Middle Class White Women who keep coming to public forums, spewing their lack of knowledge about faith & religion, just like their forebearers did at The Frankfort School...While completely trashing the group of people that built this great land and not being able to recognize their own bigotry.

Apparently, you have yet to realize that your bigotry against White Republicans exposes your very ugly soul & ensures your place in one of Dante's levels of hell...Enjoy your eternity...


Well-Known Member
Can you please post articles you are referring to about rich white Republicans?
I wanna see which BS sites you follow as religiously as your bible...'s my definition of WOKE....Hypocritical Middle Class White Women who keep coming to public forums, spewing their lack of knowledge about faith & religion, just like their forebearers did at The Frankfort School...While completely trashing the group of people that built this great land and not being able to recognize their own bigotry.

Apparently, you have yet to realize that your bigotry against White Republicans exposes your very ugly soul & ensures your place in one of Dante's levels of hell...Enjoy your eternity...
I don't do religion... because I was taught Catholics hate Jesus and so do Jews. I don't do religion because of John 3:16 which says "ANYONE who Believes". Religion seems to exclude anyone who can't afford the pew rental.

I used to be like you... I would attack anyone who said something I could not compute... but then... I started reading the WORD again and again... and I still kept reading... LOVE not HATE.

Here's the links... as you requested.... Critical Theory... Franklin School 1923 ,,, WOKE oh and WOKE...

Which links would you suggest....

If I go to hell... I'll buy you a drink... k?

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Well-Known Member
I don't do religion... because I was taught Catholics hate Jesus and so do Jews. I don't do religion because of John 3:16 which says "ANYONE who Believes". Religion seems to exclude anyone who can't afford the pew rental.

I used to be like you... I would attack anyone who said something I could not compute... but then... I started reading the WORD again and again... and I still kept reading... LOVE not HATE.

Here's the links... as you requested.... Critical Theory... Franklin School 1923 ,,, WOKE oh and WOKE...

Which links would you suggest....

If I go to hell... I'll buy you a drink... k?

1. So you don't do religion because you were taught to hate. Got it...Yet, you keep posting about religion...and only about religion. Your very own hypocrisy condemns you to damnation. i.e. Hell.

2. You're STILL attacking rich, white Republicans. Apparently, you need to KEEP reading The WORD because it's still failing to compute with you.

3. So the articles & links you're posting are to CONFIRM your hatred & bias of rich, white, republicans...written by rich, white, hate filled Democrats. Got it...

4. I don't suggest links. I go with my lying eyes & ears. They've proven to be much more reliable than someone else's opinions that they wish to foist upon me...Maybe go with your gut instinct?

5. I'm pretty sure you'll be going....Unless you're just planning for the ever popular deathbed absolution to wash away your obvious racial hatred & bigotry towards rich, white, Republicans...


The older I have gotten the more dangerous I realize religion is.

I enjoy listening to X Spaces. I was over the moon when they first came into play and really enjoy listening to others express different ideas. I have sat in some on religion and it can get overwhelming. The people bicker, talk over each other, each one wanting to be right insisting the other is wrong... it is frustrating.

I don't like this pope one iota. He gives me the creeps. :ohwell:


Well-Known Member
1. So you don't do religion because you were taught to hate. Got it...Yet, you keep posting about religion...and only about religion. Your very own hypocrisy condemns you to damnation. i.e. Hell.

2. You're STILL attacking rich, white Republicans. Apparently, you need to KEEP reading The WORD because it's still failing to compute with you.

3. So the articles & links you're posting are to CONFIRM your hatred & bias of rich, white, republicans...written by rich, white, hate filled Democrats. Got it...

4. I don't suggest links. I go with my lying eyes & ears. They've proven to be much more reliable than someone else's opinions that they wish to foist upon me...Maybe go with your gut instinct?

5. I'm pretty sure you'll be going....Unless you're just planning for the ever popular deathbed absolution to wash away your obvious racial hatred & bigotry towards rich, white, Republicans...
I don't hate... That's my problem with religion. I was taught hate not love in the church. They claimed I should not have anything to do with this group and that group. Jesus taught us inclusion.... I think this WOKE sounds like segregation.

Do you hate people because of the color of their skin? Do you hate people because they don't go to the same church?

I left the church when the preacher had an affair with my friend and then had her thrown out of the church to cover it up. I have nothing to do with religion. Humans give horrible examples.

Christians aren't supposed to dislike people because of their origin or their skin color or their religion. It seems, however, that rich white republicans do.

On top of that... I don't do religion because of Paul in the Bible. There are just too many unanswered questions about Paul and his relationships. Not interested in being preached to by a liar. Who saw Jesus knock him down? There were men around. He was on a mission to round up Christians for prison and death. None of those men saw Jesus knock him down? Really. Paul is what's wrong with religion.

AS for my bigotry towards rich, white, republicans.... I was one!!!! As some will remember I ran for commissioner in Calvert County as a Republican and I am of Irish and French stock... so, I'm a rich, white, republican.... and I am embarrassed to be called that after what I have learned.

I believe in Jesus. I believe He walked out of a solid stone tomb.... alive. I believe He is my Salvation. I just don't do religion.

I'm not going to hell... but if I do... I'll buy you a drink and you can tell me how wrong I am for eternity.

Jesus said it's almost impossible for a rich man to make it to Heaven.

Meanwhile.... IMHO this WOKE junk is not something Jesus would be happy about.

So, we should be considering our own attitude about Jesus and the Word without condemning those who don't look, act, or vote the way we want them too.

I'm sorry about the Pope... never figured him for more than a man with a fancy well-paying job... oh... rich white.... oh...



Well-Known Member
I don't hate... That's my problem with religion. I was taught hate not love in the church. They claimed I should not have anything to do with this group and that group. Jesus taught us inclusion.... I think this WOKE sounds like segregation.

Do you hate people because of the color of their skin? Do you hate people because they don't go to the same church?

I left the church when the preacher had an affair with my friend and then had her thrown out of the church to cover it up. I have nothing to do with religion. Humans give horrible examples.

Christians aren't supposed to dislike people because of their origin or their skin color or their religion. It seems, however, that rich white republicans do.

On top of that... I don't do religion because of Paul in the Bible. There are just too many unanswered questions about Paul and his relationships. Not interested in being preached to by a liar. Who saw Jesus knock him down? There were men around. He was on a mission to round up Christians for prison and death. None of those men saw Jesus knock him down? Really. Paul is what's wrong with religion.

AS for my bigotry towards rich, white, republicans.... I was one!!!! As some will remember I ran for commissioner in Calvert County as a Republican and I am of Irish and French stock... so, I'm a rich, white, republican.... and I am embarrassed to be called that after what I have learned.

I believe in Jesus. I believe He walked out of a solid stone tomb.... alive. I believe He is my Salvation. I just don't do religion.

I'm not going to hell... but if I do... I'll buy you a drink and you can tell me how wrong I am for eternity.

Jesus said it's almost impossible for a rich man to make it to Heaven.

Meanwhile.... IMHO this WOKE junk is not something Jesus would be happy about.

So, we should be considering our own attitude about Jesus and the Word without condemning those who don't look, act, or vote the way we want them too.

I'm sorry about the Pope... never figured him for more than a man with a fancy well-paying job... oh... rich white.... oh...

It took you all of that to declare what most of us already know?

You're a rich, white, Republican Karen, whose trying to convince...I'm not sure who...that you're NOT religious, when all you do is hold discussions about religion...and YOU typically come to the wrong conclusion, yet you keep spewing BS like we should listen to you...

You have a problem with Paul of Tarsus from the Bible...actually, it sounds like you have a lot of issues with the sounds like you have alot of hate & bigotry as well...

You say you have an issue with WOKE ideology...while preaching WOKE ideology...

You're just a walking pile of hypocrisy...and yet, too WOKE to realize it....