Saturday Night!


yeah yeah
Originally posted by mainman
speakin of stinkin....since this thread is so far :offtopic: anyways. My office was alittle rough today and after some investigation, I found a low carb shake that I only half way finished....jeeze :barf:
That was enough to knock a buzzard off a sh!t wagon...

EW!! That is nasty! YUCK! I cant for some reason get the smell off my car. Damn.. its annoying.


T'was a joke

Originally posted by cariblue
Erin, it's not so much that I dislike you, you're just a sappy, easy target.
But I'm glad I'm an easy target for you. Figured you'd need someone more bi#ch like yourself.



yeah yeah
Originally posted by mainman
don't ruin it for me watercolor, I thought Pixie and I had somethin special. :shrug:

Im so sorry hon. I will be sure to take your feelings in to consideration next time I mention pixie lovin everyone. :wink: :kiss:


b*tch rocket
Re: Re: T'was a joke

Originally posted by cariblue
Thank you, Erin. I work hard at it, but I seem to be losing my touch lately.

Yes you have. You're turning into such a wuss anymore. :duh: I even saw her petting a dog once! :yikes: (She normally poisons them or beats them with her witches broom)

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: T'was a joke

Originally posted by cariblue
Hold my beer, watch this.

:yikes: cari, don't you know those are the last words of many a person around here. :lmao:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: T'was a joke

Originally posted by cariblue
Does that mean I have to leave now and never come back?
No, I meant it was more like their last words before they became a Darwin award winner. :wink:


aka Mrs. Giant
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: T'was a joke

Originally posted by jazz lady
:yikes: cari, don't you know those are the last words of many a person around here. :lmao:
I thought it was "hey ya'll watch this" :shrug:
Btw Cari loves dawgs and they love Cari :razz:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: T'was a joke

Originally posted by cariblue
Anyway, I guess it didn't work. Nobody would hold my beer.
I didn't need it. I still have a few beers left after all of those choruses of "99 bottles of beer on the wall"... :cheers:

bottoms up

New Member
Originally posted by watercolor23
just FYI- a joke about racisim.. is not funny in any way. just letting ya know.

:rolleyes: thank god i'll be too busy today to delve into this mess again.

someone please remove all the blonde/black/white/polish/redneck/man/woman/etc jokes from this board before I return so that there is NO JOKE about any race whatsoever to offend someone. :rolleyes:
Last edited:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Originally posted by bottoms up
someone please remove all the blonde/black/white/polish/redneck/man/woman/etc jokes from this board before I return so that there is NO JOKE about any race whatsoever to offend someone. :rolleyes:

I didn't know blonde, polish, redneck, man and woman were races. :confused:
