I am so sorry to hear of your loss, Bill and your Mother, I pray for you. I just lost my mother on the 23rd, it's hard...but your a strong lady, hang in there...Giddy will be a big help to you. Lean on your friends, thats what they are there for.
Hugs and Prayers
I dont know you that well either,but to have lost you mum and you Bill all in a few weeks is so very sad.
May Bill find his peace and you, yours.
I will continue to keep you in my prayers. .........................and many, many more.
This thread should be turned into a book....it shows the strength of one women who has been thru so much, and the support of friends & strangers thru words of encouragment and hope....it is truley amazing if you read from the beginning..the out pouring of love from folks...and Paso has encourage us thru her strength thru all her struggles and pain...Paso, I don't know how anyone could not love you after reading all that you have been thru and how you have encouraged folks/starngers thru your strength to come together and support one another thru hard times....God bless you, your story and seeing the support you have recieved from others has been a blessing to me....again, I will be praying for you during these times of sorrow...
Bill had developed pneumonia on Christmas eve...they wanted to put him in ICU and intubate him..I refused. We ended up taking all his meds etc way from him and letting him pass...it took a week. He passed the day mom was laid to rest in Fl....New years eve...
I now go tomorrow to see how much debt I will be in for a funeral... Thanks for all the prayers..
I am looking forward to my "free" life in 2009. Wish me luck... Hugs all Paso