Scary Stuff

Charles said:
The problem with that is all he does is dial in the number of the throway phone buried in the explosives in the truck you are now driving and into orbit you go.
Well, in this fantasy he is using Verizon. I know where the dead zones are and would go park there.


New Member
Homer J said:
Anyone heard about this? I just got this e-mail from a co-worker. Don't now if it's a hoax or not.

Hello All-

Yesterday we got briefed by NCIS on an incident that occurred out in town
that directly affected the security of our base.

Around 1700 Monday, 23 July, a truck driver of Middle Eastern decent
approached a Hispanic man in the San Souci parking lot area offering him
$200 to drive his trailer truck on base. The Hispanic man turned him
away and then reported it to the authorities
. No one knows what was in
the trailer truck nor did the trailer truck attempt to gain access to the
base. The Security group wants to spread the word so everyone can be very
vigilant and report any suspicious activities to the authorities. They are
asking that if anyone notices anything to please call 911 and identify their
location and what they have seen. Local authorities are aware and are on
the lookout for this individual or any other suspicious activities.

Please disseminate this information to your groups, the more awareness we
have, the better.

Wow, what a cool guy. He deserves our thanks.


"Fluffy world destroyer"
Geek said:
Wow, what a cool guy. He deserves our thanks.
From what I hear he was NOT going to report it. He told his mother and she reported it. He didn't want to because he has a criminal record......


dont be dumb
desertrat said:
I think I'd take the $200 and the truck and go straight to the cops. Let the guy try to get out of here on foot.

good idea, then you just killed a building full of cops if it was remotely triggered..... But hey 200 is 200
CAPPY2609 said:
good idea, then you just killed a building full of cops if it was remotely triggered..... But hey 200 is 200
Ok, I didn't mean drive the truck any further than out of his sight. Ya' really think I wanna drive a bomb up 235? That's scary enough as it is.


dont be dumb
Ken King said:
Or maybe a "green card".

Wow how insightful you are! :buttkick:
Dont you see that this fear of the concept of an unseen enemy works to the bad guys favor? We start jumping at shadows and making assumptions about each other leads to further mistrust.
Remember the "red menace" the "yellow peril"?


nobody really

I need a nap
Dutch6 said:
From what I hear he was NOT going to report it. He told his mother and she reported it. He didn't want to because he has a criminal record......

which brings up another question: how did this guy know that the guy he was offering the money to - how did he know he could get on base? you have to have a "sponsor" to get on base, i.e., if i was expecting a delivery i would have to let security know they were coming and they would have to present an i.d....You can't just drive on base, especially with a semi. :coffee:

And if this guy that was offered the money has a criminal record, it kinda makes me doubt he's got a job on base as tight as security is
How the heck was any random guy going to even drive a tractor trailer? This type of truck isn't just a truck that delivers furniture from the local rent-a-center.


New Member
Seems like a well worded hoax to me. First we have "man of middle eastern decent". That's boogey man #1 right there. He approached a Hispanic man in a parking lot and offered him cash for a job. Why was a Hispanic man in a parking lot? He was probably an illegal alien.

You got the current two ethnicities in the news right involved in some random exchange in a parking lot. Perfect set up because we know middle eastern men are trying to bomb things and all those illegal Hispanics are hanging out in parking lots looking for work.

You can't just drive a tractor trailer it's hard as hell. You can't just sit in one and drive it well enough to get on base. Also, if it didn't have a ####load of paperwork it wasn't getting on base anyway. They wouldn't need to approach a random stranger to help blow up the guard shack.
Gwendolyn said:
Seems like a well worded hoax to me. First we have "man of middle eastern decent". That's boogey man #1 right there. He approached a Hispanic man in a parking lot and offered him cash for a job. Why was a Hispanic man in a parking lot? He was probably an illegal alien.

You got the current two ethnicities in the news right involved in some random exchange in a parking lot. Perfect set up because we know middle eastern men are trying to bomb things and all those illegal Hispanics are hanging out in parking lots looking for work.

You can't just drive a tractor trailer it's hard as hell. You can't just sit in one and drive it well enough to get on base. Also, if it didn't have a ####load of paperwork it wasn't getting on base anyway. They wouldn't need to approach a random stranger to help blow up the guard shack.
You have many valid points. However, I verified the story with my security officer. He says, "True."

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It is not some big deal...

Gwendolyn said:
You can't just drive a tractor trailer it's hard as hell. You can't just sit in one and drive it well enough to get on base. drive a tractor trailer. Driving one well is certainly a skill and takes time, but, to be able to move through traffic and onto, in this case, a base is no big deal. We're not the only nation on the planet with trailer trucks. There's probably plenty of illegals who drove on back home who might be having trouble getting licensed and the medical card here.

As for the rest of the story, I have no idea. Just don't feel like tractor trailers are beyond easy use for an attack.


Methodically disorganized
beachcat said:
You can't just drive on base, especially with a semi.
Thank you! I was waiting to read that someone posted this thought. Even under a casual security check, no medium or large truck should be able to drive onto a base without being given a run-through.

The suspect's choice of an accomplice is also interesting; apparently trying to find someone who would not be likely to report the incident.


I AM an enigma
hvp05 said:
Thank you! I was waiting to read that someone posted this thought. Even under a casual security check, no medium or large truck should be able to drive onto a base without being given a run-through.

The suspect's choice of an accomplice is also interesting; apparently trying to find someone who would not be likely to report the incident.

Do you think that it may have been a "dry run" using the mexican as a scape goat? Just to see how hard it would be to get the truck on base? Maybe it was just a recon. I don't know...just my guess.


Stop Staring!!!!!
hvp05 said:
Thank you! I was waiting to read that someone posted this thought. Even under a casual security check, no medium or large truck should be able to drive onto a base without being given a run-through.

The suspect's choice of an accomplice is also interesting; apparently trying to find someone who would not be likely to report the incident.

Add to this fact that after a certain time every night, They just don't allow any Tractor Trailers to drive on Base. They have a dedicated lot they make them sit in until the next morning. I am unsure as to what time this actually starts each evening but I hear them make reference to it quite often. They come in Gate 1 or 2 and check in and the guards make them turn around and go to wherever this lot is down by gate 3. Sometimes they just pull over and sleep right on the shoulder of the base gate access lanes.

The only trucks they usually let through are the ones delivering to Station Weapons. They have a tendency of showing late at night, probably planned that way, and they usually seem to have a police escort, sometimes 2 to escort them in.