Scary Stuff


Methodically disorganized
Purplefox said:
Do you think that it may have been a "dry run" using the mexican as a scape goat?
:shrug: Seems kind of risky to me. If they decide they're going to do it, it's probably not good to attract attention well beforehand.


Stop Staring!!!!!
If this had been a "real" delivery attempt the driver would have had a Point of Contacts Name and Phone Number. If he could not get on the station he would have called the POC or had his dispatcher call. So it definately was not an authorized delivery attempt. If it happened at all.

There are just way too many holes in the way this took place for me to even believe that the original report was even authentic in the first place. But at least the DOD and Sheriff's Dept took it seriously. I guess they have to and thats a good thing.


I AM an enigma
Jeff said:
If this had been a "real" delivery attempt the driver would have had a Point of Contacts Name and Phone Number. If he could not get on the station he would have called the POC or had his dispatcher call. So it definately was not an authorized delivery attempt. If it happened at all.

There are just way too many holes in the way this took place for me to even believe that the original report was even authentic in the first place. But at least the DOD and Sheriff's Dept took it seriously. I guess they have to and thats a good thing.

AMEN to that!!


Stop Staring!!!!!
Purplefox said:
AMEN to that!!

One of the Sheriffs Deputies was unsure as to how to report what she was doing. I think they agreed on calling it routine traffic observation.

They have to kind of keep track of what they are doing and when so I guess she was not quite sure as far as how to log this time spent looking for this vehicle while she was parked at the Base Gate.

I have to give the local officers credit. You could tell by the message traffic over the radio as well as the seriousness in their voice that they were taking this rather seriously. It could just as easily had been put out as just a general "Keep your eyes open" kind of thing with no serious effort behind it.


My 401K is now a 201K
beachcat said:
I work on the base in the headquarters bldg. Haven't heard a word about it.

Isn't that typical?:killingme

Seriously, there was a base wide announcement today concerning this....Which 'headquarters bldg.' do you work at?

*sorry, saw you got the email too*

I saw an amazing thing this AM going into Gate 1- a cop sitting in the parking lot of the Pax museum - I never see a cop on Rt. 235 just sitting there....:lmao:
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Darwin was right
SEABREEZE 1957 said:
Isn't that typical?:killingme

Seriously, there was a base wide announcement today concerning this....Which 'headquarters bldg.' do you work at?

*sorry, saw you got the email too*

I saw an amazing thing this AM going into Gate 1- a cop sitting in the parking lot of the Pax museum - I never see a cop on Rt. 235 just sitting there....:lmao:

OK to talk about speculations of what is going on outside the gate, who the real boogy man is and all...but NOT good to use the forums to discuss what we observe in the changes in the security posture of the facility.


New Member
You bunch paranoid freaks!! Muslims are our friends. Stop with all this unfair hyperbole and racial profiling. Don't make me contact the ACLU!! :duh:
hvp05 said:
:shrug: Seems kind of risky to me. If they decide they're going to do it, it's probably not good to attract attention well beforehand.
'Tis risky, they're suicide bombers.
They are constantly probing security at airports, other transportation, etc. Doesn't mean they are going to do it exactly that way or at this base, just that they are considering options and possibilities. This whole story makes no sense though. Why drive a truck down here and then look for someone to get it on base? Why something as large and obvious as a flatbed? Why not a van? If it was a bomb and you're a suicide bomber why not drive right through the gate? Why pick a target where the guys have guns? They tend to look for targets like busses and markets and places that are not well protected. Could he have been driving for a legitimate delivery company? Not likely for reasons others have stated. I can hear the dispatcher now. "OK Abfug, four of these packages go to warehouses out in town. For this last one, though, you'll need to hop out of my $$$ truck, hand the keys over to someone you don't know and wait for him to come back".


New Member
desertrat said:
Ok, I didn't mean drive the truck any further than out of his sight. Ya' really think I wanna drive a bomb up 235? That's scary enough as it is.
We're only quoting what you actually said. KABOOM

nobody really

I need a nap
CableChick said:
I say the mexican lied and this whole story is made up. :shrug: time will tell.
I agree - he was probably late getting home to his mama and needed an excuse. I'm not doubting that NCIS had to investigate and its "true" in that sense, but i do believe the hispanic dude was fibbing.


Zoom Zoom Zoom
desertrat said:
Ya' really think I wanna drive a bomb up 235? That's scary enough as it is.

Why not, I do every day only my product is gasoline. Do you like my bumper sticker? :yum:


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New Member
:eyebrow: :eyebrow:
Homer J said:
Anyone heard about this? I just got this e-mail from a co-worker. Don't now if it's a hoax or not.

Hello All-

Yesterday we got briefed by NCIS on an incident that occurred out in town
that directly affected the security of our base.

Around 1700 Monday, 23 July, a truck driver of Middle Eastern decent
approached a Hispanic man in the San Souci parking lot area offering him
$200 to drive his trailer truck on base. The Hispanic man turned him
away and then reported it to the authorities. No one knows what was in
the trailer truck nor did the trailer truck attempt to gain access to the
base. The Security group wants to spread the word so everyone can be very
vigilant and report any suspicious activities to the authorities. They are
asking that if anyone notices anything to please call 911 and identify their
location and what they have seen. Local authorities are aware and are on
the lookout for this individual or any other suspicious activities.

Please disseminate this information to your groups, the more awareness we
have, the better.
it was a truck full of RED!!!!!!!!!!!I HATE RED!!!!!!!!!!!BOO RAGHEAD RED SENDERS!!!!!!!!!!!BOO!!!!your red cant get to me on base redsenders. I HAVE GUARDS!!!!!!!!1 YEA GUARDS!!!!!!!! your red cant hurt me anymore...... my friends ALL SEND ME GREEN NOW!!!!!!!!!!!YEA GREEN!!!!!!!!! BOO RED!!!!!!!! SEND MORE GREEN!!!!!!!!!YEA GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!REDSENDERS GO TO GITMO FROM NOW ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and you dont get to leave GITMO!!!!!!!!