Schiff's Hot Takes and Whining


PREMO Member

Loser Adam Schiff Melts Down Over Trump Being Reinstated to Twitter

Karl connected the January 6 committee hearings with Trump's tweets, which Schiff was also too happy to jump on. "Watching the January 6th Committee hearings, Trump's tweets were a big part of the story to be told. What do you think of him being back on Twitter," Karl asked.

"I think it's a terrible mistake and you're absolutely right," Schiff said as he began a rant. "As we showed in the January 6th hearings, the president used that platform to incite that attack on the Capitol, his comments about the vice president, his own vice president, put Mike Pence's life in danger. He showed no remorse about that. He continues to lie about his actions on that day. He talks about pardoning the people who attacked police officers and attacked the Capitol that day. And it contradicts what Elon Musk said that he was going to establish a counsel to evaluate this and further contradicts Musk and his claimed concern about bots on his own platform to subject the decision to a poll on the platform that could be easily abused that way," he continued.

Schiff didn't just go after Trump, but Musk as well, jumping on another hysterical leftist bandwagon. "It just underscores the erratic leadership of Twitter now under Musk, but also the security concerns, with security people fleeing Twitter and what that means for the protection of Americans' private data," he also lamented.



PREMO Member
Schiff doesn't know if he would obey a GOP subpoena to testify

How many times have we been lectured by Adam Schiff during his endless appearances on CNN and MSNBC about the “obstructionist” Republicans and various Trump associates who failed to cooperate with the J6 committee hearings? We already know how seriously Congressman Schiff takes such matters because Steve Bannon is currently facing a serious stretch behind bars for refusing to appear after he was sent a summons. But now that the GOP is preparing to take charge in the House and begin some investigations of their own, how will Adam Schiff respond if he is the subject of a subpoena? Based on an answer that he gave to Dana Bash yesterday, we’ll have to wait to find out. You see, the subpoena will have to meet his personal standard of credibility to avoid having him simply ignore it. (Conservative Brief)

Democrats pushed to have Steve Bannon prosecuted for not complying with a Congressional subpoena, but now it is Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff who is not willing to guarantee that he would comply if Republicans subpoena him.
He appeared on the CNN show “State of the Union” on Sunday when host Dana Bash mentioned the topic of Congressional investigations.
“The incoming oversight chair, James Comer, told Punchbowl News in an interview, ‘I don’t believe congressional investigations have a whole lot of credibility now. I blame Adam Schiff for that, but it’s also both parties to blame for investigations in the past. I want to change that.’ What’s your response?” she said.

My apologies for the cliffhanger in the excerpt, but Schiff’s tirade was really a classic moment of political finger-pointing and obfuscating in the history of cable news. He first tees off on James Comer, accusing him of “not taking seriously” a number of investigations handled by the Democrats. He lists investigations involving Russia, Ukraine, and, of course, January 6th. He then lumps them all together as investigations into the “serial abuse of power by Donald Trump.”


Well-Known Member
No one on the left has the slightest perspective. They lose their minds over Trump's mean tweets -

Kind of ignoring the fact that virtually every single left leaning press outlet busts and insults him, his wife, his children and everything he does in a way they would never tolerate for themselves, since the moment he came down the escalator to now almost two years after he has left office.

This would be like little Ralphie in A Christmas Story getting reprimanded for bad language by the school authorities after he - FINALLY - unleashes hell upon Farkus who had been terrorizing the neighborhood for weeks. (Years are implied).

You cannot go ONE DAY without crap about Trump. Like, ever. Maybe the left believes he deserves it. It doesn't matter -

Schiff believes TRUMP'S words don't belong back on Twitter
- well I don't think HIS bullchit should be allowed ANYWHERE. HIS foul crap is everywhere.


Well-Known Member
I would like to think that even the most stupid of leftists would see that Schiff is without any semblance of integrity, honesty, or even intelligence. What Sam charges to perspective I charge to hate and ignorance & fear.

They hate Trump, they fear Trump an they are ignorant to the good things that Trump got done.
That's said Trump is a man that is rich and has always said whatever it was that ran through his head at the time . He doesn't think before he runs off at the mouth. To me his greatest redeeming value is that he does love America and he wants what is best for Americans, he isn't in it for power or money or to keep his shitty political job.

I suppose there are levels of those wiling to hurt our country for their own aggrandizement or power or riches, and those who just plain like to force their wrong headed opinions on others.

The level that Schiff is on is definitely the bottom of the barrel, but unfortunately those democrats elected from California in the past few years are the sludge from that barrel.
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Schiff Blasts McCarthy, Says GOP Leader Only Wants Him off Intel Committee to Appease QAnon

Schiff then went farther off the rails, blasting McCarthy for kowtowing to the desires of Marjorie Taylor Greene, Paul Gosar, and Matt Gaetz:

McCarthy’s problem is not with what I said about Russia; McCarthy’s problem is he can’t get to 218 without Marjorie Taylor Greene, Paul Gosar, and Matt Gaetz, and so he will do whatever they ask, and right now they’re asking for me to be removed from my committees and he’s willing to do it. He’s willing to do anything they ask, and that’s the problem.

So, why did Schiff single out the above three House Republicans? Let’s let Schiffty explain.

Kevin McCarthy has no ideology. He has no core set of beliefs. It’s very hard not only to get to 218 that way, it’s even more difficult to keep to 218. That’s his problem, so he will misrepresent my record, he’ll misrepresent Eric Swalwell’s record, or Ilhan Omar. Whatever he needs to do to get the votes of the QAnon caucus.

As you likely recall, the whacked-out conspiracy group QAnon was made infamous by Qanon Shaman Jacob Chansley inside the U.S. Capitol Building on January 6, 2021 — and was rewarded with more than three years in prison for his ridiculous antics.

The Bottom Line

Schiff, like all Democrats in the aftermath of the 2022 midterm elections, is terrified. The only problem for Schiff is his history of lies against Donald Trump. Like Trump, or loathe him, Adam Schiff has no business sitting on the House Intelligence Committee — or any other committee.

Once a liar, always a liar, in my book. Adam Schiff is just one of those people who can’t be trusted.


Well-Known Member
Perfect Christmas gift for that teary eyed Lib in your life.

Hurry! Limited supplies!
Pencil Neck.png


Beloved Misanthrope
Back when I was a kid, life was going swell
'Til something happened, blew everything to hell
That night my daddy stumbled in, all pale and weak
Said "A woman up the block just gave birth to a geek."
Mom said, "Sell it to the circus, what the heck!"
Dad said, "Nope, this one's a pencil neck
And if there's one thing lower than a sideshow freak
It's a grit eatin', scum suckin', pencil neck geek."
  • Haha
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PREMO Member

Schiff knocks McCarthy’s threat of removal from Intelligence Committee

“McCarthy’s problem is not with what I have said about Russia. McCarthy’s problem is, he can’t get to 218 without Marjorie Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar and Matt Gaetz. And so he will do whatever they ask. And, right now, they’re asking for me to be removed from our committees. And he’s willing to do it. He’s willing to do anything they ask. And that’s the problem,” Schiff said on CNN’s “State of the Union,” referring to conservative Republican representatives from Georgia, Arizona and Florida, respectively.


“Kevin McCarthy has no ideology. He has no core set of beliefs. It’s very hard not only to get to 218 that way — it’s even more difficult to keep 218. That’s his problem,” Schiff said on Sunday.

“So, he will misrepresent my record. He will misrepresent Eric Swalwell or Ilhan Omar, whatever he needs to do to get the votes of the QAnon caucus within his conference.”

Schiff’s comments come a week after Omar swung back at McCarthy over his plans to oust her from the House Foreign Affairs Committee, accusing the GOP of wielding “fear, xenophobia, Islamophobia and racism” to target her and promulgate hatred toward “Muslim and African voices.”

' African ' Voices have no place in American Congress ..... let Africans go speak in Africa


Well-Known Member
Mis representing Schiff's record is the bast thing that could happen to that lying sack of dung.
The record he has would shame a 14th. street whore.

If Schiff isn't the lowest crawling snake in the House I don't know who is, and that is saying a lot.


PREMO Member

I'd like to see Schiff PUBLISH the ' Facts ' and where this data is coming from
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Well-Known Member
Kinda like our resident whiney ##### Hemi.
Hemi stays here because we are his only REAL friends while his wife hangs out at the Marine Detachment in her free time...
Nobody outside of these forums likes him or gives him the respect he earns & deserves, here...


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Hemi stays here because we are his only REAL friends while his wife hangs out at the Marine Detachment in her free time...
Nobody outside of these forums likes him or gives him the respect he earns & deserves, here...
Hemi's only here because someone kicked the crust off of the turd.