Schiff's Hot Takes and Whining


PREMO Member

Oh Look, Adam Schiff is Lying Again: Schiff Launches Media Disinformation Campaign on Rape Pregnancies

The study being cited, Rape-Related Pregnancies in the 14 US State With Total Abortion Bans, states, 'To estimate rape-related pregnancies, we multiplied the state-level estimate of vaginal rapes by the fraction likely to result in pregnancy and then adjusted for the number of months between July 1, 2022, and January 1, 2024, that a total abortion ban was in effect.'

The study estimated the number of rapes using CDC and Federal victimization self-reporting surveys from 2016/2017 and 2022 and then assumed a percentage of women aged 15 - 45 could have gotten pregnant.

No actual pregnancies were recorded in the data.

They further state, 'Because to our knowledge no recent reliable state-level data on completed vaginal rapes (forced and/or drug/alcohol–facilitated vaginal penetration) are available, we analyzed multiple data sources to estimate reported and unreported rapes in states with total abortion bans,'

So, assumptions built on assumptions, built on estimates.

Nevermind that, the Democrats have a Presidential campaign to run on abortion!



PREMO Member

Adam Schiff Is Big Mad at Justice Department for Taking Too Long to Prosecute Trump

While Schiff insists that his criticism is motivated by a desire for justice, it is abundantly obvious that this is more about politics.

Schiff made his remarks during an appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union.” The host brought up Schiff’s disagreement with Attorney General Merrick Garland’s handling of the investigations into the former president, particularly when it comes to the timing.

The lawmaker responded, noting that the Justice Department “did wait at least a year to look beyond the foot soldiers, that is, those that broke into the Capitol that day and refrained from looking at those who were the inciters of the attack on the Capitol.”

He continued, lamenting that the cases against Trump could stretch beyond the election.

And yes, I think that delay has contributed to a situation where none of these trials may go forward, although it is still my hope and belief that at least one or two of them might go forward before the election. So yes, the Department bears some of that responsibility.

Schiff pointed out that “when they did bring the indictments, there was still time to bring those cases in a timely way” and complained that Trump’s legal team is now responsible for any delays in the proceedings.


PREMO Member

‘We’re Taking This Seriously’: Adam Schiff is Paranoid Trump Will Throw Him in Prison

“We’re taking this seriously because we have to,” Schiff said. “We’ve seen this movie before … and how perilous it is to ignore what someone is saying when they say they want to be a dictator.”

Such fears are a response to recent comments by Trump, who said that Schiff and other members of the corrupt January 6th committee should be prosecuted and imprisoned.

A notorious conspiracy theorist, Schiff also shared his belief that the Supreme Court is seeking to defend Trump over the politically motivated prosecution related to the former president’s actions in the wake of the fraudulent 2020 presidential election.

“I’m fearful that the Supreme Court is deliberately slow-walking this,” Schiff said, complaining that the court should not be looking at Trump’s claim that he has presidential immunity against prosecution.

“The claim is borderline frivolous … they’re drawing it out just enough to make it almost infeasible to try [the cases] before the election,” he continued. “It’s still possible to get it done. And I think voters deserve to have that information.“


Well-Known Member
A dream come true. In all of the annals of pieces of excrement Adam Schiff stands very close to the top.

Don't get me wrong the list of Democrat excrement is a very long list, and Schiff does not stand high in the ranks of highly placed scum.
But as a low life of low intelligence that vomits out lies he is a abominable POS.


PREMO Member

The tweet concludes, "These concerns stem from recent remarks made by Trump, who stated that Schiff and other members of the January 6th committee, whom he labeled as corrupt, should face prosecution and imprisonment."

They should face some reckoning. As we reported in January, the January 6 committee allegedly deleted 117 encrypted files just days before the Republicans were set to take over the House. Last summer, Rep. Barry Loudermilk, chairman of the Subcommittee on Oversight for the Committee on House Administration, told Fox News Digital that the January 6 committee "failed to adequately preserve documents, data and video depositions – including communications it had with the Biden White House that are still missing."



Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I find it interesting that he feels Trump may imprison him. Is he worried because he is guilty of a crime or is he worried because he has shown that the innocent can be imprisoned?


PREMO Member

The Hill reports:

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) sought to make a statement about former President Trump’s criminal conviction Thursday, repeating the word “guilty” 34 times in a row, once for each of the former president’s guilty counts in the Manhattan hush money case.
The move by Schiff came at the beginning of his line of questioning during the House Judiciary Committee’s hearing on Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s (D) office and its investigation into Trump’s hush money scheme during the 2016 election.
After being recognized by Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) during the hearing, Schiff said, “I want to begin by quoting the jury in the Manhattan hush money payment trial.”
“Guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty,” he said. “This was what the jury pronounced, unanimously on every count.”



PREMO Member

Remember when Obama droned that innocent wedding party? We do. Should he go to jail for that, Adam?

Having taken up a case they never should have, having waited until the last day to issue the opinion, having known it was the defendant’s strategy to deny justice by delaying it, the Court now remands the case for further proceedings of indeterminate length, ensuring there will be no accountability for Trump’s insurrectionist crimes before the election.

In other words, now they can't use this to keep Trump out of the Oval Office which was their plan from the beginning.



Beloved Misanthrope
Shut up, Bozo. Your whole party is imploding, and you're one of the main culprits that got them to this point. For 250 years, presidential immunity wasn't needed. Your party crossed the Rubicon in weaponizing the DoJ to go after former presidents. You did this to yourselves.

Best response.


Active Member
Shut up, Bozo. Your whole party is imploding, and you're one of the main culprits that got them to this point. For 250 years, presidential immunity wasn't needed. Your party crossed the Rubicon in weaponizing the DoJ to go after former presidents. You did this to yourselves.

Best response.

Why can't the dems understand this? Everything that they have thrown at Trump could be reflected back at them. All these indictments and other crap they spew seems like confessions to me.


PREMO Member

DERANGED Adam Schiff Demands Cognitive Tests From Trump & Biden Because Trump Has 'Serious Illness'​
