School bus problems


Material Girl
PREMO Member
ClairJhean said:
...then proceeds to threaten to suspend a 4 YEAR OLD PREK student because he is annoying her.. I could go on and on about this.. there is so much more... Our kids have a 55 minute ride from school to home.. that hard on little ones...
I could never put a 4 year old on a bus for that long. :ohwell:


New Member
thank you for the ideas and input on this. A bunch of parents , including us have called the county commissioners office and left a message and have also gotten the name and number of the LEAD director ot the Transportation Dept. WE left him a message also stating if we do not hear from him that this matter would be made public and we would take it to the next level.

thank you all agian for your advice and input it was very informing.


Active Member
They are remodeling the technical center atm, they just did leonardtown highschool. They are always doing networking and computer upgrades and stuff. But if you want the answer you are looking for, goto moakley street in leonardtown (near the hospital) and swing by the board of ed building and take a gander at the cars in the parking lot...


b*tch rocket
:lol: I'm just giggling because my bus driver when I was a kid would smack you around if you acted like a jackass on the bus, and my parents opinion was "if you didn't act like a jackass, you wouldn't have got a whack upside the head" .:shrug:

Boy how times have changed. :lol:


New Member
My bus driver used to scare us by telling us that if we told a lie, our belly buttons would fall off. And at that age, normally if you were talking, you were lieing. :lol: He was pretty cool. He kept us entertained. But our bus was rarely full and the ride was only about 30 minutes.

I agree with Steve. The County Commisioners is the place to go. I also HIGHLY encourage you and the other parents to also start going to the school board meetings and make it an issue of discussion. This is also where you'd learn of the budget and where the money goes from your taxes.


New Member
I see a parent who is obviously concerned for her kids safety. Not to mention the pains that little 4 year old is going through.. I pulled my daughter of the bus for two years after having it out with the school, transportation and the bus driver himself.
This man was a menace on the road. Having clipped several tree branches and a curb at least once that I saw.. He threatened the kids, one so viciously that he would get off of the bus on a daily basis in tears...That is a terible experience for a child... To be left in the care of a man who berates you and lords over you. I mean some kids fear their bus drivers more than their parents. This should be addressed publicly so tha tany school in any county can see and make some kind of adjustment to the system...
Some drivers are very nice, good moms and decent people, but that nut needs a spanking.


New Member
ClairJhean said:
Oh man.. Ya know.. I am having serious problems with the afternoon bus ride ... My kids go to Oakville..
The driver is supposedly the "safest and best driver they have ever had" but.. the bus is over crowded and she seats these kids 4 to a seat in many cases and the rest are 3 to a seat.. she had my two kids and another 5thgrader.. IN a seat that should only hold 2 kids at most!
then proceeds to threaten to suspend a 4 YEAR OLD PREK student because he is annoying her.. I could go on and on about this.. there is so much more... If this driver is so safe.. and this kid is doing so much like she has said... why did she not turn around and go back to the school??? i dont understand how she says that this one little 4 year old is her biggest problem and yet my kids say he isnt and that the other kids( bigger ones) are provoking him and when he tried to tell the driver.. she told him to sit down and leave them alone and when he continued to try to tell her.. She blamed him for missing a bus stop and said he screamed in her ear.. my kids both told me that he was crying and kept trying to tell her that this older boy was not leaving him alone..
a few of us parent have gotten together on this one.. we also spoke with the 4 (now 5 year old) parent.. THey are getting nowhere with the school or the transpertation dept.. and neither are we.. so the other parents have decided to go to the Superintendant (ms).. which the little kids parents have done.. which after a meeting got them nowhere ... now not only does the driver not say anything to the parents.. she writes him up for everylittle thing now..
THose parents found out that they do infact have video cameras ont he buses... but were denied being able to view them o see what is going on with thier son.. why? because they arent ADMINISTRATERS..(ms)
I am sorry but that is rediculas..

any other parents have a problem with buses... Our kids have a 55 minute ride from school to home.. that hard on little ones...

We as parents should have that right to look at those tapes.. dont you agree?
I tell you what my heart was aching thinking about that poor 4 yr old being terrorized by older kids. He was telling an adult as all children are instructed to do if they feel they are in trouble. It sounded like he tried over and over again. The poor bus driver is stressed and yada yada yada.... bs! The bus driver should also be responsible to notify the authorities if the bus is over capapcity, if the bean counters didn't catch it on paper.
If that was my child I would not be fiddle fartin around trying to go through proper channels if the first one didn't work. Yes you should have a right to view those tapes as I believed they were installed for trouble makers and safety reasons. Some installed though are not operable only hollow models to make students believe they are being taped.
I agree with others take it to the media, take it to the commissioners, take it to Dyson, Hoyer, etc, anyone who would listen. But by god tell those parents not to take their pansy azzed answers until they get satisfaction! But do it quickly as that little 5 yr olds self esteem and trust is being ruined more and more each day. Not to mention the safety issues involved. Good luck!


Children need to know that their parents will ALWAYS protect them, no matter what it takes. They need to know that authority figures (e.g., teachers, bus drivers, principals, etc.) cannot and will not get away with hurting them (physical, emotional, verbal) because their parents will take action against such individuals forcefully and immediately.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
somdfan said:
Children need to know that their parents will ALWAYS protect them, no matter what it takes. They need to know that authority figures (e.g., teachers, bus drivers, principals, etc.) cannot and will not get away with hurting them (physical, emotional, verbal) because their parents will take action against such individuals forcefully and immediately.

Not to get on my political soapbox here but this is what happens when government has too much power. We peon citizens seem content to let our elected officials handle things so we can get back to our TV and Cheeto eating. And when they DON'T handle things, we feel powerless to force them to correct the problem.

Those are OUR tax dollars that pay these people. That's OUR money and they are OUR employees. If you owned a bookstore and your stockboy was stealing or even just not doing his job, you'd take action, wouldn't you? We, the People, OWN our government and we have a perfect right to expect performance and accountability.


The hamster litter reject
DoWhat said:

How about that the parents are paying tax money for the transportation to and from school? The only time a student should be denied a safe and secure ride to school is when they are acting inappropriately. When you pay for a service, you expect it to work. Also, working parents and those with busy schedules are also bound to find it difficult at times to bring their students to and form school.


New Member
SOrry it has ben a while but thank you for the replies they are helpful.. As now my child was now ( who is 5 years old btw) was SUSPENDED OFF THE BUS because of a bunch of bullshit excuses.. the driver taking him to school is great.. she and i have a good repore. its the afternoon driver... My neighbor just started sending her son ( whom is my sons best friend) to oakville.. I suggested to the head of Transporation that they sittogether since my son was now sitting alone because he would not sit in his seat cause he wanted to talk with his friends.. ( long story in itself), They have not done it.. so my son tried to talk to his friend in front of him.. and because of that.. he got wrote up and suspended ... HE now hates going to school and doesnt want to ride the afternoon bus because "she is mean to him"...
So i drive him to school for the day he got suspended off the bus and asked why my son was not sitting with his friend and why he was all by himself.. they said they were going to start it the following week ( since he was suspended on friday).. I said "well dont you think this would not have happened if you had just done what Reed had suggested?" They said No i dont think it would have helped him at all.. SO i replied with.. SO you think my son is a lost cause???? No reply...
SO now the bus driver is refusing to sit them together.. and my son sits alone.. my daughter sees all.. and now carried a small tape recorder for the ride home.. THey supposedly have the cameras working but.. We shall see.. I am calling Reed Walker tomorrow... I am now done with going through the channels.. ANd the onlyu way the Transportation Dept calls me back is when i tell them if i dont hear from them within the hour i go to The county commisioner or the delegate... they call back very quickly... this last time i told Reed that I would not hesitate going to his office and also coming with the news crew if need be.
THe over crowding has been handled.. finally thanks to the parents complaints.. and even a few drivers i had talked with... but this driver.. I just want to ... GRRRRRRRRRRRR...
I have learned also that this is getting personal... not only with my kids but my friends children as well..
I have told them all that i am now taking this personally...
It is rediculas...


New Member
hamsterfang said:
How about that the parents are paying tax money for the transportation to and from school? The only time a student should be denied a safe and secure ride to school is when they are acting inappropriately. When you pay for a service, you expect it to work. Also, working parents and those with busy schedules are also bound to find it difficult at times to bring their students to and form school.

THis is very true since i had to miss work because of this.. and would you believe the school actually suggested that maybe my son needed a longer break and that maybe driving him for the rest of the following week would help him!!!!!!! I put my son on the bus the following week and the driver taking himn to school said tha i was right to do that because these people dont realize parents work and that it is not fair to the kids. SHe also said that they dont realize that these little ones are only 4 and 5.. and they are the ones who are having the hard time because this is all new to them too .. and all they get is alot of negativity and hardly any notice when they do something good...


New Member
here is something i just found... interesting because I dont see any of this happening at all.. Maybe this driver and others like her should re read what was hadned to them: (I also just printed this out a few times to hand out to the other parents.) here is the link as well if any other parents are interested:

How to Deal with Over-Active Students

and Other Behavior Problems

On The Bus

The most critical factors for preventing behavior problems include:

· Be clear on the behaviors you expect on the bus. Tell the students the behaviors that you like and do not like. Give them examples and show them.

· Be predictable and consistent. Do not change the way you deal with students depending on your mood. Have clear and fair consequences.

· Have a “time-out” seat close to you, if possible.

· Have students with the most severe behavioral problems sit near you, closest to the window seat. Maintain visibility to and from the student.

· Whenever possible, take the student aside when you have reached your destination and talk about his/her behavior. Speak calmly and matter of factly. Give warnings and explain what the consequences of breaking the rules will be. Then, follow through.

· Avoid embarrassing the student, or yelling at them. Some people think embarrassing the student will cause him or her to straighten up faster. That is just not so. This can and does escalate the problem and make it more difficult for you and the student. Do not criticize when correcting a student. Criticize the behavior, not the student.

· Practice, modeling (showing the student how to act) and review your behavioral expectations and rules. Sometimes seating the student next to a peer who exhibits good behaviors helps the child imitate appropriate ways to act.

· Head off problems with preventative tactics:

Þ Teach your rules (Keep hands, feet and objects to yourselves; stay in your seat facing forward; be kind and courteous; speak to your neighbor quietly, etc.).

Þ Post your rules and review them often. Reinforce students who are sitting and acting appropriately.

Þ Praise is the best verbal reinforcer. You could choose a different student each day to lead the students off the bus who has shown an improvement in behavior. Notice the student when he or she has been good (for a change). Tell him/her and compliment him/her.

A list of Don’ts

1. Don’t be fooled by inconsistency or assume the student is deliberately acting up because you have observed that at times he/she is able to sit and be good. Students with ADHD are inconsistent in their behavior. Sometimes they can sit still, sometimes they cannot.

2. Don’t give up on trying helping the child improve his/her behavior. Students with ADHD often don’t respond to your positive attitude immediately.

3. Don’t surround yourself with negative peers who are critical of students, are not open or receptive to new techniques and strategies, or are not updating their skills.

Do Keep Up The Great Job! We Appreciate All That You Do!

This handout was prepared for bus drivers of elementary school students by the

Department of Pupil Services, St. Mary’s County Public Schools



I agree that bus drivers need more training, the schools should have more buses to prevent overcrowding and this particular bus driver obviously has a chip on their shoulder and is taking it out on the kids.

But... the other side of this coin is that many bus drivers DO REPORT problems to the schools and NOTHING is done. It has gotten so bad that my son's bus driver has driven to the State Police Barracks with the kids still on the bus to get help with unruly students that make it difficult for her to drive safely.

Unfortunately the St. Mary's County Public School's Student Handbooks are a joke. They NEVER follow their own procedures and unfortunately only threats of legal action or calls the county commissioners work to get YOUR SPECFIC problem addressed. It does not FIX the overall problem.

As for being allowed to view video tapes I bet they trotted out the old privacy issue as well. After all while little Johnny may be beating on your son you are not little Johnny's parents so you can't see him or any other student that is not yours on the video. :rolleyes:


New Member
yeah they did bring up the privacy issue about the videos.. they said that it is for admin purposes only and thats when i said.. "well i AM the admin. for my son so i have the right to see the tapes." they didnt take me seriously.. Until i brought i mentioned in the presence of legal counsel if need be. Now I am waiting for them to respond... I told them they have until wedneswday to allow me to see the tapes or the next calls i make are to the county commisioner , the delegate and my lawyer. We shall see..


The Smart Hooker
Alot of kids think just because they are on the bus and there is no teacher then they can act like a bunch of little hoodlums. Kids don't respect the bus drivers or their authority. By all means I'm not sticking up for bus drivers who are just in it to make a few extra dollars while their kids are in school. There are some kids though that just have no respect for anyone period.

Not to long ago there was a video tape released on the news. Apparently there was a kid who kept picking on this one particular kid and beat him up. The mother contacted the school board, apparently nothing happend. So one day while the bus driver was dropping off the one student the mother jumped on board the bus and starting hitting the bully. :lmao: