School Fires.



I've got 10$ bucks says, James adds "Irradicate SOMD Forums to his agenda." :lmao:

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

BS Gal said:
Once again: Do you or did you have a restraining order against entering certain State/County buildings and do you or did you used to drive around in a station wagon with posters of some kind all over it? I'm trying to figure out if you are the guy I think you are. Honest answer, pullllllllllllleaaaaaaaase.

:whistle: No, no, I never had any restraining order of any kind ever put against me. One time after I painted the Court House in Leonardtown telling them they were a pack of thieves, then in Court the State Attorney told Judge Raley that they wanted me to agree to stay off of the Court property. Then Judge Raley said that he did not think the Court could order a citizen to stay off of public property. So then I jumped in and stopped the conversation by telling every one in the Court room that I was not going to stay off of anything and certainly not the Court House. Then Judge Raley demanded that I stay in the Detention Center for 18 month to "think about it", and so I did, BUT, there never was any restraining order. Factually told, a Court can not put a restraining order on any one unless that person agrees to it, FYI.

2) It was Charlie Mattingly that you must be refering to. He use to have big signs on his car and he got thrown out of many gov offices in Leonardtown. I do think that he did agree to a restraining order to stay away from the Court House. He irritated Judge Briscoe some thing fierce. So I did know Charlie but I am not that guy with the signs on his car.

#3) Yes mam, I always do give honest answers. Abe Lincoln is one of my idols.
:howdy: --------------- :coffee:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
JPC said:
:whistle: No, no, I never had any restraining order of any kind ever put against me. One time after I painted the Court House in Leonardtown telling them they were a pack of thieves, then in Court the State Attorney told Judge Raley that they wanted me to agree to stay off of the Court property. Then Judge Raley said that he did not think the Court could order a citizen to stay off of public property. So then I jumped in and stopped the conversation by telling every one in the Court room that I was not going to stay off of anything and certainly not the Court House. Then Judge Raley demanded that I stay in the Detention Center for 18 month to "think about it", and so I did, BUT, there never was any restraining order. Factually told, a Court can not put a restraining order on any one unless that person agrees to it, FYI.

2) It was Charlie Mattingly that you must be refering to. He use to have big signs on his car and he got thrown out of many gov offices in Leonardtown. I do think that he did agree to a restraining order to stay away from the Court House. He irritated Judge Briscoe some thing fierce. So I did know Charlie but I am not that guy with the signs on his car.

#3) Yes mam, I always do give honest answers. Abe Lincoln is one of my idols.
:howdy: --------------- :coffee:

Why thank you for that honest and eye-opening response.


JPC said:
#3) Yes mam, I always do give honest answers. Abe Lincoln is one of my idols.
:howdy: --------------- :coffee:
Perhaps you could dress up like old Abe and campaign :yay: I bet it would stir some serious interest AND it would draw attention you the similarities between yourself and old Abe. :yay:


Well-Known Member
JPC said:
Factually told, a Court can not put a restraining order on any one unless that person agrees to it, FYI.

let me guess, another product or your self edumacation, right????

I'm sure eveyone who hass had a restraining order issued against them has said "you know judge, youre right, i shold be prohibited from being around (insert thing or person you are terrorizing here)"

be interesting to see how many people accidently vote for you, you know noone will do it on purpose. :yay:


This is fun right?
JPC said:
:elaine: According to the Metropolitan Regional Information Systems, as reported today in the Enterprise, the prices of median homes in Southern Maryland has risen 23 percent in this past one year. So now most homes in St. Mary's County are priced at over $300,000.

:yay: See I told you that the inflation is our enemy. It will keep going up more and it is mostly because of that Base expansion and it needs to be stopped. The inflated home prices mean first sell out and then get out.

Just remember the solution to our problem is coming soon in District 29B.


A typical DemocRat that hates the military.

I think the fact of a larger move to the Rural areas (from the cities) has been a larger effect/affect of the rise in Home prices, than a base expansion


This is fun right?
BS Gal said:
..... did you used to drive around in a station wagon with posters of some kind all over it? I'm trying to figure out if you are the guy I think you are. Honest answer, pullllllllllllleaaaaaaaase.

Lol!!!! I've seen that Station Wagon, anyone seen the house off of 228 protesting the war?


JPC Sr. Do you have any actual supporters??? If so could you tell us who they are so we can find out what mental institution they escaped from.



New Member
JPC Sr., at your blog, you had written
Inside the regular true school buildings are sprinkler systems and fire alarms and the true school buildings are made of brick and block that do not burn.

I was at Carver tonight for partners in print and noticed the following.

1) The trailer type classrooms have smoke detectors in them. How is this different from fire alarms? Should I take the smoke detectors out of my house and look into buying fire alarms?

2) The "true" school building has wooden window frames, wainscotting in the hallways, drywall over wood framed walls throughout the interior, along with electrical wires. On top of that, they have a kitchen/cafeteria inside. Where was all of the brick and block, or is Carver not considered a "true" school?

concerned parent


Iron City
SAHRAB said:
A typical DemocRat that hates the military.

I think the fact of a larger move to the Rural areas (from the cities) has been a larger effect/affect of the rise in Home prices, than a base expansion

Excuse the crap out of me son....this kook is not a "typical" democRat. I take issue with that. Just what is a typical democrat in your world? :coffee:


Lem Putt
mrweb said:
Excuse the crap out of me son....this kook is not a "typical" democRat. I take issue with that. Just what is a typical democrat in your world? :coffee:

Kennedy, Hillary, JPC, Dean, Jesse Jackson, Marion Berry.... Sorry to answer for you SAHRAB, but this one was too easy.


New Member
The Facts

Here are some facts that have not been posted yet.

First off, the cause of the fire, based upon the Maryland State Fire Marshal's investigation and formal report, the listed cause of the fire is noted as "pyralisis". It had nothing to do with electrical. Pyralisis is a phenomenon caused when wood, which is near a heat source such as a fire place or through wall heater, has an accelerated form of decay due to the constant heating and cooling. When oxygen and other conditions surrounding the wood hit exactly right, the wood spontaneously combusts.

Second, not all schools in St. Mary's County have automatic fire suppression systems. Several do not. Many of those that have been renovated over the past several years have had them installed, but those over 25 years old likely have none.

As far as fire alarms, the trailer classrooms have fire alarms, since building and life safety codes require them. The alarms are inter-connected to the main building so an alarm will activate the main alarm and notify the monitoring center and generate an alarm to the main building and all of the trailers for evacuation purposes. The problem with some of the alarms is that they are not automatic in some cases. Some may have only a manual pull stations that require a person to activate the alarm. This meets the code and protects the occupants, but during times when no one is inside to pull the alarm, it does little to protect the structure. The primary function of the alarm is to alert occupants to an emergency and have them exit to safety.

Finally, quoting your ridiculous letter to the BoE you write "...the true school buildings are made of brick and block that do not burn". You left out steel beams and metal studs and everything else that goes into commercial construction that doesn't burn. Again, a very misinformed statement. If your statement was fact, you'd never need a sprinkler system in the first place, right? Why have a sprinkler system in a building that certainly can't burn. Fact is that while these materials themselves may be non-combustible, the wall covering, wood doors, carpet, wire insulation, desks, chairs, wall art/decorations, school supplies and most everything else in the building which is not part of the construction is 100-percent combustible. These are the materials that cause a building construction of bricks and mortar to burn to the ground.

So, before you go try to light your own fires, get the facts straight and pull your head out from whatever hole you keep it in. :smack: