School holds surprise 'Gay' Day for kindergartners


New Member
sounds a little like a Barak Obama sex ed plan.... You have to start them out young, after all indoctrination works better the longer it's done.....:popcorn:

Parents outraged at public elementary's secretive 'coming out' event

Posted: October 22, 2008
9:34 pm Eastern
By Chelsea Schilling
© 2008 WorldNetDaily

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Some parents are shocked to find their children are learning to be homosexual allies and will participate in "Coming Out Day" at a public elementary school tomorrow – and they claim the school failed to notify parents.

One mother of a kindergartner who attends Faith Ringgold School of Art and Science, a K-8 charter school in Hayward, Calif., said she asked her 5-year-old daughter what she was learning at school.

The little girl replied, "We're learning to be allies."

The mother also said a Gay Straight Alliance club regularly meets in the kindergarten classroom during lunch.

According to a Pacific Justice Institute report, Faith Ringgold opted not to inform the parents of its pro-homosexual activities beforehand. The school is celebrating "Gay and Lesbian History Month" and is in the process of observing "Ally Week," a pro-"gay" occasion usually geared toward high school students.

The school is scheduled to host discussions about families and has posted fliers on school grounds portraying only homosexuals. According to the report, a "TransAction Gender-Bender Read-Aloud" will take place Nov. 20. Students will listen to traditional stories with "gay" or transgender twists, to include "Jane and the Beanstalk."

Some parents only recently noticed posters promoting tomorrow's "Coming Out Day." When WND contacted the school to confirm the event, a representative replied, "Yes, it is scheduled on our calendar."

When asked if the school made any efforts to inform parents, she refused to answer and said the Hayward Unified School District would have to respond to additional questions. However, the district did not answer its phones or e-mails, and a voicemail recording would not take messages. "Coming Out Day" is not listed on the district's online school calendar.

School holds surprise 'Gay' Day for kindergartners


In My Opinion
just keep the kids home from school that day so they are not taught to embrace filth.

problem solved.

If this were high school, I would say send the kids in with full permission to refer to the homos in anyway they see fit, with any words that might come to mind. But the kids in the story are too young to be used for political pawns.


New Member
I'm just glad that students are spending days on this instead of math and science. Certainly this is the way that our children will be competitve with the Europeans and Asians.

...where is that sarcasm tag?


I'm just glad that students are spending days on this instead of math and science. Certainly this is the way that our children will be competitve with the Europeans and Asians.

...where is that sarcasm tag?

Yeah. That and their age is my only real problem with this. If they're going to do something like this in school at all, they should wait until they get to high school. Really though, they need to be learning academics, not PC.


This is such a crock of ####. You're not allowed to say a prayer in school, but you can teach these kids about being gay. What a load of crap. I would have pulled my kid out of that school immediately.


In My Opinion
Yeah. That and their age is my only real problem with this. If they're going to do something like this in school at all, they should wait until they get to high school. Really though, they need to be learning academics, not PC.
It does not belong in school at all.
this push for brainwashing the kids into being homo friendly is the major reason that so many are strongly anti homo anything.


Well-Known Member
This was a charter can't tell me this wasn't mentioned in the PTA meetings or something :duh:

Also...if the school can celebrate Black History Month without needing to send home letters to parents then I see no reason they can't celebrate another minority month of GLBT without sending letters out :shrug:

I completely agree that their time is better spent learning Math and Science though :yay:


professional daydreamer
just keep the kids home from school that day so they are not taught to embrace filth.

problem solved.

I guess you missed the part about the parents not being notified. Did you even read the article?


New Member
This is stupid. little kids don't need to learn about being fags. It soounds liek the principal needs a good ass wiping by an outraged parent. that would send a message that shinanigans like this will not fly.


In My Opinion
I guess you missed the part about the parents not being notified. Did you even read the article?
Some parents only recently noticed posters promoting tomorrow's "Coming Out Day." When WND contacted the school to confirm the event, a representative replied, "Yes, it is scheduled on our calendar."

This is what I was making reference to. They did get some notification for that, did you actually read the whole thing?

All that aside, It would be fair if they had a ("My parents are normal and are not filthy animals) month.


I bowl overhand
Proposition 8 is on the ballot in CA next month.

The Prop calls for Marriage to be identified as a union between a man and a woman.

The pro-prop 8 people say issues like this are why they need to affirm what marriage 'is'. As soon as the gay lifestyle is affirmed/ given legal standing this is what happens, it becomes part of the currriculum and the lifestyle will actually be taught in school.

The anti Prop 8's say this doesn't happen in CA, that the gay lfestyle isn't nor ever will be taught in their schools. (interesting that it's ALREADY on the school's calendar and agenda, yet they say it will NEVER happen)

OH, and believe it or not.. Prop 8 has a better than 50/50 chance of getting PASSED!! Even in Callifornia they still believe marriage should be defined as a man and a woman.


I bowl overhand
This was a charter can't tell me this wasn't mentioned in the PTA meetings or something :duh:

Also...if the school can celebrate Black History Month without needing to send home letters to parents then I see no reason they can't celebrate another minority month of GLBT without sending letters out :shrug:

I completely agree that their time is better spent learning Math and Science though :yay:

Gays aren't a 'minority', nor are they a race or an ehnicity. Want to try again?

We are still (for the next 3 months anyways) a democracy. If the majority of parents don't want their kids taught about the gay lifestyle, than they shouldn't be taught.

A gender-Bender read aloud? They going to have pre and post trasngenders come in and read to their class and discuss having their boy parts removed and replaced with girl parts??


This was a charter can't tell me this wasn't mentioned in the PTA meetings or something :duh:

Also...if the school can celebrate Black History Month without needing to send home letters to parents then I see no reason they can't celebrate another minority month of GLBT without sending letters out :shrug:

I completely agree that their time is better spent learning Math and Science though :yay:

learning about people of a certain race and learning about how billy and bobby want to sploog together are two totally different things imo.


Well-Known Member
Gays aren't a 'minority', nor are they a race or an ehnicity. Want to try again?

We are still (for the next 3 months anyways) a democracy. If the majority of parents don't want their kids taught about the gay lifestyle, than they shouldn't be taught.

A gender-Bender read aloud? They going to have pre and post trasngenders come in and read to their class and discuss having their boy parts removed and replaced with girl parts??

Yes, gays are a minority. I don't know where you get your "facts", but when something is not the most common in a congregation of objects (things, people, etc) then it is a minority. Straights are a majority, gays, lesbians, bis are a minority.

What does them being a race or ethnicity have to do with anything? Just to clarify, they all have a race and ethnicity :duh:

learning about people of a certain race and learning about how billy and bobby want to sploog together are two totally different things imo.

And you're entitled to your opinion :huggy:


It does not belong in school at all.
this push for brainwashing the kids into being homo friendly is the major reason that so many are strongly anti homo anything.

Did you miss the part where I said they need to be learning academics, not PC? I just said that if they were going to do it at all at least wait until they're mature enough.


I bowl overhand
And you're entitled to your opinion :huggy:

And if she's in the majority, she's entitled to more than just her 'opinion'.

And when you speak of 'minority' you use that term as it implies special treatment, special protections, and special funding. As the gay factions start referring to themselves as a minority, and the more they say it, the more it becomes acceptable that they are. Then people will believe they deserve special treatment as a minority. Scholarships to college when the gov't sets the "10% of student population must be of a Minority" Then Gay/Lesbians can use that to say,, HEY, we're part of that 10%.. we should be going to school for FREE so you can meet your minority enrollment standard.

As the laws are written, the sexual choice of a person doesn't give them any special priviledges, or special rights, by definition NOT a minority. They are not a special class, not a race, not a religion.. To put someone in a 'minority' or a 'majority' as the law allows, your type would have to be placed in a category that is protected. Sexual preference does not meet any category.

By definition of the word, yes they are on the short end of the stick, and since we are still in a democracy, we shouldn't bend to be what they want, but stay the course of what the majority wants.


A gender-Bender read aloud? They going to have pre and post trasngenders come in and read to their class and discuss having their boy parts removed and replaced with girl parts??

Yeah, WTF? Gender reassignment is inappropriate in most situations. You are what you portray yourself as, no further explanation needed.

I mean, maybe if you're with close friends and they're curious about the process and the trans' feelings about it, then yeah - but not at school.


Yes, gays are a minority. I don't know where you get your "facts", but when something is not the most common in a congregation of objects (things, people, etc) then it is a minority. Straights are a majority, gays, lesbians, bis are a minority.

What does them being a race or ethnicity have to do with anything? Just to clarify, they all have a race and ethnicity :duh:

And you're entitled to your opinion :huggy:

So you seriously think its okay for kindergarteners to learn about gays and all that entitles? I may be a little naive here in saying this but I'm hoping that my 2nd and 4th graders aren't even that knowledgable about straight sex let alone have to concern themselves with what matt and jason are doing behind closed doors.