Score 1 for Al Qaeda


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Well, I hate Spaniards now because they pretty much guaranteed that we'll have a terrorist attack here about the end of October. Goddamn dummies.


Originally posted by vraiblonde
Well, I hate Spaniards now because they pretty much guaranteed that we'll have a terrorist attack here about the end of October. Goddamn dummies.



I know lol i even quoted the wrong damn post, it was supposed to be the one above it about ceo pulling an f'in retard...


Super Genius
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Well, I hate Spaniards now because they pretty much guaranteed that we'll have a terrorist attack here about the end of October. Goddamn dummies.
Orange Alert at the end of October for that very reason (maybe we'll have some intel too). The left will scream that it is just a political scare tactic to boost GWB in the election. Who wants to take bets?


Originally posted by ylexot
Orange Alert at the end of October for that very reason (maybe we'll have some intel too). The left will scream that it is just a political scare tactic to boost GWB in the election. Who wants to take bets?

No bet. I'm sure they're already salivating in anticipation.

The question is will a terrorist attack on, say, November 1st be a boost for Bush, or Kerry? I would lean toward Bush, because he took action the last time it happened, although Bin Ladens head is still not on a silver platter - but by that time it may be.

Prediction: terrorist attack on November 1st. With Bin Laden dead or in custody, boost for Bush. Bin Laden running free, boost for Kerry.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by ylexot
we need to work to change the mentality of the people in the world to see that we're not so bad.
There are lots of people in these crapola countries that don't think we're so bad - that's why they risk their lives trying to get over here to live.

I made this point to a libby friend of mine a few years back. She was going on about how terrible the US is and how much more advanced other countries are. I was like, "Yeah, that would explain why immigrants are coming over here in droves. :rolleyes:" And she says, "Yeah, that really ####es me off!"

The point being that she can't make her case about how terrible America is as long as immigrants are jumping in rickety boats and stowing away on planes to come over here and make a life. This is what we're dealing with - people who want the facts to go away so it doesn't interfere with their ideology.


A terrorist attack November 1st will most likely effect voter turnout. It could go either way. :frown:


Super Genius
Originally posted by vraiblonde
There are lots of people in these crapola countries that don't think we're so bad - that's why they risk their lives trying to get over here to live.
True, but it's a different issue. When I was talking about people not liking us, I was referring to not liking our foreign policies (which I mostly support, BTW). People that risk their lives to get here are looking for "the land of opportunity" so they can hopefully thrive. That doesn't mean they necesarily like our policies toward other countries. In fact, a lot of people born and raised in this country don't agree with our foreign policy. After all, that is one of the great things about this country. There is dissent because people are free to think for themselves (although some do it better than others :wink: )and voice their opnions.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by ylexot
When I was talking about people not liking us, I was referring to not liking our foreign policies
But should we really care about that? In fact, I think if John Kerry is really the favorite of all these nations, it's a great reason why he shouldn't be President.

Interesting article by John Leo:
Call it "three green suitcase" journalism. Let's say a feature writer thinks green luggage is becoming popular. So the reporter taps out a story citing three people in different states who have given up black suitcases and bought green ones. The second paragraph begins: "All across America, people are switching to green suitcases." This creates a media trend that might be real, but is probably bogus and certainly isn't established by three sales.


Asperger's Poster Child
What if the US nuked a different country out of existence each week until the terrorists and everyone else decide to leave us the hell alone?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Tonio... may have a very narrow view of just how wonderful the US of A is and what the possibilities are for the whole world.

What if the US nuked a different country out of existence each week until the terrorists and everyone else decide to leave us the hell alone?

It's not about leaving us alone. It's about spreading US style peace and prosperity throughout the globe based on individual human rights backed by rule of law supported by free trade.

Throughout the period of the Great British Empire, the Brits sought access and control to land and the goods to be gained, tobacco, sugar and then gold and many other products. They then imported British ideology and managerial systems, made it worthwile and beneficial to enough locals to gain legitimacy. They Anglo-ized nations.

The US is now the worlds leading Imperialist but we don't like that word. We don't like it because all we want is access to other nations goods and services on THEIR terms with THEIR customs as long as those practices lead to free flow of goods at market prices.

The British model was better because they CONTROLLED the market strongly. Ultimately, the British Empire succumbed to world condemnation of traditional Empire fueled by the rising of liberal human rights beliefs of the world in general and of Britons in particular.

The best example is support of the Union during our Civil War. They did without cotton and suffered greatly among the merchant and working classes rather than continue to support slavery once given a viable choice: opportunity offered through war.

Our model is better because it retains foreign cultural autonomy which we like the idea of. It is also volitile.

It is not possible in this day and age to look to being 'left alone'. We are the world leader and it falls to us to kill terror in such a way as to nurture long term good relations with as much of the world as is willing.

We can't successfully achieve this nuking Saudi. We can achieve this through helping Saudi grow out of the grips, causes and roots of terror as policy.


Asperger's Poster Child
Larry, I agree with you 100%. I posted what I did because I still have this urge to tear Osama apart with my bare hands. 9/11 happened two months after I learned I was going to be a father. I still have some residual guilt because I feel like I can't do a single goddamn thing to protect my babies from bloodthirsty holy warriors. Don't you have the urge to make Osama feel the bottomless depths of your hate and rage? Do you have any children that you would do anything to protect?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I don't even know...


Don't you have the urge to make Osama feel the bottomless depths of your hate and rage? Do you have any children that you would do anything to protect?

He is a leader of an enemy that has declared war on my country.

3,000 people were killed on 9/11. 3,000 different lives from some 100 different countries and nationalities. 3,000 different experiences and lifestyles.

Osama and his beliefs, his world, are at grave danger to our way of life. Feedom, equal rights, free trade, global democracy. All are anethema to him and his followers.

I have much more anger at my fellow countrymen who don't get it. They think and act and talk like George W. Bush is their enemy.

I can at least understand Osama.


Asperger's Poster Child
Re: I don't even know...

Originally posted by Larry Gude

He is a leader of an enemy that has declared war on my country.

3,000 people were killed on 9/11. 3,000 different lives from some 100 different countries and nationalities. 3,000 different experiences and lifestyles.

Osama and his beliefs, his world, are at grave danger to our way of life. Feedom, equal rights, free trade, global democracy. All are anethema to him and his followers.

I have much more anger at my fellow countrymen who don't get it. They think and act and talk like George W. Bush is their enemy.

I can at least understand Osama.

Thanks, Larry. It sounds like you're viewing this from the global perspective, not the personal one. I commend you for that. Part of me sees Osama as no different from a pedophile who might be stalking my kids' playground. I feel threatened by both and I would take any action to protect me and my loved ones.