
Well-Known Member
Has anyone else seen this great deal Giuliani tweeted yesterday? I got a pair for the whole family, never can have too many sandals!


i hear Rudy is also hucking a pair of pleated slacks that can be removed as quickly and easily as these cheap-ass jail house thin flops. Comes in handy when he's about to boink an underage chick!


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
I’m guessing it’s 50/50 whether it really happened. The only one saying it did is the one abortion doctor Dr. Caitlin Bernard and she’s been telling anyone who’d listen. Possibly a “she doth protest to much” situation.


PREMO Member

Politico Hit Piece on Clarence Thomas Goes Horribly Wrong

Earlier this week, Politico made a horrible attempt to attack Justice Clarence Thomas in a hastily written “fact-check” that turned out to be false.

According to Politico, Thomas claimed that COVID-19 vaccines were developed from cells from aborted children, a claim Politico insisted was false.

“They object on religious grounds to all available COVID-19 vaccines because they were developed using cell lines derived from aborted children,” Thomas said in a quote cited by Politico. In response to this claim, Politico insisted, “None of the Covid-19 vaccines in the United States contain the cells of aborted fetuses.”

There were, however, two problems with this so-called fact check.

First, Thomas didn’t actually make the statement. Politico eventually learned this and issued a correction:

An earlier version of this report misattributed the claim that Covid-19 vaccines were “developed using cell lines derived from aborted children” to Thomas. The headline and article have been updated to directly state that Thomas was referencing petitioners’ claims.

The next problem is that the claim wasn’t that the vaccine contained cells from aborted fetuses. It’s that these cells were used in the development of the vaccines—which is factually correct, and even Politico acknowledges this in the following sentence after claiming it was false.

None of the Covid-19 vaccines in the United States contain the cells of aborted fetuses. Cells obtained from elective abortions decades ago were used in research during the development of the Covid vaccine, a practice that is common in vaccine research.

Regardless of who claimed how the vaccines were developed, the claim wasn’t that they contain cells of aborted fetuses; it was about how the vaccines were developed. This correction about who said what is really beside the point. No one said the vaccines “contain the cells of aborted fetuses,” as Politico implies. They were trying to destroy Clarence Thomas and didn’t care about the facts, so they falsely attributed a claim to him and then distorted the claim to suggest it was wrong.


PREMO Member


PREMO Member
The history of the case, as Reason's Ron Bailey sketches out here, is long and complicated. It stretches back to 2015, when the Obama administration's EPA issued its Clean Power Plan, which would establish cap-and-trade markets for greenhouse gas emissions in each state. The regulations would have phased out coal-generated power plants over time.

The Clean Power Plan proved immediately controversial. The Supreme Court paused its implementation in 2016. Former President Donald Trump tried to replace it with more limited rules during his tenure—a move that was also shot down by the courts.

The Biden administration attempted to revive the Clean Power Plan. The court's decision yesterday puts an end to that effort.

Writing in The Washington Post, conservative commentator George Will argues the decision was a win for separation of powers that might put some outer bounds on executive authority and encourage Congress to resume its role of actually legislating.

"If, as is desirable, the decision presages similar ones, they could, cumulatively, revive Congress by compelling it to resume its proper responsibilities," writes Will. "This would limit the excessive autonomy currently enjoyed by the executive agencies that are the increasingly autonomous, unleashed and unaccountable administrative state."

Lawmakers themselves who supported the Clean Power Plan have taken a somewhat dimmer view of the decision.
