Searching for Tattoo Artist


New Member
pixiegirl said:
I'd read somewhere that sewing one into a wedding gown was good luck and the same thing about it being hung like a U.
Wouldn't that weigh the dress down and make a clanging noise as you walk down the aisle?


All Up In Your Grill
slotted said:
Wonder why?

Was he the one that was attempting your monstrosity?

She's not going to answer you...she's on her way to a secret concert to see tattoo'ed hotties with lots of piercings. :hot:
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pixiegirl said:
I was so damn excited.... I thought my apt was this coming Monday the 2nd but it's really the 9th! :doh: :banghead: :tantrum
What happened to last year's "I wish I had never gotten my tattoos" girl? I'm starting to think your middle name is Fickle...:lol:


Has confinement issues..
Buzz is working on matching up my first tat with a new tat that has my kids names and a maze in it. I'm getting all black , so I won't have to worry about shoddy coloring.

He's doing tattoos once a month at my girl friends house in St. Mary's. If you want him, I can get his old lady's number for you.


Cleopatra Jones
kwillia said:
What happened to last year's "I wish I had never gotten my tattoos" girl? I'm starting to think your middle name is Fickle...:lol:

You apparently missed the meaning of the tattoo and the reason I'm getting it. I still plan on having most of them zapped off.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
pixiegirl said:
You apparently missed the meaning of the tattoo and the reason I'm getting it. I still plan on having most of them zapped off.
What's the meaning of the tattoo and the reason you're getting it? Does it have to do with your becoming a Lusbian?


Cleopatra Jones
K_Jo said:
What's the meaning of the tattoo and the reason you're getting it? Does it have to do with your becoming a Lusbian?

It's for biggest pig... What goes around comes around... Nothing to do with my lubianism which is going to change here shortly.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
pixiegirl said:
It's for biggest pig... What goes around comes around... Nothing to do with my lubianism which is going to change here shortly.
:frown: Is your house for sale yet? :eyebrow: