Searching for Tattoo Artist


New Member
Beelzebaby666 said:
Are you kidding? I"ve been done over by 5 guys and I think Buzz was the roughest one.:lol:

:lmao: I guess its like everything else in this world, everyone has thier likes and dislikes. It makes the world go around. It has been 2 years since I got the two so maybe its all changed. :lmao:


I know nothing
remaxrealtor said:
If you can't find him, Allen McFadden at Underground Tattoo in Lexington Park is GREAT!

I thought allen left.... He did my tat... It still looks like he did it yesterday, and its been 6 years.


Well-Known Member
Allen did my tat. I love it. Color is great. Black has faded a little bit but he said that was going to happen because I was a "bleeder". Last I heard was that he was having problems with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Did he have to give tattooing up all together? If so, that sucks. I loved his personality. :yay:


New Member
Tatto Shop Opening in June

I tattooed with Buzzy for a few years. Not sure where he is, I haven't spoke to him in a while. I am now tattooing on my own. I was tattooing out of a bike shop and now I am opening a Tattoo shop in St leonard. We should be opening in June but we are taking appt. now. Check out my portfolio @
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Reiki Practitioner
sockgirl77 said:
Allen did my tat. I love it. Color is great. Black has faded a little bit but he said that was going to happen because I was a "bleeder". Last I heard was that he was having problems with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Did he have to give tattooing up all together? If so, that sucks. I loved his personality. :yay:

I have 10 tats, 1 done by Allen and it was the worse one. I had to have it re -colored by someone else. He said I "bled thru"....the outline blurred and spread, and the colors faded within a year. Most of mine, and the BEST ones were done by Karolyne Kennedy and she used to be on Hwy 210, south of Fort Washington, north of Waldorf ( that has been 3 years ago).

Big Fatty

sockgirl77 said:
Allen did my tat. I love it. Color is great. Black has faded a little bit but he said that was going to happen because I was a "bleeder". Last I heard was that he was having problems with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Did he have to give tattooing up all together? If so, that sucks. I loved his personality. :yay:

I have 4 tattoos. Three done by Allen. All are simple but still awesome. Allen has retired due to the Carpul Tunnell. I was really disappointed to find out when I went in to get some artwork drawn up for my next tattoo.
The guy who might be doing it just did a tat for my wife on her foot. She got a Lily that looks fantastic. Who knew a guy with wood in his ears would do so well??!!


Cleopatra Jones
littlegirl said:
I have 10 tats, 1 done by Allen and it was the worse one. I had to have it re -colored by someone else. He said I "bled thru"....the outline blurred and spread, and the colors faded within a year. Most of mine, and the BEST ones were done by Karolyne Kennedy and she used to be on Hwy 210, south of Fort Washington, north of Waldorf ( that has been 3 years ago).

And best yet she'll do whatever you want for a case of beer. Seriously, you may be the only person in the world that has ever said anything good about her. The kid that I dated in highschool had what was supposed to be a spider on his neck. It looked like a cricket. She did most of his work because he was underage and he had no one to sign for it and she didn't care. :lmao:


I bowl overhand
littlegirl said:
I have 10 tats, 1 done by Allen and it was the worse one. I had to have it re -colored by someone else. He said I "bled thru"....the outline blurred and spread, and the colors faded within a year. Most of mine, and the BEST ones were done by Karolyne Kennedy and she used to be on Hwy 210, south of Fort Washington, north of Waldorf ( that has been 3 years ago).
Is that your monkey tat floating around the internet??


New Member
Lookin' for Buzz? Found him.

Buzz is at Inkhouse Tattoo in La Plata. The shop is on Charles Street (Route 6) directly across from the Dash-In and right next door to the theater. The phone number is 301-392-9949.


New Member
katsmeows said:
I am trying to locate Buzz that used to work for Mystic Tattoo in Waldorf. I think he may be in Calvert. If anyone knows where he is doing his tattoos would love to know where he is tattoing now. Want a couple more tattoos and he does a great job. Thanks


Buzzy is in LaPlata now, not sure what the name of it is but it is right in LaPlata near the coffee house. shouldn't be hard to find. Good guy too for all of you that don't really know him.


I'm 2 old 2 die young!
Anybody ever get like a chain around the ankle? With not a lot of "fat" there, would it hurt more? I'm thinking of getting one soon. Who wants to go with and hold my hand? :bawl:


Soul Probe
FancyBelle said:
Anybody ever get like a chain around the ankle? With not a lot of "fat" there, would it hurt more? I'm thinking of getting one soon. Who wants to go with and hold my hand? :bawl:

I've always been told that it hurts more when the bone is closer to the skin, i.e. ankle, ribs, elbow, etc.; however, personally I find it hurts more near fatty parts due to the vibration. To each his own I suppose. I'll hold your hand but only if you go to Chronic Ink in Mechanicsville and get Jim Thompson to do your tattoo. He's an awesome artist, very professional and I'd like an excuse to see him again anyway. :wink: