ajhkmr97 said:
As much as I am empathetic with your feeling of wanting revenge I would like to point out a couple of things.
1) The US is the only country that does not torture its detainees/prisoners. Or we are not supposed to that is. I know it happens but not because the government condones torture (gray area there I know). What gets me about all this torture stuff is that no other country publicizes its methods of punishment / interrogation.
2) I am a Christian - proud of that fact. The Quran is just as precious to the Muslim faith as the Hold Bible is to Christianity. Neither texts condone violence and both have the underlying principal of "do unto others".. in other words - they both preach peace and tolerance - not violence. All those individuals who claim to be Christian or Muslim and conduct terrorist acts - they are a farce to the religion that they claim. I just don’t think it is right for us to "make fun of their silly Quran". Anger begets anger.... by us deciding to mock Muslims - we only help to keep the fire burning and not to help put it out.
I know....I've probably taken this all too seriously..... but I also know there is some jack-a-lope out there who will take your statement seriously and will want to act on that hate. No offence meant....
As for as the secret prisions - i'm happy of their existance - I just dont want to hear of the tactics used to get the info we need..... that is all I care about
1. There are a lot of countries who don't use torture. They just are not usually involved in wars.
2. Both the Bible and the Quran condone violence, depending on which verse you read. Likewise they both advocate violence, depending on which verse you read.
What is the difference? Both religions went through an extremely violent purging time. Look at when the crusades happened vs. the beginning of Christianity, as well as the current terrorism vs. the beginnings of Islam. Not exact, but close enough.
The bottom line: Most of the world has learned from their mistakes and don't practice hatred any more. The rest will eventually get there. Until then, kill 'em all, and let God sort them out.