Spoiled said:
I maybe mistaken, but werent the majority of the 9-11 terrorists pretty well off and pretty well educated?
You're not mistaken, they were well off and educated, as are most all native Saudi Arabian males. Most Americans cannot fathom the lifestyle that Saudi men have. The government pays for everything, there is remendous wealth throughout the country, and foreign workers do all the crap jobs. The problem with these guys is boredom. They are like all rich kids who are not challenged growing up, and start doing stupid stuff like selling drugs or shoplifting just to enjoy the risk of getting caught.
Saudi males face few challenges in life, so some of them turn to religious zealotry to fill the void in their lives. Crashing a plane into a building and killing yourself is a pretty good way of proving yourself to someone, unfortunately you're proving yourself to a lot pf self-serving sociopaths.