Secret prison?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Pete said:
If they are citizens of the US they are protected by our laws. I have a real problem with US citizens, no matter how scummy being detained forever without due process. If they were captured assisting or participating in terror, try them and slam the door on their cage and be done with it.
That would make them traitors. Firing squad on all cable news and major network channels should put an end to further treason.


Spoiled said:
I maybe mistaken, but werent the majority of the 9-11 terrorists pretty well off and pretty well educated?

You're not mistaken, they were well off and educated, as are most all native Saudi Arabian males. Most Americans cannot fathom the lifestyle that Saudi men have. The government pays for everything, there is remendous wealth throughout the country, and foreign workers do all the crap jobs. The problem with these guys is boredom. They are like all rich kids who are not challenged growing up, and start doing stupid stuff like selling drugs or shoplifting just to enjoy the risk of getting caught.

Saudi males face few challenges in life, so some of them turn to religious zealotry to fill the void in their lives. Crashing a plane into a building and killing yourself is a pretty good way of proving yourself to someone, unfortunately you're proving yourself to a lot pf self-serving sociopaths.


Spoiled said:
we have lost more american lives to domestic terrorism, done by christians... than to americans lost to muslims

Actually... we've lost more Americans to blacks who feel that crime is a perfectly acceptable way to show their slave ancestors that they "feel their pain" than to any other group.


Super Genius
Spoiled said:
I maybe mistaken, but werent the majority of the 9-11 terrorists pretty well off and pretty well educated?
Actually, I'm not sure. I know some of them were fairly well off and educated, but they were the leaders in the attacks. But there were also the "muscle" terrorists who were not well off or educated. I forget what the numbers were though, so I'm not sure about where the majority was.

Of course, your point was that the stereotype of the terrorists being poor and stupid was false. On that point, I agree with you.


Super Genius
New stuff on this from Drudge...
Sources tell Drudge that early this afternoon House Speaker Hastert and Senate Majority Leader Frist will announce a bicameral investigation into the leak of classified information to the WASHINGTON POST regarding the “black sites” where high value al Qaeda terrorists are being held and interrogated.


Said one Hill source: “Talk about a leak that damaged national security! How will we ever get our allies to cooperate if they fear that their people will be targeted by al Qaeda.”

According to sources, the WASHINGTON POST story by Dana Priest (Wednesday November 2), revealed highly classified information that has already done significant damage to US efforts in the War on Terror.
Uh oh...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Said one Hill source: “Talk about a leak that damaged national security! How will we ever get our allies to cooperate if they fear that their people will be targeted by al Qaeda.”
Because appeasement works! Just ask the French and the Spainiards!

Dana Priest
Treason. Automatic death sentence.

And if anyone ever again says the Post is unbiased, I shall spit in their face.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Because appeasement works! Just ask the French and the Spainiards!

Treason. Automatic death sentence.

And if anyone ever again says the Post is unbiased, I shall spit in their face.
One could only hope, and I don't think freedom of the press allows for treason. Stand one reporter and their source, both convicted of treason, against a wall, and the rest will think long and hard about whether the source should really tell something they shouldn't and the reporter should publish the information.


24/7 Single Dad
Pete said:
If torture garners information that saves a bunch of people I am all for it. Of course with sodium pentathol they can get a bunch of information without inflicting pain.
:yeahthat: I find it hard to believe that with CIA funding, classic torture is employed by our government. Why bother? I'm sure they have a drug cocktail mixed up that will have you talking your head off. Why hurt your hand smacking somebody around, waste time, get blood on your clothes, etc.
"Torture" needs to be considered in context. There are a lot of people in this country that would consider a lack of heat/ac or cable TV to be torture.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
aps45819 said:
"Torture" needs to be considered in context. There are a lot of people in this country that would consider a lack of heat/ac or cable TV to be torture.
John McCain is proposing a bill that will ban "degrading" treatment of detainees as well. I would like him to come moderate these forums for a few weeks and encounter people who think Pixie saying hello to them is "degrading". Possibly he will rethink his position.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

vraiblonde said:
John McCain is proposing a bill that will ban "degrading" treatment of detainees as well. I would like him to come moderate these forums for a few weeks and encounter people who think Pixie saying hello to them is "degrading". Possibly he will rethink his position. least McCain is consistently stupid.

First, McCain/Feingold which was throwing gasoline on a campfire and now this, no being mean to bad guys.

True, naive idiot.


Larry Gude said: least McCain is consistently stupid.

First, McCain/Feingold which was throwing gasoline on a campfire and now this, no being mean to bad guys.

True, naive idiot.

What ticks me off about this is that this goes beyond just not being mean to bad guys. POWs have always had it easy when in American hands, and it pretty much goes against the nature of most Americans to be mean. What is usually the case is the threat of harm, not the actual infliction of it, to get information. Now McCain is taking even that play out of the counter-terrorism playbook. Laws like this will embolden the bad guys because they'll be willing to take more risks now that they know that the consequences of capture are that you'll probably be treated better than they are by their own leaders.

I wish McCain would quit trying to play caring Democrat for a while and realize the damage he's doing.