Seeing spots


New Member
I think you need to go and see an optometrist. It could be nothing to worst case of retinal detachment.


New Member
I agree you should see an eye doctor....

I had spots before my eyes too... one of the many symptoms of Lyme Disease!


New Member
Welcome to world of old people. :lmao: There is term for for that problem, you have like a little black speck that that feels likes it floats around or moves around in your eye right? The DW has had for a couple of years dont think there is anything you can do for it.

Im experiencing what could be described as a buzzing in the ears at times. Ive worked for the past 40 years sitting in a computer room for 90% of my day. I can go home and relax in the recliner and not a sound in the house and I hear what sounds like a locust buzzing off in the distance, not real loud but the sounds are there. Think there is term for this also.

It's called tinnitus on the ear thing.

Mine is a shrill, piercing, annoying, high frequency noise that never goes away.

The only cure is constant background noise.

Women work well.



New Member
I don't think my eye doctor checks for Lymes :shrug:

Nope.... but if you have any other of the symptoms.... it might be an indicator. I haven't had spots in front of my eyes for about 7 months....

I had the black spot.... then for a while there I had these hazy spots, I could see through light through them but I couldn't see anything clear where the spots were [like looking through acid etching] and then there were the colors at the edge of the field of vision.... all temporary [none lasted more than half an hour] and all really annoying....

After the IV treatment.... gone... thank goodness....
This is annoying. You know how if you look directly at the sun or a lightbulb you will see spots for a minute or so? Well I am having that with my left eye right now. No, I did not just look at a bright light. It's all around the left side of my vision. Had been right in the center, but it has now moved off to the left. Thank God for that because at first I couldn't read anything due to the interference from it. Now it is just annoying and partly obstructin my ability to read. Been going on for 30 minutes at this point.

I get this when my blood pressure is high... my mom gets these spots because of her cataracts... :ohwell:

I hope it improves. :huggy:


Active Member

I've had the same thing you described before. Once my Blood Pressure was under went away, and never returned. Very important to go see an Opthomologist though, and NOT an Optometrist. When it comes to your eyes, seeing a Doctor is the best bet. Save the Optomitrist for the simple stuff. Good luck, and I hope it never returns.