Seeking "Darlene"



aps45819 said:
MVA used to do it for $5. Think they quit doing it and making it easy for you stalkers.

:lmao: :smack:

I'm trying to locate my ex who has yet again skipped out on paying C/S.


Look my ass glows!
~Gunslinger said:
Was just hoping that perhaps somebody could help me get in contact with somebody...(I'm not a stalker honest...*LOL*)

Last Sunday at the Food lion in California (By K-Mart) around 11AM I happened to speak with a sweet woman named Darlene as we were shopping...she drove a green SUV type mini-van and said she was single..I told her I hoped to see her around and she agreed...I know...I was an idiot to not get her phone number but if anybody knows her please ask her contact me at

You was trollin' in the FoodLion? :duh:
Go back next Sunday-maybe she's a creature of habit. :yay:

Homer J

Power Chord
sunflower said:
Maybe she was just being nice. And needed to go. :shrug:

She was probably either:

A. Afraid and trying to make nice until she could get away.
2. Thought he wandered away from :shortbus: and felt sorry for him.

My guess would be 2.


In My Opinion
she told me about it and I suggest you leave my wife alone for a number of reasons.
1) she flirts with no expectation to follow through
2) she has no fear in using her frying pan for corrective measures
3) she farts in her sleep
4) she suffers from 42 individual STDs
E) her mother,,,

wait a sec, on second thought, let me e-mail you that number