Seeking Good Psychiatrist


Set Trippin
Terrylt7 said:
If this is suppose to be for Southern Maryland and to be helpful for southern marylanders, its not doing its job.
This is where you are wrong, you have not been around long enough to from an educated opinion.. This is a very informative board. So we have a little bit of a breaking in period, big deal....

You could always go over to carp! I mean I'm sure they are way more versed in "shrinkage" than we are....


American Beauty
PREMO Member
mainman said:
This is where you are wrong, you have not been around long enough to from an educated opinion.. This is a very informative board. So we have a little bit of a breaking in period, big deal....

You could always go over to carp! I mean I'm sure they are way more versed in "shrinkage" than we are....


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Terrylt7 said:
Its also funny Ive been on the comp since 97 and never went into a chat or forum where this has happened.
Then why are you here? Why not go ask your pals at the sweet, kind, much better forums for their shrink recommendations?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Terrylt7 said:
Oh you are a live one! LOL Never said peaches and cream HUN. I think you really need to do some research on shrinks and thier work. Take the weekend and make this a project. And I.m almost the same age as you and being that you are that more mature. Dont state facts you know nothing about. Dont put words in my posts that I didnt say to get your point across. Peaches and Cream....... This really starting to bore me. I never knew there were so many naive and immature people living in southern maryland. Hang Loose Girl and Let It Ride
I hope you find your shrink. Soon.


New Member
ashliekay711 said:
ok first off Terry, when i first read your post i was going to try to offer some support, but after continuing to read through this thread and listening to all of the nasty comments you had to everyone's replies, (including the ones that were trying to be helpful) there is really no sence in trying to help. you asked if there were and good shrinks around, so Vrai simply asked why kind you needed, because who knew it was for you for all we knew it could have been for one of your children, so if she was to say yeah there is a great one on rte 4 but he specialized in something other than childrens mental help... it wouldn't have been very benificiary to you now would it have?!

My nasty comments? Ok *s* The people that have tried to help have sent me an IM. Im not getting all in this again. I got shyt from the beginning. Remember new blood. But I do appreciate your reply. Really how many comments were nasty. When I was attacked I attacked back. Have a good one.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Terrylt7 said:
My nasty comments? Ok *s* The people that have tried to help have sent me an IM. Im not getting all in this again. I got shyt from the beginning. Remember new blood. But I do appreciate your reply. Really how many comments were nasty. When I was attacked I attacked back. Have a good one.
*s* What means this?


New Member
vraiblonde said:
So you're saying your legal name is TerryIt7?

And how do you know her name isn't really Tinkerbell?

yes my real name is Terry. Why would I make up a forum name like that? I have a yahoo name..shugga and faraway eyes so why would I use such a plain name as Terry. Come on give me a break. You all are paranoid. I dont play those friggin games. I really dont think you are reading my post thoroughly. Seems like we are discussing the same things over and over.

Tinkerbell?????Tinkerbell Im not. :lmao:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Terrylt7 said:
yes my real name is Terry. Why would I make up a forum name like that? I have a yahoo name..shugga and faraway eyes so why would I use such a plain name as Terry. Come on give me a break. You all are paranoid. I dont play those friggin games. I really dont think you are reading my post thoroughly. Seems like we are discussing the same things over and over.

Tinkerbell?????Tinkerbell Im not. :lmao:


New Member
mainman said:
This is where you are wrong, you have not been around long enough to from an educated opinion.. This is a very informative board. So we have a little bit of a breaking in period, big deal....

You could always go over to carp! I mean I'm sure they are way more versed in "shrinkage" than we are....

Hun I didnt mean the whole southen maryland online. I probably visit it everyday and have for years.
And your right it is very informative and I enjoy it very much.
As far as the forum, your right I havent been here long, yesterday was my first time. So my first opinion of THIS part of the forum wasnt a real good one. I guess checking out the forum was a big mistake. I had no idea it would cause so much shyt by just one simple question.

*s* I have learned one thing from being here....hehe you must be the Mainman. Your very popular :razz:


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Then why are you here? Why not go ask your pals at the sweet, kind, much better forums for their shrink recommendations?

Because I live in Southern Maryland and Im really free to go wherever. Girl you do have some issues. Dont stress over it, calm down, be cool and most of all hang loose.Oh and why would I go to some other forum to ask about something about SM....think before you speak girl. Honestly some things you say doesnt make sense. But for you I will try it....I will go into my Savannah Cat group that have members all over the country and world and ask if anyone knows of a shrink in SM. I will let ya know what I find out.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Then why are you here? Why not go ask your pals at the sweet, kind, much better forums for their shrink recommendations?

See hun, I never said any of those words in my post, those are your words.


New Member
RoseRed said:
*s* What means this?

Rose. I dont see any just smiles over there, so a long time ago in a chat they used that as a smile and it became a habit with me and just kept using it. *s*