Seeking Good Psychiatrist


New Member
ok first off Terry, when i first read your post i was going to try to offer some support, but after continuing to read through this thread and listening to all of the nasty comments you had to everyone's replies, (including the ones that were trying to be helpful) there is really no sence in trying to help. you asked if there were and good shrinks around, so Vrai simply asked why kind you needed, because who knew it was for you for all we knew it could have been for one of your children, so if she was to say yeah there is a great one on rte 4 but he specialized in something other than childrens mental help... it wouldn't have been very benificiary to you now would it have?!


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
ashliekay711 said:
ok first off Terry, when i first read your post i was going to try to offer some support, but after continuing to read through this thread and listening to all of the nasty comments you had to everyone's replies, (including the ones that were trying to be helpful) there is really no sence in trying to help. you asked if there were and good shrinks around, so Vrai simply asked why kind you needed, because who knew it was for you for all we knew it could have been for one of your children, so if she was to say yeah there is a great one on rte 4 but he specialized in something other than childrens mental help... it wouldn't have been very benificiary to you now would it have?!
You forgot the 3 snaps in Z-formation.


New Member
Tinkerbell said:
:killingme Wow, you're really a lively one! And so witty!

If you read any further, it means "Multiple Personality Disorder." On forums like this, it means you have several user names on here and this is just another one of those. But then, you know that already, being an MPD and all. :yay:

Hun, yesterday was the first time I have ever posted on this forum. In fact just joined in Dec. Heck I use my own name.And trust me I dont play games like using different names. Whats the point? I say what I need to say with one, my own. What would be the reason? I tell it as I see it and it doesnt bother me to use this name. Think what ya want anyway. Have a good day.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Terrylt7 said:
And trust me I dont play games like using different names.
So you're saying your legal name is TerryIt7?

And how do you know her name isn't really Tinkerbell?


NOT Politically Correct!!
vraiblonde said:
So you're saying your legal name is TerryIt7?

And how do you know her name isn't really Tinkerbell?

.............................................. :killingme :killingme


New Member
vraiblonde said:
My god, we're so mean to the newbies! And they do absolutely NOTHING to provoke such hateful vitriol!


That could be it LOL I used to chat in forurms and chats, very seldom did like to see new blood. I was a reg in a couple of them. I never remember quite to this extent. After awhile most were friendly. As some in here are, but they send me IM instead of posting I guess not to upset any of you all that are the REGS. I know your post here was just a :sarcasm: statement and its all good. Whats funny...I bet I know some of you for real. :lmao: People use the computer to say and do things that they arent able to say to people face to face, so its very easy to be tough. Its that power thing. Its also funny Ive been on the comp since 97 and never went into a chat or forum where this has happened. If this is suppose to be for Southern Maryland and to be helpful for southern marylanders, its not doing its job. It might as well be some chatroom from yahoo. Now hun I want you to have a great day also and a great weekend.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Because typically people who are as defensive and combative as you don't have peaches and cream for a life. If you were happy, #1, you wouldn't need a shrink and, #2, you wouldn't be such a humorless crank.

Oh you are a live one! LOL Never said peaches and cream HUN. I think you really need to do some research on shrinks and thier work. Take the weekend and make this a project. And I.m almost the same age as you and being that you are that more mature. Dont state facts you know nothing about. Dont put words in my posts that I didnt say to get your point across. Peaches and Cream....... This really starting to bore me. I never knew there were so many naive and immature people living in southern maryland. Hang Loose Girl and Let It Ride