Seeking Good Psychiatrist


New Member
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slotted said:
Do you have any sharp objects in the house? :popcorn:
anon said:
Seeking Good Psychiatrist 01-04-2007 07:51 PM You're ignorant-and you think Jesus saves? STFU!
Obviously you have reading comprehension problems.... One would think the beardless jesus would have given it away. :yay:


New Member
Christy said:
Oh stop grumpy gus! :smack: None of the posts you received were malicious, and mostly merely inside forum jokes aimed at other member's. Life is too short to be all stressed and serious 24/7. You should giggle, really, try it. It's fun!

That will be $900. Thank you. :yay:

No one said anything about being Malicious. LOL More like Immature. ANd thats Ms Gus to you


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Terrylt7 said:
I thought this was suppose to be a place where you can ask questions and discuss things. I didnt post my question to make everyone laugh and joke, but I am glad you all got a big kick out of it. There must be quite a few kids on this forum from some of the posts. Dr Phil is on at 4........I truely hope you never need this type of doctor. I hope none of you do. Even though you laugh and joke at my question and make stupid remarks, consider yourselves lucky not to ever have to go see a Shrink. Those that laugh only laugh cause they have no idea what its all about so they make a joke about it. It does NOT mean you are INSANE and howl at the moon at night. Ive been a southern marylander all my life and Im proud of that. I am just so shocked from the replys I received, not to mentioned pissed. I want to thank the couple of people were mature enough to send a serious post and I thank you.Those that got such a kick out of the post let me ask something....if I had asked about a cancer doctor, heart doctor, etc..would it been a joke then? Well they are all diseases. One last thing, I have never seen a forums topic change completly so fast about nothing to do with my post. Forums are great and I think this one is nice also, it just needs to be a little more sensitive and be more mature about the posts that are posted. Its more like a chatroom then a forum.
Don't tell me, let me guess - anger management?

Anyway, we have a lot of experience with the mentally disturbed (as you can see). Again I'll ask - do you need a true psychiatric doctor who can prescribe medication, or merely a therapist who can offer you coping tips? There is a difference and you definitely don't want one when you need the other.


I hope you feel better Terry lt7 :flowers: It was brave of you to ask such a personal question. Most folks keep things like that to themselves and off of public forums. So it tells me you really want help. Is this for you or a friend? Regardless, I hope you get the answer to your question and things work out for you :smile:


poor terry I was only being truthful. if you had asked about a cancer doctor I wouldn't be able to point you in any direction around here. I had some great doctors at washington hospital center, georgetown and children's hospital of the king's daughters.. and you are right thank God I don't need a shrink after all that I have been through since I was 14..and am still going through to this day. I think sometimes what works best is having someone lend an open ear...that 99.9 percent of the time is the best medicine..and honey you don't have to pay a dime either.. :yay: