Semi-auto weapon ban sought in Maryland


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Two bills at once. Maryland's House of Delegates is going for a full AW Ban and has re-introduced that ban offered in previous year in this year's HB948. So, now imagine the Senate passing AW ban light SB116 (see: ) through the Senate JPR, the House passing a full AW ban, then the Senate has only to amend ban lite to be ban heavy.

Who would have guessed?
File Code: Public Safety
Prior Year Introduction As: HB 1298/04 - JUD

Sponsored By:
Delegates Quinter, Anderson, Barkley, Barve, Benson, Bobo, Branch,
Bronrott, Burns, Cardin, Carter, Conroy, D. Davis, Doory, Dumais,
Feldman, Franchot, Frush, Gaines, Goldwater, Goodwin, Gordon,
Griffith, Gutierrez, Hammer, Harrison, Haynes, Healey, Heller, Hixson,
Holmes, Howard, Hubbard, Hurson, Jones, Kaiser, Kelley, King, Kirk,
Krysiak, Lee, Madaleno, Mandel, Marriott, McHale, McIntosh, Menes,
Moe, Montgomery, Morhaim, Murray, Nathan-Pulliam, Niemann, Oaks,
Paige, Parker, Patterson, Petzold, Ramirez, Rosenberg, Ross, Simmons,
Stern, Taylor, F. Turner, V. Turner, Vaughn, and Zirkin

Maryland Assault Weapons Ban of 2005


Designating specified firearms as assault weapons; prohibiting with
specified exceptions a person from transporting an assault weapon into
the State or possessing, selling, offering to sell, transferring,
purchasing, or receiving an assault weapon; requiring the Handgun
Roster Board to compile and maintain a roster of prohibited assault
weapons; etc.

And in the Maryland Senate

Senate Hearing for SB116: February 16, 2005, 1:00 p.m.

Once again Frosh has scheduled a short notice hearing date. This time
he's reduced our notice to 6 days.

While this bill doesn't ban outright semi-auto rifles, it comes close
to a practical ban by making the risk of having them and being caught
up in some technical violation which gets you a 20 year jail term

This is hidious. If this passes and you want to keep your semi-auto shotgun, or semi-auto rifle, or semi-auto pistol (Glock, Sig, Beretta, etc.), you will have to leave the state. This is an out and out gun grab.


2ndAmendment said:
This is hidious. If this passes and you want to keep your semi-auto shotgun, or semi-auto rifle, or semi-auto pistol (Glock, Sig, Beretta, etc.), you will have to leave the state. This is an out and out gun grab.

:yeahthat: This is such a crock of you know what.

Since homeowners have been charged with assault (a crime of violence) from just pointing a gun at an intruder in Maryland, the primary use of this manditory minimum sentence is intimidation to force acceptance of a plea to avoid the risk of more jail time than given to Maryland murderers typically. This bill will render these guns as being useless to the law-abiding citizen. Given the threat of these draconian sentences, the only prudent self-defense firearms would be ones clearly not assault weapons such as revolvers or double barrel shotguns.

So once again lets take the guns away from the honest citizen so the criminals will be only ones with them. OVER MY DEAD BODY!!

They can pack this where the sun don't shine.


Guys, you'all need to WAKE UP!!! Electing that pinhead Ehrlich, and hoping that he's going to save your guns, is about as much wishful thinking as me waiting for Celine Dion to come and sweep me off my size 15 feet! You're quickly running out of fingers to stick into the leaks up there, and this is a debate you're going to lose, a little bit at a time. Everytime a new gun bill gets "defeated", portions of it get worked in elsewheres as a compromise, and you're to the point now where there's not much room left to bargain with. You've lost your private sales, forget about concealed carry, gun stores are about gone, you're stuck with background checks and waiting periods... that you get to pay for, many guns are already prohibited; you've got those inane locks laws, and now they're coming after AWs again... an issue you've already lost a lot of ground on.

Compare that to Florida:

1. Easy to get concealed carry permits.
2. Gunshows that are supported by the police and the media.
3. Personal sales with no interference.
4. No limits on weapons.
5. Free instant checks (and no checks if you have a CWP) and no waiting periods.
6. Lots of shooting ranges.
7. Legal to keep a loaded gun in your car.
8. Legal to shoot someone to protect your life, the lives of others, and property!
9. Lots of gun dealers.

I've got one gun dealer, who runs a shop about 4 miles from my house, who's a Class III dealer. You walk into his place and there's MP-5s, G-3s, M-16s, 1919A4s, Stens, M-76s, etc., everywhere. I've talked to several state and local cops while I'm in there, but they're customers buying stuff, not state enforcers there to hassle him. Once when we were at the range and ran short on .223, we gave a state trooper who was shooting with us some money to drive his cruiser over to the gun store to get us some more. Imagine that happening in Maryland.

The bottom line is that you'all can sit in Maryland and fight, and fight, and fight, but in the end you're going to lose - just like in California. Firearms laws were one of the biggest reasons I left Maryland, and unless you want to be standing in line outside of the barrack in Leonardtown to turn in your guns someday, you should bug out too.


I've always planned on moving to Florida for the weather. This is just another reason to go.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
My wife is convinced these bills are not going to pass. If they do, it is decision time. Do we stay in Maryland or move? Where do we move to? This is not easy.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
2ndAmendment said:
My wife is convinced these bills are not going to pass. If they do, it is decision time. Do we stay in Maryland or move? Where do we move to? This is not easy.
So who do we write on this one 2A?
And secondly, if we write in voicing our opposition, are they gonna come and arrest me if it passes? :yikes:


2ndAmendment said:
My wife is convinced these bills are not going to pass.

That's the problem in MD. Many of these bills don't pass in toto, but bits and pieces of them get stuck into other bills as compromises, and Ehrlich isn't man enough to stop it.

We've got three HUGE gun shows in Jacksonville this March: The Southern Classic, North Florida Arms Collectors, and Sun Coast. If you can be down here by then... :yay: If not you'll have to wait all the way until... April for the next ones. :lmao: I love Florida!


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
I e-mailed Bill Oreilly.
It's a long-shot, but what the hey...
...maybe he'll shine some national media attention on these bills.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
sleuth said:
I e-mailed Bill Oreilly.
It's a long-shot, but what the hey...
...maybe he'll shine some national media attention on these bills.
Bill is a liberal when it comes to the Second Amendment. Remember, he is a New Yorker.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
sleuth said:
So who do we write on this one 2A?
And secondly, if we write in voicing our opposition, are they gonna come and arrest me if it passes? :yikes:
Contact these guys on the Judiciary Committee about the bill in the Maryland Senate:

Chairman Brian E. Frosh Democrat, District 16, Montgomery County (410) 841-3124
Vice Chairman Leo E. Green Democrat, District 23, Prince George's County (410) 841-3631
Senator Jennie M. Forehand Democrat, District 17, Montgomery County (410) 841-3134
Senator Robert J. Garagiola Democrat, District 15, Montgomery County (410) 841-3169
Senator John A. Giannetti, Jr. Democrat, District 21, Anne Arundel & Prince George's Counties (410) 841-3141
Senator Larry E. Haines Republican, District 5, Baltimore County & Carroll County (410) 841-3683
Senator Ralph M. Hughes Democrat, District 40, Baltimore City (410) 841-3656
Senator Nancy Jacobs Republican, District 34, Cecil & Harford Counties (410) 841-3158
Senator Philip C. Jimeno Democrat, District 31, Anne Arundel County (410) 841-3658
Senator Alex X. Mooney Republican, District 3, Frederick & Washington Counties) (410) 841-3575
Senator Norman R. Stone, Jr. Democrat, District 6, Baltimore County (410) 841-3587

The Republicans on the committee are generally against the bill, but it can't hurt to contact them if you have the time. Same message cut and paste into an email works. Just change the address.

And contact your state senator and your delegate in the Md. House. You can look them up here.
For your delegate, you have to know your voting district. You can look that up here This will tell you the officials too and a bunch of other stuff.

If this passes and you have a firearm prohibited by it and you don't turn it in by some time, they will come get it or you or both. The Maryland State Police maintains a data base of every firearm that has ever been registered in the state. I think that this is against Federal law, but then every gun control law ever passed, federal, state, or local, violates the U.S. Constitution, so I don't think they care.
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Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
2ndAmendment said:
If this passes and you have a firearm prohibited by it and you don't turn it in by some time, they will come get it or you or both. The Maryland State Police maintains a data base of every firearm that has ever been registered in the state. I think that this is against Federal law, but then every gun control law ever passed, federal, state, or local, violates the U.S. Constitution, so I don't think they care.

So are you supposed to register your firearms when you move into the state if you already owned them?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
sleuth said:
So are you supposed to register your firearms when you move into the state if you already owned them?
If they are on the list, you will violate the law bringing them into the state. "transporting an assault weapon into the State" Same with the currently prohibited weapons in the state.
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Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
2ndAmendment said:
If they are on the list, you will violate the law bringing them into the state. "transporting an assault weapon into the State" Same with the currently prohibited weapons in the state.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member

Date: Wednesday, February 16th, 2005

Time: 1:00 PM

Place: Senate Judicial Proceedings Hearing Room - Miller Senate Office Building

Allow sufficient time to pass through security.

Be there if you can. Contact them if you can't. Written is better but time is short, so email or call if you can't get letters out today.


When thinking about you guys going to make your stand at the State House, I don't know whether to recite Billy Crystal's line from "The Princess Bride", "Good luck storming the castle", or the opening of Tennyson's Light Brigade. I guess I'll go with the later as I know you'all are doomed....

Half a league, half a league,
Half a league onward,
All in the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
"Forward, the Light Brigade!
"Charge for the guns!" he said:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.