Semi-auto weapon ban sought in Maryland


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
When thinking about you guys going to make your stand at the State House, I don't know whether to recite Billy Crystal's line from "The Princess Bride", "Good luck storming the castle", or the opening of Tennyson's Light Brigade. I guess I'll go with the later as I know you'all are doomed....
Last year, the bill was defeated by a turnout that put Annapolis on their heals. People were in the hallway. If people show up, these politicians cut and run.


2ndAmendment said:
Last year, the bill was defeated by a turnout that put Annapolis on their heals. People were in the hallway. If people show up, these politicians cut and run.
So they're trying it again? And again? And again? Until they can get it passed? :confused: Maybe they should wait until no one is looking and convene around midnight and pass it. Maybe they should put it where it belongs. :flush:


Vince said:
So they're trying it again? And again? And again? Until they can get it passed? :confused: Maybe they should wait until no one is looking and convene around midnight and pass it. Maybe they should put it where it belongs. :flush:


It doesn't seem you impressed them very much.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Vince said:
So they're trying it again? And again? And again? Until they can get it passed? :confused: Maybe they should wait until no one is looking and convene around midnight and pass it.
Yep. And that is what they are doing. Frosh waited to the absolute last minute to announce the hearing and is not hearing it with other bills to try to sneak it out of committee.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
truby20 said:
This is honestly one of the most disturbing things I have ever read on here.
If these bills pass, I'll be out of here too.

You must be easily disturbed or already distrubed.


Fighting like a girl
2ndAmendment said:
If these bills pass, I'll be out of here too.

You must be easily disturbed or already distrubed.
I wouldn't say disturbed...naive maybe? I just couldn't imagine leaving my home for this...but I really don't feel strongly one way or the other, maybe that's my "problem".


truby20 said:
I wouldn't say disturbed...naive maybe? I just couldn't imagine leaving my home for this...but I really don't feel strongly one way or the other, maybe that's my "problem".

Ahhhh... well here's some background information that might make you feel less disturbed:

1. I'm not from Maryland, I'm from Pittsburgh. While I was in the Navy I went to many places, and the best place I've found to live is Jacksonville, FL. I lived in Maryland for 15 years, and found it to be a miserable place. The taxes are horrible, the schools were horrible, and the nuisance laws just kept getting worse.
2. I have three teenagers who either need jobs, or will needs jobs in a couple of years. Where I lived in Mechanicsville, the nearby entry-level job market was limited to fast food, Food Lion, McKays, or a Wentworth's nursery. The largest employer is the base, and most jobs there require experience that my kids didn't have. Upon moving to Florida, my 18-yr old daughter had no problem using the computer skills learned at Chopticon HS to get a job as an office assistant at a major company in Jacksonville and she's making over 28k a year at 19, with no state or local taxes, free heathcare, and rent on a 1-br apartment is about $400. Lots of good jobs + good salaries + no taxes + low cost of living = MOVE TO FLORIDA!
3. I like collecting firearms the way that anyone likes to collect anything, and I can't... I will not... tolerate a state government that condones, in fact endorses, the banning of my RIGHT to collect what I legally collect because some people in the state don't like it. Lots of folks in Maryland love to gripe about losing rights that were never rights, but keeping and bearing arms is a right. Would you live in a state that banned your free practice of religion? Your right to vote? Your right to free assembly? If not, then you know how I felt even though you may have never owned a firearm.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
truby20 said:
I wouldn't say disturbed...naive maybe? I just couldn't imagine leaving my home for this...but I really don't feel strongly one way or the other, maybe that's my "problem".
If you don't know your rights, you don't have any. If you are not willing to stand up for your rights, they (whoever they are) will take them away.


Football season!
Bruzilla said:
I lived in Maryland for 15 years, and found it to be a miserable place. The taxes are horrible, the schools were horrible, and the nuisance laws just kept getting worse.
You wanna get together and compare karma notes? Going by my recent "love fest", you should be getting quite a lot of red :lmao: :yay:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
I lived in Maryland for 15 years, and found it to be a miserable place. The taxes are horrible, the schools were horrible, and the nuisance laws just kept getting worse.
I like Maryland as a beautiful place to live except ... the taxes are horrible, the schools are horrible, and the nuisance laws just keep getting worse.


SmallTown said:
You wanna get together and compare karma notes? Going by my recent "love fest", you should be getting quite a lot of red :lmao: :yay:

:confused: What love fest are you getting beat up at?


Football season!
Bruzilla said:
:confused: What love fest are you getting beat up at?
talking bad about bay books a week or so ago. Maybe they wouldn't have come after me if I had just done a blanket statement like yours :lmao:

But to keep somewhat on topic here, you ever been down to onpoint firearms in St. Petersburg? From their website they have a huge collection. I go there to look at pricing because compared to places here they are pretty reasonable.


2ndAmendment said:
I like Maryland as a beautiful place to live except ...

What make's Maryland beautiful? The lovely unnatural color of the Patuxent or Potomic Rivers? The beauty of the Fort Washington area? The vista view of DC as seen from just above the hood line of your car as you duck for cover?

In Mechanicsville I was 40 minutes from small and scenic Solomon's Island, 50 minutes from Calvert Cliffs state park (another nice spot), and 35 minutes or so from the beaches and museum at Pax River and our lone mall in Waldorf. Down here I'm...

35 Minutes from:

Jacksonville Beach
Neptune Beach
Ponte Vedra Beach
Five malls
Three shooting clubs
Professional Football, Baseball, and hockey arenas
Dozens of parks
Several fresh-water lakes
The Blue St. John's River (great for shrimping)
Lots of great eateries and shopping

50 minutes from:

St Augustine Beach
Several Outlet malls with Reebok, Seiko, Nike, etc, stores
Gainesville - Home of UF and the Gators
The TPC golf course
Three additional shooting clubs

And in a mere 90 minutes, about the time I would be arriving in the entertainment meccas of Rockville or Bowie, I'm driving past the Daytona International Speedway and on my way to the beach - by way of Hooters of Daytona of course. :yay:

Anyone who thinks that Maryland is a great place to live hasn't been around much.


SmallTown said:
... compared to places here they are pretty reasonable.

I'll check them out. I just picked up a used Sig P226 9MM in great shape with factory-installed night sites for the princely sum of $275 at the last North Florida Collector's Show. Walked in, showed my CWP, paid my cash, showed my receipt to the nice JSO officer at the door, and off I went. Sure beats paying $499 plus tax, $10, waiting 10 days, and all the other hassles back in MD!

My only beef is that AR-15 prices still haven't started down due to high initial costs for guns built during the AWB. They are still selling for about $900 down here. I'm thinking about buying 10 uppers and lowers and building guns for the next NFAC show and selling them for about $700 each. That'll make me about $200 on each gun, and I'll be underselling the guys wanting $900 by a good bit.


Football season!
Bruzilla said:
I'll check them out. I just picked up a used Sig P226 9MM in great shape with factory-installed night sites for the princely sum of $275 at the last North Florida Collector's Show.
I was looking at the same gun at the show here last year, but they wanted over $400 for used ones. One dealer had two of the navy seal editions, but sold before I even got to his table. Kinda disappointed. Galyans use to be the best place here, price wise, but Dick's sporting good bought them out and got rid of the gun section.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
What make's Maryland beautiful? ....
Anyone who thinks that Maryland is a great place to live hasn't been around much.
Friends and family and we live a 10 minute walk from the Chesapeake make Maryland nice. Granted, I like the beaches in Florida. I prefer the Gulf to the Atlantic. I really like Hawaii and the beaches of Maui and Kauai, but they have crappy gun laws too. Of course I really liked the Mediterranean around Crete and the beaches of the Med from Gibraltar to Malaga in Spain were nice too. Switzerland is very beautiful as is Austria ans the Swiss have very liberal guns laws in most of the cantons. I do not prefer Italy except the norther region near Austria. I've been around. I've traveled to most of the northern hemisphere and all the states except Oregon and Alaska.

You were saying.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
For those of you that think this does not effect you.

The bill defines long guns as assault weapons to include (Partial List): AK-47 IN ALL FORMS; AR 100 TYPE SEMI-AUTO; AR 180 TYPE SEMI-AUTO; BUSHMASTER SEMI-AUTO RIFLE; COLT AR-15, CAR-15, AND ALL IMITATIONS EXCEPT COLT AR-15 SPORTER H-BAR RIFLE; SKS WITH DETACHABLE MAGAZINE; SPRINGFIELD ARMORY BM-59, SAR-48, G3, SAR-3, M-21 SNIPER RIFLE, M1A, EXCLUDING THE M1 GARAND; Ruger mini-14 folding stock model (.223 caliber); any semi-automatic, centerfire rifle that can accept a detachable magazine and any of 1) pistol grip, thumbhole stock, folding or telescoping stock, granade launcher or flair launcher, flash suppressor, or forward pistol grip. [some commercial versions of SKS rifles]; any semi-automatic, centerfire rifle with a fixed magazine of more than 10 rounds; any semi-automatic rifle with a overall length less than 30 inches.