Semi-auto weapon ban sought in Maryland



2ndAmendment said:
Friends and family and we live a 10 minute walk from the Chesapeake make Maryland nice. Granted, I like the beaches in Florida. I prefer the Gulf to the Atlantic. I really like Hawaii and the beaches of Maui and Kauai, but they have crappy gun laws too. Of course I really liked the Mediterranean around Crete and the beaches of the Med from Gibraltar to Malaga in Spain were nice too. Switzerland is very beautiful as is Austria ans the Swiss have very liberal guns laws in most of the cantons. I do not prefer Italy except the norther region near Austria. I've been around. I've traveled to most of the northern hemisphere and all the states except Oregon and Alaska.

You were saying.

Like I said... you haven't been around much. You've listed a lot of "great to visit but wouldn't want to live there" locales that aren't applicable to the discussion. Let's take away the vacation and deployment sites, and focus on the relocation ones.

Maryland suffers from high taxation, high government intrusion into personal lives, and much of the state, especially Southern Maryland, is horrible in regards to jobs. Southern Maryland has become a bedroom community for DC, which drives up costs of living while yielding little in the way of local employment. Yet I know many people who just love the area and think it's the shitz... I'll just never understand why.


2ndAmendment said:
For those of you that think this does not effect you.

I think the operable language there is "partial list." They'll be able to add anything they want.


Routinely Derailed
First off, on the gun ban, if we can figure out how to keep psycho kids (the ones raised strictly within DSS constraints) for getting their hands on weapons, I figure we don't need a ban. The strongest weapon I own is my son's old assault-model BB gun, so you can tell how I feel about guns in the home. I don't trust my temper sometimes.

As far as Southern MD living is concerned, oh, I don't know. For myself and my wife (knowing that people react differently to things and have differing experiences), the area is just fine. We don't like the traffic, the taxes, or the cost of living. But we do like our home (small old and will be paid for before too much longer), and we do like our yard that backs up to a treeline.

I'm semi-retired because of her medical needs, but between the two of us we are living comfortably. I have no pension or ex-government type benefits, just making it on what I can make and on my wife's disability income.

My daily commute consists of walking from my bedroom to my office at the other end of the house.

I have a fireplace in my office and burn wood in it when the weather's cold (can't beat that - I love a wood fire), and when the weather's warm I can open the windows and let a fresh cool breeze waft through. In summer I do the outside chores early and in the afternoons I relax in an air-conditioned home. We live in an older, very quiet, established community a little way from 235, far enough to escape noise and traffic.

We don't go out much because of my wife's medical condition, but when the opportunity presents itself, most any road other than 235 is a pleasant drive through semi-country. I like Maryland blue crab, and occasionally we get some fresh when they're in season.

We don't often have hurricanes or even tornadoes, and we get only moderate amounts of snow and stuff. And I love watching snow fall and don't mind clearing it (have a professional quality snow blower). We have 4 discernible seasons here, all of which are just fine with us.

But as I say, I know experiences differ.
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Railroad said:
The strongest weapon I own is my son's old assault-model BB gun, so you can tell how I feel about guns in the home. I don't trust my temper sometimes.

I don't mean to cast dispersions on you specifically Railroad, but it's views and comments like this that show how self-centered many Americans have become. I frequently hear comments like "I have no stake in this because I just own hunting guns", or "I'm not a shooter so I don't have an opinion." This issue is much, much larger than that. The question is do you support a state legislature limiting your legal rights? Do they have the power to tell you who you can associate with? If you can vote (provided you're not a fellon)? If you can practice your religion?

Should white Americans have sat out the vote on giving voting rights to Black Americans, and let the anti-Black community win, just because they themselves weren't black? Should you ignore an effort to repeal the 5th Ammendment just because you're not on trial for anything? The issue is not whether or not someone should be able to own any particular type of gun, identified by an arbitrary title. It should be do we have the right to keep and bear arms, just as the 2nd Ammendment states? When we allow selective enforcement of, or selective encroachment on, our rights to meet the particular needs of a given lobby, we're really weakening all of our rights... it's just a matter of time till someone gets to rights that are important to you personally.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
Like I said... you haven't been around much. You've listed a lot of "great to visit but wouldn't want to live there" locales that aren't applicable to the discussion. Let's take away the vacation and deployment sites, and focus on the relocation ones.

Maryland suffers from high taxation, high government intrusion into personal lives, and much of the state, especially Southern Maryland, is horrible in regards to jobs. Southern Maryland has become a bedroom community for DC, which drives up costs of living while yielding little in the way of local employment. Yet I know many people who just love the area and think it's the shitz... I'll just never understand why.
You were implying I hadn't been around. I was illustrating that I have. Relocation to any country is an option, but most European countries have terrible gun laws. Costa Rica sounds nice, but I have never been there. Certainly 35 (shall issue states) of the 48 states I have visited or lived in are candidates for relocation.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
Should you ignore an effort to repeal the 5th Ammendment just because you're not on trial for anything? The issue is not whether or not someone should be able to own any particular type of gun, identified by an arbitrary title. It should be do we have the right to keep and bear arms, just as the 2nd Ammendment states? When we allow selective enforcement of, or selective encroachment on, our rights to meet the particular needs of a given lobby, we're really weakening all of our rights... it's just a matter of time till someone gets to rights that are important to you personally.
Here we agree.


Routinely Derailed
Bruzilla said:
I don't mean to cast dispersions on you specifically Railroad, but it's views and comments like this that show how self-centered many Americans have become.
Sorry, I should been more concise. I don't support the gun ban at all, but I also have concerns about people not being able (for fear of losing them) to discipline their kids to the point that they don't throw temper tantrums by grabbing a gun and opening fire on others.

See our society has woven quite a mess of a web here; I could go on for a long time pounding the podium about all of these things. But I'm not that kind of guy (not in the forums, anyway).


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
I goes back to the late 60s and early 70s when it became the right thing to blame anything or anyone except take personal responsibility for your actions. Bunch of psycho-babel-crap.


Routinely Derailed
2ndAmendment said:
I goes back to the late 60s and early 70s when it became the right thing to blame anything or anyone except take personal responsibility for your actions. Bunch of psycho-babel-crap.
I concur. Too bad we can't go back and change a few things...


Hey 2A... do you remember the golden future promised by the banning of Saturday Night Specials back in the 1970s, and how that ban was going to put criminals out of business? :lmao:


Routinely Derailed
Bruzilla said:
Hey 2A... do you remember the golden future promised by the banning of Saturday Night Specials back in the 1970s, and how that ban was going to put criminals out of business? :lmao:
I know I do!


Routinely Derailed
A little more clarification: I learned to shoot in the Navy. My favorite weapons were the M-14 and the .45 automatic. I truly enjoyed target shooting with either gun, (although I managed to only develop a bit better than "broadside of barn" marksmanship) but preferred the .45. I'd like to get back into shooting someday, when I have fewer commitments and can figure out a safe place to store the weapon.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
I do indeed remember the day of the "Saturday night special" ban. Put the PPK (James Bond's gun) out of reach. It was a nice little pocket gun.

For storage, use a gun safe. Small electronic one in the bedroom works better than a gun lock and is faster to get into if the need arises. Floor standing model for long guns and hand guns not for home defense.


Railroad said:
I'd like to get back into shooting someday, when I have fewer commitments and can figure out a safe place to store the weapon.

My Beretta 96 is kept safely loaded and stored in my gun rack. If there's a circumstance that I think I might need it during the night, it resides in the bookcase headboard that we have.

I had an M-1A back in the 1980s... stictly a wall hanger and I never fired it. I traded it for a Nazi Party Staff silver plated and engraved P-38 with ivory handles (which is in a safety deposit box in Pittsburgh.) I've been wanting to get another M-1A, but the AWB drove the prices too high and they've yet to start coming down.
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Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
I'm leaving from the Southern Maryland area tomorrow about 10 to go to the hearing. If anyone wants to go, first come, first served. PM me.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
For those that might be interested, there were 3 people, Senator Robert J. Garagiola of Montgomery country and two paid lobbyists from the Brady bunch, that spoke in favor of the bill. There were well over 50 still remaining to testify against the bill at 4:45 PM since they waited to call it last in the hopes that the "gun nuts" would leave. I presented my written testimony and verbally said I was against the bill. I was even interviewed on television. The interview went for 10 minutes or so. I was told that it would be cut down to 90 seconds including the opposition and commentary. I told the producer not to sound bite me too badly. We'll see.

At the end of the testimony, it seemed that Senator Garagiola was more interested in our comments than he was in his own bill. Again, time will tell.

Anyway, if the committee acts as it should according to the testimony, the bill should be dead. Again, we'll see.

Next time, you folks that want to preserve your rights need to consider going too. If government is to be by the people and for the people, then the people have to participate and not just vote.


2ndAmendment said:
Anyway, if the committee acts as it should according to the testimony, the bill should be dead. Again, we'll see.

Next time, you folks that want to preserve your rights need to consider going too. If government is to be by the people and for the people, then the people have to participate and not just vote.
Hopefully it's dead. Next time count me in.