2ndAmendment said:Friends and family and we live a 10 minute walk from the Chesapeake make Maryland nice. Granted, I like the beaches in Florida. I prefer the Gulf to the Atlantic. I really like Hawaii and the beaches of Maui and Kauai, but they have crappy gun laws too. Of course I really liked the Mediterranean around Crete and the beaches of the Med from Gibraltar to Malaga in Spain were nice too. Switzerland is very beautiful as is Austria ans the Swiss have very liberal guns laws in most of the cantons. I do not prefer Italy except the norther region near Austria. I've been around. I've traveled to most of the northern hemisphere and all the states except Oregon and Alaska.
You were saying.
Like I said... you haven't been around much. You've listed a lot of "great to visit but wouldn't want to live there" locales that aren't applicable to the discussion. Let's take away the vacation and deployment sites, and focus on the relocation ones.
Maryland suffers from high taxation, high government intrusion into personal lives, and much of the state, especially Southern Maryland, is horrible in regards to jobs. Southern Maryland has become a bedroom community for DC, which drives up costs of living while yielding little in the way of local employment. Yet I know many people who just love the area and think it's the shitz... I'll just never understand why.