Seperaqtion of Chirch and State huh ?


Midnightrider said:
where did that come from, i thought this was about the perception of christianity being attacked, not doing the attacking. I was just relaying my own experience at a state funded college.

One of the reasons Christianity is being attacked is because the attackers feel God is being shoved down their throats. So, on some level they feel Christians ARE attacking them. Did you feel this was happening to you? Were you offended by this person approaching you and handing you that Bible? Many people would be; therefore feel they need to put a stop to such practices in public places. They feel they have to tolerate enough just to have to look at Churches (not the restaraunt) as they drive down the road.

Thats a victims mentality. Nobody is attacking your way of life, they just want to be free to practice their own......

Well, I'm not sure why we are going in this direction but I want everyone to be able to practice their religion, as long as they aren't breaking the law (you know... sacrificing virgins or babies or blowing up busses...). But some want to quell a Christian's free practice of their faith, even to go as far as removing the cross from a Christian church.
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Well-Known Member
PsyOps said:
One of the reasons Christianity is being attacked is because the attackers feel God is being shoved down their throats. So, on some level they feel Christians ARE attacking them. Did you feel this was happening to you? Were you offended by this person approaching you and handing you that Bible? Many people would be; therefore feel they need to put a stop to such practices in public places. They feel they have to tolerate enough just to have to look at Churches (not the restaraunt) as they drive down the road.
a little, but only because i was a captive audience, as were all of the others going to that school on that day. There was only 1 cafateria, so if you wanted to eat you had to be exposed to this religious action. I would have been equally offended if it had been a jewish group handing out propaganda. And i WAS equally offended when the same space was rented out to vendors to sell us their junk. I didn't want any of it shoved down my throat.

psyops said:
Well, I'm not sure why we are going in this direction but I want everyone to be able to practice their religion, as long as they aren't breaking the law (you know... sacrificing virgins or babies or blowing up busses...). But some want to quell a Christian's free practice of their faith, even to go as far as removing the cross from a Christian church.

dude, there is no persecution of christians except in their own minds. At issue at that particular school was inclusion of everyone, not exclusion of the christians, when they relized christians were offended they made it right, NO BIG DEAL.


New Member
This_person said:
There is no Constitutionally mandated separation of church and state. There's a prohibition on the state establishing a religion. This is no different than a Christmas tree or Christmas decorations paid for and lighted by your tax dollars. THIS is what tolerance and diversity is all about; allowing all to participate without feeling discriminated against.

The melting what it is supposed to be like. Everyone is so lawsuit happy these days that they look for the smallest thing to take to court. Rather than accept ones beliefs, and allowing everyone to all live peacefully in unison, they'd rather cause trouble.


New Member
Dork said:
I don't think we should be giving Muslims any special treatment.
Oh I totally dissagree Dork. I think we should be exterminating them right and left.

At least some form of painful torture until they stop blowing people up. :yay:

Special treatment for these animals...HELL YEAH!!! :yahoo:


Highlander's MPD
Mikeinsmd said:
Oh I totally dissagree Dork. I think we should be exterminating them right and left.

At least some form of painful torture until they stop blowing people up. :yay:

Special treatment for these animals...HELL YEAH!!! :yahoo:

Ah, good point!


Midnightrider said:
dude, there is no persecution of christians except in their own minds. At issue at that particular school was inclusion of everyone, not exclusion of the christians, when they relized christians were offended they made it right, NO BIG DEAL.
No matter what our society does I will never feel persecuted because you can never shut me up about my God. However, there is an effort to shut Christians up when it comes to their public expression of their faith. Removing the cross from this chapel was not offensive, it was an attempt to shut Christians down. I don't call it persecution, I call it a violation of our Constitutional right.


Football addict
Dork said:
They are walking the fence of acceptance in this country. Have them talk some sense into their radical Muslim cousins who want to kill us and make them stop and I'll build them a foot bath but until then, I don't think we should be giving Muslims any special treatment.
Ah yes, hate never just finds another victim.

I'd be willing to bet that 10% or less of the Muslims are acutally 'radical'. Furthermore, why is it them alone that must talk sense into the 'radicals'. They're radical from the Muslim norm, hence the word 'radical'.

Your hate for Muslims only causes that much more friction and hatred towards your own, thus another car bomb tomorrow.


It's Great to be American
BuddyLee said:
Ah yes, hate never just finds another victim.

I'd be willing to bet that 10% or less of the Muslims are acutally 'radical'. Furthermore, why is it them alone that must talk sense into the 'radicals'. They're radical from the Muslim norm, hence the word 'radical'.

Your hate for Muslims only causes that much more friction and hatred towards your own, thus another car bomb tomorrow.

I agree. The Muslim religion is not what is at fault here. It is generally a peaceful religion just as Christian are peaceful. Those that believe otherwise need to do further research on the different religions. All religions have their 'radical' factions.

A good example of this can be found in the fighting between Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland. Both these groups are Christian, yet they've been fighting a war for years over religious issues.

A large portion of Muslim people in Iraq have openly praised the US for freeing them from the tyrany of Saddam Hussein. It's the radical Muslim groups, most of whom hate not only the US, but all western cultures. They're using the Muslim religion only to justify their violence towards the western cultures.

Here is a Link that may shed some light on the subject.

brendar buhl

Doesn't seem Christian
buddy999 said:
...A large portion of Muslim people in Iraq have openly praised the US for freeing them from the tyrany of Saddam Hussein...

A large portion? That's an odd statement. Kind of hard to back that one up. A large portion of Iraqis have died due to U.S. involvement. That might be a more arguable point.


Main Streeter
Midnightrider said:
and the president is sworn in using one.....

That is a personal choice left up to the incoming President. In fact, I believe it was Masison who was sworn in using a copy of the constitution.


Well-Known Member
PsyOps said:
No matter what our society does I will never feel persecuted because you can never shut me up about my God. However, there is an effort to shut Christians up when it comes to their public expression of their faith. Removing the cross from this chapel was not offensive, it was an attempt to shut Christians down. I don't call it persecution, call it a violation of our Constitutional right.
by who and how?

as for your constitutional rights, i dont think its a violation any more than having a church on a publicly funded campus was a violation of the rights of those who aren't christian attending the school.


Well-Known Member
awpitt said:
That is a personal choice left up to the incoming President. In fact, I believe it was Masison who was sworn in using a copy of the constitution.

I did not know that :eyebrow:


Well-Known Member
brendar buhl said:
A large portion? That's an odd statement. Kind of hard to back that one up. A large portion of Iraqis have died due to U.S. involvement. That might be a more arguable point.
I think this one is much harder to back up.

brendar buhl

Doesn't seem Christian
This_person said:
I think this one is much harder to back up.

Not at all. It is easy to back up the statement because it has been independently studied and independently verified. The numbers can be argued and you can debate whether or not we should be there but that isn't the point. The point is that "a large portion" of Iraqis have died since we showed's a war, that's what wars do.


Well-Known Member
brendar buhl said:
Not at all. It is easy to back up the statement because it has been independently studied and independently verified. The numbers can be argued and you can debate whether or not we should be there but that isn't the point. The point is that "a large portion" of Iraqis have died since we showed's a war, that's what wars do.
I agree a lot have died since we showed up. It's the "due to US involvement" part I have a hard time justifying. How many were being killed per year by the Iraqi government prior to our liberation? How many would have died due to the inevitable genocide that was being created? How many would have died as a result of the cooperation with terrorist organizations? It's hard to say more are being killed by terrorists and insurgents because we're there than would have died from the terrible conditions prior to our arrival.


New Member
you have to remember that not all the people that call them selves christians do not follow the true word of god and if you don't follow the word then you only have the name christian and you are not part of the Lord's people.

High EGT

Gort! Klaatu barada nikto
brendar buhl said:
A large portion? That's an odd statement. Kind of hard to back that one up. A large portion of Iraqis have died due to U.S. involvement. That might be a more arguable point.

Just curious to know if given a choice would you prefer to die at the hands of your leader or die during a conflict to liberate your county?

brendar buhl

Doesn't seem Christian
This_person said:
...How many were being killed per year by the Iraqi government prior to our liberation?
The study compares pre-invasion mortality with post-invasion mortality.

This_person said:
...How many would have died due to the inevitable genocide that was being created? How many would have died as a result of the cooperation with terrorist organizations? .

Very hard to say, but probably less.

This_person said:
...It's hard to say more are being killed by terrorists and insurgents because we're there than would have died from the terrible conditions prior to our arrival.

Conditions were terrible, no doubt, but more people are being killed now and there isn't much hope that's this will turn around anytime soon. I'm not making an argument that we should pull out, I'm just saying that these are the facts and they are not pretty and they really aren't being addressed.