September 11



September 11 is on a tuesday again,anyone feeling a little apprehensive about tomorrow ?


Bookseller Lady
roscoe69@verizo said:
September 11 is on a tuesday again,anyone feeling a little apprehensive about tomorrow ?

If we do, then the terridiots won.

Quiet rememberence of those who have died, that is all for tomorrow.


roscoe69@verizo said:
September 11 is on a tuesday again,anyone feeling a little apprehensive about tomorrow ?

I'm apprehensive about turning on the television, because I know that it's going to be another media orgy chronicling the last 6 years in grisley detail, starting with footage of the planes slamming into the buildings, the collapse of the buildings, and so on and so forth, along with a lot of 20/20 hindsight about what we have done, what we could have done better and who knew what before when.

It's like the rest of the year, but condensed into the Reader's Digest version in video format, and then spewed over and over with each reporter's take on the whole thing. Bleah.

I think I'm going to spend the day working, and then coming home to study for class and play with my kids.


Watch it
roscoe69@verizo said:
September 11 is on a tuesday again,anyone feeling a little apprehensive about tomorrow ?

Not really. I tend to reflect on what happened when I realize it is the 11th. But I try not to watch the mad coverage of the anniversary because the news media seems to want to insight fear in everybody. It annoys me.


Well-Known Member
jenbengen said:
Not really. I tend to reflect on what happened when I realize it is the 11th. But I try not to watch the mad coverage of the anniversary because the news media seems to want to insight fear in everybody. It annoys me.

:yeahthat: I just want to get through the day without all the media feeding frenzy and over-hyped graphical displays. Quiet reflection is the way to go.


Supper's Ready
I saw "Inside 911" last week. Interesting to hear the time line of events again, with documentary details. Especially interesting was hearing it (years after) from those who were involved and survived. Firemen, spouses of victims, heroes, and ordinary people who have incredible stories to tell. What heroes they were on Flight 93, Fireman number 28 climbing the stairs, etc.

I get tired of all the media sensationalism surrounding it as others have said, but at least in documentary form it served as a reminder/refresher of that terrible day.

I won't ever forget it either, but will take time out tomorrow to remember it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

roscoe69@verizo said:
September 11 is on a tuesday again,anyone feeling a little apprehensive about tomorrow ?

...because they have figured out that giving Bush any ammo to use against them, especially the PR bump Bush would get from ANY attack on 9/11, would cause them ever more grief.


rack'm said:
The enemy is still breathing and breeding, I'm not happy. :boo:

September 11 09-10-2007 08:05 PM Your one of the reason! Cowardly!

Just like your unsigned Karma. :duh:

Cowardly is hiding in a cave and not fighting face to're sure proof of the enemy within. :boo:


Methodically disorganized
rack'm said:
you're sure proof of the enemy within. :boo:
JPC must be lurking.

I don't want to recount every detail, but I will mark the notable times: 8:45a, WTC North hit; 9:03a, WTC South hit; 9:43a, Pentagon hit; 10:05a, WTC South collapsed; 10:10a, Flight 93 crashed; 10:28a, WTC North collapsed.

The media frenzy will probably be overwhelming and irritating, as most have said.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Toxick said:
I'm apprehensive about turning on the television, because I know that it's going to be another media orgy chronicling the last 6 years in grisley detail, starting with footage of the planes slamming into the buildings, the collapse of the buildings, and so on and so forth, along with a lot of 20/20 hindsight about what we have done, what we could have done better and who knew what before when.

It's like the rest of the year, but condensed into the Reader's Digest version in video format, and then spewed over and over with each reporter's take on the whole thing. Bleah.

I think I'm going to spend the day working, and then coming home to study for class and play with my kids.
I agree. I'm going to look at a Harley tomorrow. :dance: