Sequestration is getting out of hand


Well-Known Member
Forwarding FYI. This whole sequestration is getting out of hand.

TDY/TAD Travel

In keeping with the latest round of DOD budget cuts, changes will be made to the Joint Travel Regulations (JTR). Effective Monday the
following revised procedures apply:

Lodging: All DOD personnel performing temporary duty (TDY) are encouraged to stay with relatives and friends while on government business travel. If weather permits, public areas such as parks should be used as temporary lodging sites. Bus terminals, train stations, and office lobbies may provide shelter in periods of inclement weather.

Transportation: Hitchhiking is the preferred mode of travel in lieu of commercial transport. Luminescent safety vests will be issued to all personnel prior to their departure on TDY. Bus transportation will be used only when work schedules require such travel. Airline tickets will be authorized in extreme circumstances and the lowest fares will be used. For example, if a meeting is scheduled in Washington D.C., but a lower fare can be obtained by traveling to Omaha, NE, then travel to Omaha will be substituted for travel to Washington D.C.

Meals: Expenditures for meals will be limited to an absolute minimum. It should be noted that certain grocery and specialty chains, such as Costco, Hickory Farms, General Nutrition centers, and occasionally Safeway often provide free samples of promotional items. Entire meals can be obtained in this manner. We realize many of you survive your weekends this way.

Travelers should also be familiar with indigenous roots, berries, and other protein sources available at their destinations. If restaurants must be utilized, travelers should use "all you can eat" salad bars. This is especially effective for employees traveling together as one plate can be used to feed the entire group. DOD Personnel are also encouraged to bring their own food on business travel. Cans of tuna fish, Spam, and Beefaroni can be consumed at your leisure without the bother of heating or costly preparation. Cost of these items will not be reimbursed.

Miscellaneous: All DOD personnel are encouraged to devise innovative techniques in effort to save tax dollars. One enterprising individual has already suggested that money could be raised during airport layover periods, which could be used to defray travel expenses. In support of this idea, red caps will be issued to all personnel prior to their departure so that they may earn tips by helping others with their luggage. Small plastic roses and ballpoint pens will also be available to personnel so that sales may be made as time permits. Proceeds must be turned into the DOD finance section at the conclusion of the TDY. We welcome any suggestions for further fiscal innovations. Remember, "We invite you to be a Waste Buster"


That was pretty funny.

I just severly confused why we are supposed to be cutting back and Congress has done nothing to cut back themselves.


Well-Known Member
That was pretty funny.

I just severly confused why we are supposed to be cutting back and Congress has done nothing to cut back themselves.

Are you f*cking kidding me? Didn't they just vote to give themselves a raise?

is their travel suspended? If the President still taking vacations every month at our expense? Have they cut down staffing at the White House? Is his IT group or Admin Staff at risk? Does he still have a staff of personal chefs? Can't his wife cook his dinner, he survived on it before he was elected.

If the budget needs to be cut back, we should start with the government and their spending habbits. iF I have to stick to a grocery budget, so should they. They shouldn't be dining on filet migon while the rest of the country is struggling to buy 73% hamburger. Shame on them for not cutting their pay when their housing is provided, their electricity is provided, their food is provided. They should be the first to cut back on themselves.

Furlough them all and start over.


Are you f*cking kidding me? Didn't they just vote to give themselves a raise?

is their travel suspended? If the President still taking vacations every month at our expense? Have they cut down staffing at the White House? Is his IT group or Admin Staff at risk? Does he still have a staff of personal chefs? Can't his wife cook his dinner, he survived on it before he was elected.

If the budget needs to be cut back, we should start with the government and their spending habbits. iF I have to stick to a grocery budget, so should they. They shouldn't be dining on filet migon while the rest of the country is struggling to buy 73% hamburger. Shame on them for not cutting their pay when their housing is provided, their electricity is provided, their food is provided. They should be the first to cut back on themselves.

Furlough them all and start over.

Please tell me you do know this is a joke.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
This was posted a couplke of weeks ago. I showed it to one of my bosses and his face fell, until he realized it was a joke. :lmao:


24/7 Single Dad
Are you f*cking kidding me? Didn't they just vote to give themselves a raise?

is their travel suspended? If the President still taking vacations every month at our expense? Have they cut down staffing at the White House? Is his IT group or Admin Staff at risk? Does he still have a staff of personal chefs? Can't his wife cook his dinner, he survived on it before he was elected.

If the budget needs to be cut back, we should start with the government and their spending habbits. iF I have to stick to a grocery budget, so should they. They shouldn't be dining on filet migon while the rest of the country is struggling to buy 73% hamburger. Shame on them for not cutting their pay when their housing is provided, their electricity is provided, their food is provided. They should be the first to cut back on themselves.

Furlough them all and start over.
:nono: his spending isn't the problem
Obama to Boehner: 'We Don't Have a Spending Problem'


Are you f*cking kidding me? Didn't they just vote to give themselves a raise?

is their travel suspended? If the President still taking vacations every month at our expense? Have they cut down staffing at the White House? Is his IT group or Admin Staff at risk? Does he still have a staff of personal chefs? Can't his wife cook his dinner, he survived on it before he was elected.

If the budget needs to be cut back, we should start with the government and their spending habbits. iF I have to stick to a grocery budget, so should they. They shouldn't be dining on filet migon while the rest of the country is struggling to buy 73% hamburger. Shame on them for not cutting their pay when their housing is provided, their electricity is provided, their food is provided. They should be the first to cut back on themselves.

Furlough them all and start over.

I meant that as why are we supposed to cut back and none of congress will be effected. Oh or the kiddies on welfare. We are on the same side!


New Member
no money for salaries, but dang if the public work crews aren't out there today putting down new MULCH...on top of mulch... and painting walls within buildings... what the heck!?!? makes ZERO sense... nothing more aggravating than driving in to work contemplating how the bills will be paid when we lose 22 days over 5 months...1 day a week...and they are spreading mulch around the "make it pleasing to the eye". seriously? grrrr......


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
Are you f*cking kidding me? Didn't they just vote to give themselves a raise?

is their travel suspended? If the President still taking vacations every month at our expense? Have they cut down staffing at the White House? Is his IT group or Admin Staff at risk? Does he still have a staff of personal chefs? Can't his wife cook his dinner, he survived on it before he was elected.

If the budget needs to be cut back, we should start with the government and their spending habbits. iF I have to stick to a grocery budget, so should they. They shouldn't be dining on filet migon while the rest of the country is struggling to buy 73% hamburger. Shame on them for not cutting their pay when their housing is provided, their electricity is provided, their food is provided. They should be the first to cut back on themselves.

Furlough them all and start over.

Really it was Obongo who gave them a raise. Remember the thread about Biden getting a really big raise. The rest were in that one.


Power with Control
no money for salaries, but dang if the public work crews aren't out there today putting down new MULCH...on top of mulch... and painting walls within buildings... what the heck!?!? makes ZERO sense... nothing more aggravating than driving in to work contemplating how the bills will be paid when we lose 22 days over 5 months...1 day a week...and they are spreading mulch around the "make it pleasing to the eye". seriously? grrrr......

Nobody is asking the SEIU to cut back:)


Resident PIA
Nobody is asking the SEIU to cut back:)


Well in keeping with the spirit of the OP today's direction from above can only mean even more draconian measures are to come.
Hence forth thou shall not print or copy as paper and toner are in extremely short supply.
I've also noticed a shortage of paper towels in the restrooms and talk is it will soon be BYOTP to work.
Also on the horizon is the one flush rule - only flush once, at the end of the day. This will avoid wasting thousands of gallons of water each day.


They're out to get us
Luminescent safety vests will be issued to all personnel prior to their departure on TDY.

This is a waste of government funds. This should be privately funded by the traveler. It's clearly not a necessity.

There, more money saved!


aka Mrs. Giant

Well in keeping with the spirit of the OP today's direction from above can only mean even more draconian measures are to come.
Hence forth thou shall not print or copy as paper and toner are in extremely short supply.
I've also noticed a shortage of paper towels in the restrooms and talk is it will soon be BYOTP to work.
Also on the horizon is the one flush rule - only flush once, at the end of the day. This will avoid wasting thousands of gallons of water each day.

Ummm, not sure if you are joking, but we have been told not to print unless absolutely life or death and it was also mentioned that we may want to consider keeping a roll of TP at our desks just in case our supplies are not replenished. :ohwell: