Sessions had contact with Russian envoy


I bowl overhand
And as we have discussed adnauseum he did not answer the question that was asked. He provided different information and that information was not truthful. Him sayin he was truthful does not change the fact that his answer was not the entire truth. If it was he wouldn't be saying he should have answered differently in retrospect.

I am not sure how you being hypocritical makes me look like a fool, but rock on :yay:

Reading comprehension is a skill totally lost on you isn't it??

You've read the transcripts of his testimony I take it??

And yet you still repeat the same dog-tired bull#### Liberal Mantra..

It must feel good to align yourself with the likes of Pelosi.. and Waters.. at least next to those two you look somewhat intelligent.


PREMO Member
You've read the transcripts of his testimony I take it??
And yet you still repeat the same dog-tired bull#### Liberal Mantra..

MR is reading into it what he wants to see, not what was stated ...
it is very clear Franken was asking about the Buzzfeed Faux News Story and Trump Campaign Surrogates ....
one of which Sessions was not - he even stated 'I have been called' never said I am ...

If Franken has some proof or Idea he should have followed up with 'have you worked for or on the behalf of Trump's Campaign, where you may have had meetings with Russians'


Well-Known Member
It must feel good to align yourself with the likes of Pelosi.. and Waters.. at least next to those two you look somewhat intelligent.

Well!!! yes and no, I suppose it's a matter of opinion.


Well-Known Member
Reading comprehension is a skill totally lost on you isn't it??

You've read the transcripts of his testimony I take it??

And yet you still repeat the same dog-tired bull#### Liberal Mantra..

It must feel good to align yourself with the likes of Pelosi.. and Waters.. at least next to those two you look somewhat intelligent.
I align myself with reality. Even session has admitted he should have answered differently.


Well-Known Member
So where's the cover up??

When did I say there was a cover up? Even oreilly said last night that sessions was untruthful and that he should be given the opportunity to correct the record under oath. Sessions already recused himself so as long as he corrects his statements it becomes a nonissue unless he is less than truthful in his explanation.


I bowl overhand
When did I say there was a cover up? Even oreilly said last night that sessions was untruthful and that he should be given the opportunity to correct the record under oath. Sessions already recused himself so as long as he corrects his statements it becomes a nonissue unless he is less than truthful in his explanation.

Wow O'Reilly said... that's your argument??

He's already explained himself..

What's interesting, has Al Franken, the person who actually asked the question.. what's his take on Session's answer?


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga



Well-Known Member
Wow O'Reilly said... that's your argument??

He's already explained himself..

What's interesting, has Al Franken, the person who actually asked the question.. what's his take on Session's answer?
You see, how it works is if you say something under oath you get a chance to recant that under oath. Making that clarification publicly is pretty meaningless.

I don't much care what al franken has to say, but here you go

“I would say that at the very least this was extremely misleading,” Franken said. “I don't — I would love for him — I'm going to be sending him a letter to have him explain himself. But he made a bald statement that during the campaign he had not met with the Russians. That's not true. Whether he, in his head, thought that he was answering whether he had talked to any Russians about the campaign, then he should have said so. He should have said, 'I met with the Russian ambassador a couple times, but we didn't discuss the campaign.' "


Well-Known Member


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
There are so many photos of democrats and Obama folks meeting with Putin and other Russians. It makes this whole thing just laughable. Russia was our friend when Obama was in office; and now suddenly they're our enemy.

True. Drudge has this (or had) on his page.

Calling out the hypocrites. It's the only way.


Well-Known Member
True. Drudge has this (or had) on his page.

Calling out the hypocrites. It's the only way.

Here is the thing. Democrats are using the old "Tell a lie long enough and it will be accepted as truth " ploy.
The Democrats haven't said once that anything said was illegal, immoral or fattening.

They just keep saying Session or ________ fill in the black spoke to a Russian, and the idiot Trump haters have taken it from there.

We see it right here in the forums. The usual hypocrites and Trump haters have gone wild with it, and not one of them has shown anything wrong.
Not one of them has shown evidence that anything said by anyone who spoke with the Russians did anything wrong.


Here is the thing. Democrats are using the old "Tell a lie long enough and it will be accepted as truth " ploy.
The Democrats haven't said once that anything said was illegal, immoral or fattening.

They just keep saying Session or ________ fill in the black spoke to a Russian, and the idiot Trump haters have taken it from there.

We see it right here in the forums. The usual hypocrites and Trump haters have gone wild with it, and not one of them has shown anything wrong.
Not one of them has shown evidence that anything said by anyone who spoke with the Russians did anything wrong.

It's like I keep saying... They want it to be true, therefore it is.


Well-Known Member
For crap's sake, we're splitting hairs - what does it matter what the question was, what the answer was - was there foul play - or not?

It's ridiculous to crucify someone on the specificity of their words when the point is only to determine if they told the truth - NOT if they actually did anything wrong.


Except for Kislyak. He's blackballed because he's a known spy and spy recruiter. Why don't you go see how many members of the Armed Services Committee met with this cat in particular?

Sessions also lied under oath.

There is nothing you knuckle-draggers can't rationalize away.
Blackballed? He is the current Russian Ambassador to the US. He requested a meeting with a US Senator, which was attended by 2 senior staffers.

Sessions most certainly did not lie under oath. If you listen to the entire transcript Franken asked Sessions about a CNN story that had just been published asking him if he had knowledge of "ongoing communications between Russian Operatives and Trump Sourogates". Sessions stated that he did not consider himself a surrogate, nor did he had any knowledge of ongoing discussions.

That stated you are on to something certainly. Trump and all of Trump's campaign staffers, high and low level, and surrogates have undoubtedly been turned to be Russian spies.

And you call other people knuckle draggers...........:rolleyes:

If this is all you have to cling to I suggest a hobby to take your mind off the fact the left lost, and look like total looser a-hole children throwing a tantrum.