Settle a fight


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry and I are having a disagreement and I'd love to have a second opinion:

His ex-wife and I used to be quite chummy but several months ago, there was a chilling of the relationship (not my doing, but hers - she just stopped coming around, then Larry told me some things she said about me that made me not care if she came around anymore).

Anyway, she came by to pick up the girls Christmas morning and I was on the phone with my mother. Larry greeted her and they had a conversation about when the girls would be back, etc. I waved at her, then went back to my phone conversation.

Larry says this was rude. I say it wasn't.

Who's right? Or can it simply be a matter of opinion as to what is and isn't considered rude?


Does my butt look big?
I probably would have done the same..I mean she is not your X...if she is pissed over that tell her to get over it..

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
This happened CHRISTMAS and you're just now fighting about it? :shocking: :lmao:

Personally, unless it's a close friend, a friendly wave and continuing on with your conversation is fine. If she really wanted to talk to you, she would have stuck around.

Nanny Pam

jazz lady said:
This happened CHRISTMAS and you're just now fighting about it? :shocking: :lmao:

Personally, unless it's a close friend, a friendly wave and continuing on with your conversation is fine. If she really wanted to talk to you, she would have stuck around.


Set Trippin
jazz lady said:
This happened CHRISTMAS and you're just now fighting about it? :shocking: :lmao:

Personally, unless it's a close friend, a friendly wave and continuing on with your conversation is fine. If she really wanted to talk to you, she would have stuck around.
I agree with Jazz and that was a month and a half ago...:jameo:

I guess it sucks around your house when football season ends....:killingme


My Sweetest Boy
jazz lady said:
This happened CHRISTMAS and you're just now fighting about it? :shocking: :lmao:

Thank you! :lol: Why is this just now coming up? Silly. Either say something at the time or you lose your right to complain. That's rude.

And, no, I don't think what you did was rude. Crap, sometimes HE doesn't even respond to my posts. :lol:


In my opinion it depends on who's at the door. If it was my mother I would get off the phone. If it was a neighbor, I might excuse myself from the conversation long enough to say hello. I don't think it was rude, unless she specifically asked to speak with you. What you did was fine. I could care less if I talk to my ex or not so when he comes, if I'm doing something I keep on doing it and my hubby handles the visit. Your fine. Larry needs to relax! :lmao:


Lem Putt
Since your call to your mother was long distance, that's a factor.

Was she there for a couple of minutes, or did she hang out for half an hour? I could see it as a bit rude if you seemed to be avoiding her for a long time.

The bottom line is that Larry should care a little bit less about what his ex thinks. I assume there's a reason she's his ex, and he needs to remember what that reason was.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Pasofever said: might depend on which finger she waved at her with..or the whole hand :shrug:

True, but I think I know her well enough that she wouldn't give the one-fingered salute unless absolutely necessary and I don't think was the case. :wink:


Would THIS face lie?
jazz lady said:
Personally, unless it's a close friend, a friendly wave and continuing on with your conversation is fine. If she really wanted to talk to you, she would have stuck around.

:yeahthat: Were you supposed to tell your Mom (On Christmas Day) that you gotta go because Larry's ex is here? You could have just shot her the bird and kept on talking....You did wave....Sorry Larry, I guess I'm just suckin up... :lmao: :brownnose


I'm really worried about why Larry is worried about his Ex's feelings and how you are treating her :shrug: :frown: An ex, is an ex... even if you share kids :shrug: Maybe I'm missing something, but why would he care what she thought of you :shrug: :I'mrealylayingmyselfonthelineherebutIdofeelya:
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New Member
dems4me said:
I'm really worried about why Larry is worried about his Ex's feelings and how you are treating her :shrug: :frown: An ex, is an ex... even if you share kids :shrug: Maybe I'm missing something, but why would he care what she thought of you :shrug:
Exactly! I am wondering why it is even an issue!

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
What has the counselor said?

Personally, I think Larry is wrong. Why should you drop what you are doing to greet her? She's his ex, not yours.


Nice lady!
Pasofever said:
I probably would have done the same..I mean she is not your X...if she is pissed over that tell her to get over it..

:yeahthat: She and Larry discussed all the arrangements for pick up, return, etc. What more did he want you to add to that?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
jazz lady said:
This happened CHRISTMAS and you're just now fighting about it?
No, we've been arguing off and on SINCE Christmas about this. He says I am not a person who wants to hear the truth because I disagree with him that I was rude to his ex-wife.

PS, just before he stomped out of here, he assured me that THE MAJORITY of people would think what I did was rude.



Dancing Up A Storm
I think you did fine.

Did she indicate that she wanted to converse with you?

Otherwise, you did what most folks would have expected of you; acknowledged an aquaintance(however strained), and you were aptly courteous to her.

What more was expected? Drop the phone, and get down on both knees and pay homage? :lmao:
