Settle a fight


Set Trippin
Larry Gude said:
...the woman walks up to Vrail who is on the phone. She stands there with what one might PERCIEVE as an interest to chat on a Christmas morn, peace good will and all that, puts a gift down right in front of Vrail who either saw it or ignored it. Vrail turns her back, walks away and continues the phone call. Ex shrugs, turns away with what one might PERCIEVE as a dismissed expression and gathers the girls and leaves.

My PERCEPION was that it was rude. I have mistakenly called it a 'fact' that it was rude. For whatever their relationship is or is not, it was Christmas morning and, for Vrail, it stuck out like a sore thumb because it was decidedly not a Vrail like normal reception.
I missed this part....

Vrai you #####!

What was the present? :confused:


My Sweetest Boy
Larry Gude said:
...the woman walks up to Vrail who is on the phone. She stands there with what one might PERCIEVE as an interest to chat on a Christmas morn, peace good will and all that, puts a gift down right in front of Vrail who either saw it or ignored it. Vrail turns her back, walks away and continues the phone call. Ex shrugs, turns away with what one might PERCIEVE as a dismissed expression and gathers the girls and leaves.

My PERCEPION was that it was rude. I have mistakenly called it a 'fact' that it was rude. For whatever their relationship is or is not, it was Christmas morning and, for Vrail, it stuck out like a sore thumb because it was decidedly not a Vrail like normal reception.

Ahhh...I missed this in the flurry of posts. So M did walk over to Vrai..put a gift in front of her? Hmmm...can I change my vote? Knowing the players...
we know Vrai isn't one be all up in a conversation with her mother...she and M did have a close relationship at one time..knowing Vrai can be "charming" just like me...I'd say she was trying to make a point that she'd been snubbed by what's good for the goose...I see where you, Larry, could call that rude...

river rat

Body language speaks loudly.
So, you are both right.
Vrail shouldn't have to acknowledge your ex, however we all know that she is much more civilized.
You know she is capable of being receptive to your ex and can't understand why the "flip"

I really wouldn't have thought it to have been rude at first post, but body language is very important.

Please sumbit the video for further examination by the jury.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
My ex...

MMDad said:
Since your call to your mother was long distance, that's a factor.

Was she there for a couple of minutes, or did she hang out for half an hour? I could see it as a bit rude if you seemed to be avoiding her for a long time.

The bottom line is that Larry should care a little bit less about what his ex thinks. I assume there's a reason she's his ex, and he needs to remember what that reason was.

...can give me stomach acid in no time flat, to this day, including right now. That doesn't mean she is unworthy of what one might perceive to be common courtesy. I've been rude to her any number of times and, guess what, more than once I heard about it from Vrail, not because of choosing sides or anything other than what she simply saw as me being rude, especially if it's in front of the kids. I can argue my reasons, I can dismiss Vrail's 'opinion' of whether it was rude or not or I could simply say "Yeah, you're probably right. No call for that."


b*tch rocket
Larry Gude said:
... Ex shrugs, turns away with what one might PERCIEVE as a dismissed expression and gathers the girls and leaves.

First off, who cares if she was rude to your ex? It's not like your ex has been the epitomy of loving kindness to your wife.

Second, the shrug from the ex indicates the manipulation of Larry, the "see, look at how wonderful I am, I tried to be nice to your wife and she was mean" :tantrum: :jameo:

No offense, but why should Vrai be the one always bending over backwards to make nice, and make it all work with the ex? You couldn't even make it work with the ex, so why are you putting so much pressure on her to always be nice and make it work?

I would say it was rude of the ex to do the shoulder shrug, thus creating a mountain out of a molehill. JMO :shrug:


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Larry and I are having a disagreement and I'd love to have a second opinion:

His ex-wife and I used to be quite chummy but several months ago, there was a chilling of the relationship (not my doing, but hers - she just stopped coming around, then Larry told me some things she said about me that made me not care if she came around anymore).

Anyway, she came by to pick up the girls Christmas morning and I was on the phone with my mother. Larry greeted her and they had a conversation about when the girls would be back, etc. I waved at her, then went back to my phone conversation.

Larry says this was rude. I say it wasn't.

Who's right? Or can it simply be a matter of opinion as to what is and isn't considered rude?
These dang people puttin their private lives on the internet for all to see... :duh:

Next thing ya know her hubby will be all into sports and she'll be a busybody who stays online all the time....




My Sweetest Boy
vraiblonde said:
No. I was talking on the phone, facing the fridge and she put it on the counter. you didn't see her place the gift on the counter..your back was to her, right?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Suck away...

Dupontster said:
:yeahthat: Were you supposed to tell your Mom (On Christmas Day) that you gotta go because Larry's ex is here? You could have just shot her the bird and kept on talking....You did wave....Sorry Larry, I guess I'm just suckin up... :lmao: :brownnose

...because that's exactly what Vrail wants to hear.


I personally wouldn't give two craps what the SO's Ex thinks. The SO shouldn't give a crap either.


river rat said:
Body language speaks loudly.
So, you are both right.
Vrail shouldn't have to acknowledge your ex, however we all know that she is much more civilized.
You know she is capable of being receptive to your ex and can't understand why the "flip"

I really wouldn't have thought it to have been rude at first post, but body language is very important.

Please sumbit the video for further examination by the jury.

Body language???? :mad: I've been falling down the stairs twice now, glaring at you for the past few weeks...and now??? you think body language means something?? :mad: :jameo:



New Member
Larry Gude said:
...the woman walks up to Vrail who is on the phone. She stands there with what one might PERCIEVE as an interest to chat on a Christmas morn, peace good will and all that, puts a gift down right in front of Vrail who either saw it or ignored it. Vrail turns her back, walks away and continues the phone call. Ex shrugs, turns away with what one might PERCIEVE as a dismissed expression and gathers the girls and leaves.

My PERCEPION was that it was rude. I have mistakenly called it a 'fact' that it was rude. For whatever their relationship is or is not, it was Christmas morning and, for Vrail, it stuck out like a sore thumb because it was decidedly not a Vrail like normal reception.

It's rude to interrupt someone on the phone :shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Christy said:
No offense, but why should Vrai be the one always bending over backwards to make nice, and make it all work with the ex? You couldn't even make it work with the ex, so why are you putting so much pressure on her to always be nice and make it work?
Have I told you lately that I love you? :love:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

dems4me said:
I'm really worried about why Larry is worried about his Ex's feelings and how you are treating her :shrug: :frown: An ex, is an ex... even if you share kids :shrug: Maybe I'm missing something, but why would he care what she thought of you :shrug: :I'mrealylayingmyselfonthelineherebutIdofeelya: worry to much. It ain't about her feelings, it's about an obvious, to me, out of charcter moment. Trust me, when Vrail's really pizzed she's threatened to leave me and hopes I get back together with the ex for eternity.
