Settle a fight



Well Vria, maybe I posted too soon... there's two sides to every story... where's his? :shrug: But however, I don't think that for an ex, you should hangup the phone with your mother... on Christmas... and greet her with open arms and a fresh baked fruit cake or something :shrug: Something's missing from this scenario..:eyebrow: .speaking of missing... where's the poll?? I still don't understand though why he'd be kirked out on how you treat his ex and his ex's feelings :shrug: His feelings about his ex's feelings TWO months later would be discerning to me.. :frown: Larry... :frown: Where are you? :shrug: There's two sides to every story :huggy: I know you probably have a good reason for this :huggy:
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jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
No, we've been arguing off and on SINCE Christmas about this. He says I am not a person who wants to hear the truth because I disagree with him that I was rude to his ex-wife.
Good grief! :rolleyes: He doesn't want to hear an opinion other than his and won't even CONSIDER another opinion obviously. :dork:

PS, just before he stomped out of here, he assured me that THE MAJORITY of people would think what I did was rude.


Oh, you going to have so much fun showing him this. You should have made it a poll, too. :lmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
river rat said:
Can I hear Larry's side before I make my decision
There's no "side" - there is only a difference of opinion as to whether or not I was rude to his ex.

I don't think he cares one way or the other how I treat his ex. It could have stopped at a simple difference of opinion, but then Larry had to up the ante by saying I'm a person who doesn't like hearing the truth because I won't "admit" that what I did was rude. And it's become an ongoing quarrel.

This is the sort of #### that goes on at our house. :rolleyes:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
jazz lady said:
He doesn't want to hear an opinion other than his and won't even CONSIDER another opinion obviously.
Makes you want to run out and get married right now, doesn't it? :jet:


I got a question, whats the point of arguing about something so silly in the first place. I couldn't handle it if my husband and I argued over such mundane stuff. JMHO :shrug:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
For Chrissakes...

...the woman walks up to Vrail who is on the phone. She stands there with what one might PERCIEVE as an interest to chat on a Christmas morn, peace good will and all that, puts a gift down right in front of Vrail who either saw it or ignored it. Vrail turns her back, walks away and continues the phone call. Ex shrugs, turns away with what one might PERCIEVE as a dismissed expression and gathers the girls and leaves.

My PERCEPION was that it was rude. I have mistakenly called it a 'fact' that it was rude. For whatever their relationship is or is not, it was Christmas morning and, for Vrail, it stuck out like a sore thumb because it was decidedly not a Vrail like normal reception.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Makes you want to run out and get married right now, doesn't it? :jet:

BUT, it is threads and issues like this that make me drop to my knees and say "THANK GOD I do not have ex/baby momma/daddy drama."

I can understand why some may stay in a less than satisfying marriage. :shrug:

My big mouth would have gotten me in big trouble over this. :blushing: I can hear my sarcastic response now. Oh yeah, I'm rude, her kids (that I'm practically raising) sleep in a shed, starve, run around naked, shame on me for not dropping everything I was doing to great her at the door. Shame on me for being so horrible! :bawl: :drama:


Set Trippin
vraiblonde said:
PS, just before he stomped out of here, he assured me that THE MAJORITY of people would think what I did was rude.

Trust me, I look for reasons to pick at you and I really don't see that big a deal...:shrug:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That's because I'm ignoring you...

cattitude said:
Thank you! :lol: Why is this just now coming up? Silly. Either say something at the time or you lose your right to complain. That's rude.

And, no, I don't think what you did was rude. Crap, sometimes HE doesn't even respond to my posts. :lol:

It's not just now coming up. It comes up rather frequently.


Be glad she even lets your ex in the house! My ex doesn't step foot in my house! :yay:


My Sweetest Boy
Larry Gude said:
It's not just now coming up. It comes up rather frequently.

Then stop it. If it's just THAT specific conversation or is this point 47 of "why Vrai is rude" ?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
for Vrail, it stuck out like a sore thumb because it was decidedly not a Vrail like normal reception.
Define "normal".

There are different ways we greet people, depending on our relationship with them.