Sex of the baby....


In My Opinion
ok, this is really F-ing strange.

I read toppics message and it includes the words "and my mother is too"
so I did a quote of it to poke fun at the way he worded it, and in the quote the "and my mother is to" is missing.
so, I add it.
I go out of the thread and his words are still in his post, I do a test quote, and again the words are missing.
so, I log out of SOMD and I look at the thread as a guest. The words are gone from his post.
I log back in and what do you know,, the words are back in his post again.

Now I know he meant that his mother was also left handed, and I assume that he deleted it, but why does it keep showing up even after my cookies were cleared when I logged off..

I am perplexed in a way that is not familiar to me..


In My Opinion
see? screen shot.jpg


In My Opinion
this happening to anyone else?
check out the screen shot.

F-it, Im giving up heroin


New Member
morningbell.I did not want to know the sex with my second baby but my hubby did. So the sonographer told my hubby.However five minutes after we had left I looked at his smiling face and said #*#*# just tell me.
How many weeks are you now?


In My Opinion
Neither I or Pan lady wanted to know until it was hatched so we didnt ask.

then when the baby walked out, the doctor said it was a girl, I told pan lady right at that exact moment, ITS A GIRL, We dont have to give it up for adoption.

As I look back at that moment now, wiser from my years, I realize, although Pan Lady was on some good drugs due to the C-section thingy, the attending nurses were not.

Ive had a hard hard life. Anyone have a clue what 4 pissed off nurses with surgical tools within reach are capable of?


morningbell.I did not want to know the sex with my second baby but my hubby did. So the sonographer told my hubby.However five minutes after we had left I looked at his smiling face and said #*#*# just tell me.
How many weeks are you now?

HA! While I was pregnant with my first and only baby, my ex husband and I planned on him knowing first and he would tell me via email, he was out to sea at at the time. I was bad and peeked at the envelope, I told him that I looked as this was my first and I was too excited to be waiting for the mail.

I hope it doesn't go that way this time, we shall see....


In My Opinion
Hmmm. Whenever I'm perplexed, it is usually in a way that is not familiar to me too!!! Coincidence?
Wow, now thats really odd that we should share the same feeling like that.

there should be a word for it.


You're a LOON :)
With my first I didn't know until I had her.. With my second I didn't want to know either... but the person doing the sono said "so do you want to know the sex?" We couldn't resist. With the 3rd I wanted to know because I had 1 boy and 1 girl.. And I wanted to know which stuff to pull out and have ready and which stuff I could pull out and get rid of :lol:

My youngest two are 1 year and 3 days apart so I was already going to busy enough.


He'll know and he'll buy the clothes, he has already purchased stroller, car seat, co-sleeper, etc...

I'm scared of that test, I'm not getting any younger.

I had my little boy 10 days after my 35th BDay so I hear ya about not getting any younger. Because I was due at the age of 35, I was lumped into the "higher risk" category so my OB went over the amnio option. We declined to have the test done and got many ultrasounds done during the pregnancy instead. Once I heard that getting an amnio increased the chance of miscarriage, I wasn't interested. I only would have had it done if the OB felt it was necessary in our case. We had already gone through way too much to get pregnant and just didn't want to risk having another miscarriage.

As far as finding out the sex of the baby, there's no way hubby or I could have waited to be surprised. We needed to know asap. Decorating the nursery was so much fun and we wanted to know who we were talking to in my belly. :lol: