Sex Offenders


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I wouldn't worry about it. People can get on a sex offender list for all sorts of things that don't pose a threat to anyone. Peeing in the woods is technically indecent exposure.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
I wouldn't worry about it. People can get on a sex offender list for all sorts of things that don't pose a threat to anyone. Peeing in the woods is technically indecent exposure.
:yeahthat: besides if he's not hanging around the school what difference does it make. :shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
On the other hand, if her hubby is a perv it would question her judgement.

True, but just because he's on a sex offender list doesn't mean he's a perv.

If OP is disturbed by this, he should talk to the teacher. If it were *my* teacher, as in I am taking college classes or something (since I am an adult), I wouldn't worry about it. If it were my kid's teacher, I'd ask the questions.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
She was already fired from another school for taking him on a field trip and having him in the classroom

Your sig line indicates you are a high school student. If that's the case, you should tell your folks and see what they think should be done.


Well-Known Member
True, but just because he's on a sex offender list doesn't mean he's a perv.

If OP is disturbed by this, he should talk to the teacher. If it were *my* teacher, as in I am taking college classes or something (since I am an adult), I wouldn't worry about it. If it were my kid's teacher, I'd ask the questions.
That's why I said if.

She was already fired from another school for taking him on a field trip and having him in the classroom
If it were my kid. I would be on the MD Judiciary Casesearch trying to find out why he's on the list. And I find it VERY hard to believe that she was fired from one school in the system for this and hired at another.


Well-Known Member
I would be compelled to mind my own damn business
I highly doubt that if it were your sons teacher and he was a kiddy toucher going on fieldtrips and crap that you would be fine w/ it.
If it were my kid. I would be on the MD Judiciary Casesearch trying to find out why he's on the list. And I find it VERY hard to believe that she was fired from one school in the system for this and hired at another.

I go on the sex offenders list once every month or so just to be informed and I cant tell what is what on there. It is very hard to read the law on some of those.


New Member
I highly doubt that if it were your sons teacher and he was a kiddy toucher going on fieldtrips and crap that you would be fine w/ it.

I go on the sex offenders list once every month or so just to be informed and I cant tell what is what on there. It is very hard to read the law on some of those.

Hopefully she has learned not to bring him around since she already lost one job from doing so.


Lem Putt
Wirelessly posted (Change we can believe in!: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IEMobile 7.7) 320x240; VZW; Motorola-Q9c; Windows Mobile 6.0 Standard)

aps45819 said:
If your teacher was married to registered sex offender what would you do about it?

I would be compelled to mind my own damn business

Kiddy touchers are everyone's business. Ignoring them doesn't make them go away.

People who ignore sex offenders end up on the news saying "He was so quiet. I never seen it coming. Who woulda thunk he had a torture dungeon right there in the middle of the trailer park."


New Member
She was already fired from another school for taking him on a field trip and having him in the classroom

Well first of all indescent expsoure (peeing in public) is not even close to being a child molester. I live in Calvert and work in the school system, there was a teacher that has a brother who is a pedifile and live out of the county. A student found out and spread rumors that it was her husband and they had students over for a cook-out. The rumor got so bad she had to leave the school and go to another school in the same county, she was not fired but that was the rumor. So before you make accusations and start rumors make sure you know what you are talking about. I am in no way defending this or and other perverts as I refer to them, I just feel bad for the poor innocent teacher who was hurt by all of this. If it was my child who had a teacher married to someone like this as long as the husband NEVER came to school or had anything to do with my child and this person was registered it is the teachers problem not mine.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Well first of all indescent expsoure (peeing in public) is not even close to being a child molester. I live in Calvert and work in the school system, there was a teacher that has a brother who is a pedifile and live out of the county. A student found out and spread rumors that it was her husband and they had students over for a cook-out. The rumor got so bad she had to leave the school and go to another school in the same county, she was not fired but that was the rumor. So before you make accusations and start rumors make sure you know what you are talking about. I am in no way defending this or and other perverts as I refer to them, I just feel bad for the poor innocent teacher who was hurt by all of this. If it was my child who had a teacher married to someone like this as long as the husband NEVER came to school or had anything to do with my child and this person was registered it is the teachers problem not mine.
Sounds like it could be the same teacher and the rumor is following her.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
I think that is what squidword is trying to say. It is the same story but it was blown out of proportion.
Yes, but we want to make sure it's spelled out clearly for the younguns who might be inclined to broadcast unsubstantiated rumors on the internet and force someone out of yet another job through something that is no fault of her own.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Kiddy touchers are everyone's business.

We don't know that that is the case. I would hesitate to sling that sort of accusation without any kind of evidence.

And DID YOU KNOW that if you are a 21 year old guy, you go to a party and hook up with some girl, only to find out later that she was only 16, you are now legally a pedophile in some states?

Nancy Grace was just raving about some horrifying pedophile and how he should be strung up. The *rest* of the story is that the guy was in his early 20s and his "victim" was a 16 year old girl who actually initiated the sex.