New Member
started shaving @ 10 about the time i started "lady time"
same for me and my daughter
started shaving @ 10 about the time i started "lady time"
When did you let your daughter start shaving? I can not remember how old I was. My daughter is 10 and kinda hairy. She hasn't asked about shaving and I don't want to think about her using a ravor. Just curious to know what the average age is?
No it doesn't.
I just hate when she lifts her arms up and I see her armpit hair. I don't want to mention shaving to her. She is a slob and I know when she starts shaving there will be hair everywhere.
Yeah, it does!!!!
I just hate when she lifts her arms up and I see her armpit hair. I don't want to mention shaving to her. She is a slob and I know when she starts shaving there will be hair everywhere.
No. Shaving hair doesn't change its thickness or color. The color, location, thickness and length of hair on your body mainly depend on genetics and hormones. After you shave body hair, it may feel coarse or "stubbly" for a time as it grows out. During this phase, it may be more noticeable — and may appear darker or thicker. But it's not. Mayo Clinic Link
Snopes also has a bit more for your continuing education.
Other girls can be cruel at that age. I was quite a bit older when I started shaving but I remember a few of my darker hued friends being teased by some of the more "worldly" girls in gym class about pit hair. I'd buy her some Nair and have a quick chat about it. Not much clean up if she puts it on before showering.
It changes in texture. In most cases it grows coarser when you continue to shave. You shouldn't tell people that it definately doesn't change because in most cases, it does. You can feel the difference.
Nothing was mentioned about other girls teasing her. If they are, it may not be bothering her and perhaps she doesn't care what "other girls" think. She's 10, she don't need NAIR and harsh chemicals on her body right now. She needs to enjoy CHILDHOOD, obviously something you people don't know much about. While your at it, why don't you suggest giving her a pack of birth control pills and condoms and tell her to go have sex because the other girls might tease her.
did you bother to read the links? what basis do you have to say that the mayo clinic is wrong?
WTF is up with all the obnoxious noobs? There are like 3 or 4 of them now who are just freakin' agressive retards. I'm about ready to take up a collection to see if Vrai will ban them for a decent bribe.
She is not being teased. She is not bushy but she does have quite a few hairs. I am not pushing her to do anything, I was just curious when the average time is to start shaving. Just a question.
You just go thread to thread showing everyone what a tw@t you are hey? You are an obnoxious, stupid, c#nt with a big mouth and no common sense. Do you ever read or think about other people's point of view before you start pounding away at the keyboard in a fit of PMS induced rage? Sheesh, #### off ok? The adults are talking.
did you bother to read the links? what basis do you have to say that the mayo clinic is wrong?
When it bothers her enough to start. Peer pressure works wonders.
No and I didn't say they were wrong but I know if you ask any person who deals with hair removal, they tell you, don't shave, don't pluck, because the hair grows back coarser. What basis does anyone have to say that this girl's hair won't change in some way? Just because "the Mayo Clinic said...", doesn't necessarily make it so.