

Love is Blind
:lmao: Wow. You'd rather take advice from "someone who deals with hair removal" than the Mayo Clinic? :lmao: You're something. I hope you're just an MPD, because if you're a real person I kinda feel sorry for you.

:biteme:I didn't realize this FORUM was made for people bashing. You people really are a PIECE OF WORK!!! A DISGRACE to the Human race and female gender. No wonder people outside of this area call it SMIBVILLE. Nobody can get on here and just have a conversation with anyone. Nobody is allowed to give thoughts, give advice, give an opinion without getting slammed by MORONS like you.

Secondly, I never said "I took advice" from anyone. Perhaps you idiot, I might have dealings with people in that field? So yes, if I have dealings with people in that field, then yes, I'm going to take their advice. You should take a good hard look in the mirror and really feel sorry for yourself. :loser:


Well-Known Member
:biteme:I didn't realize this FORUM was made for people bashing. You people really are a PIECE OF WORK!!! A DISGRACE to the Human race and female gender. No wonder people outside of this area call it SMIBVILLE. Nobody can get on here and just have a conversation with anyone. Nobody is allowed to give thoughts, give advice, give an opinion without getting slammed by MORONS like you.

Secondly, I never said "I took advice" from anyone. Perhaps you idiot, I might have dealings with people in that field? So yes, if I have dealings with people in that field, then yes, I'm going to take their advice. You should take a good hard look in the mirror and really feel sorry for yourself. :loser:

:killingme People bashing? We're simply trying to educate you, because you refuse to read the facts. You're the one who refuses to admit you're wrong. Shaving does not make hair grow in thicker or coarser.

And one little fact for you, honey...I don't live in So. MD. You're welcome to give your opinion. Just don't take it personally when your "opinion" has been proven wrong. :yay:


Well my daughter decided to go ahead and shave 2 days ago. She didn't tell me or ask how to do it. I went to use my razor last night and you couldn't see the blade cause all the hair was clumped in it. I asked her whe she was in a hurry to shave and she said that she is the only one of her friends not doing it :twitch: Kids grow up too fast these days. She does have a few cuts and she shaved her dry skin. I hate the "my friends are doing it so I have to" excuse.