Sheriff Zylak

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member

It seems you are somewhat miffed. Now I know you don't care for Zylak, but how in the hell is he supposed to know what one of his deputies told your daughter? Sit down, take your time, and compose a letter to him. Do several drafts to make sure you express your feelings about what took place in a clear and while offended a non-abrasive manner or just blast him, your choice. Ask if it is the deputies job to be a family counselor while performing law enforcement duties at the school. Tell the sheriff what his boy said and that you don't appreciate him tempting your daughter even if what he said was a factual legal statement.

Come on, you know you can do it, and while I am certain your venting is helping you wouldn't it better to attack the problem in a more direct fashion and actually accomplish something.


Happy Camper!
I have just one little question, I'm not pointing fingers or blaming blame but just want to know, if the deputies have it soo bad off why are they still there? I mean I see want ads everywhere, certainly they shouldn't stick at a job that is as bad as you say, there are soo many other opportunities.


Originally posted by Ken King

It seems you are somewhat miffed. Now I know you don't care for Zylak, but how in the hell is he supposed to know what one of his deputies told your daughter? Sit down, take your time, and compose a letter to him. Do several drafts to make sure you express your feelings about what took place in a clear and while offended a non-abrasive manner or just blast him, your choice. Ask if it is the deputies job to be a family counselor while performing law enforcement duties at the school. Tell the sheriff what his boy said and that you don't appreciate him tempting your daughter even if what he said was a factual legal statement.

Come on, you know you can do it, and while I am certain your venting is helping you wouldn't it better to attack the problem in a more direct fashion and actually accomplish something.
You are totally right again Ken. I just feel like I'm climbing mountains here. Thanks! You are totally right.
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Originally posted by liberty4me
I don't recall you asking on specific question as I read through the threads.
You sure did, you responded to it with nothing but gibberish. Allow me to repost it here

Originally posted by Pete
What specific things is the Sheriff doing that is making them so unhappy? All I have seen here is a few newbies with an agenda and a truckload of generalizations. Why are the deputies unhappy? You show up, take a car and go out and enforce the law. Is he making them shine his car? Did they lose OT? Does he do personnel inspections on them at roll call? Did he take away dental insurance? What is it?

See it is actually several questions, none of which you answered.

Be as it may, your opinion, my opinion, and everyone elses opinion. Everyone has a right to say what they feel. I didn't know that individuals who were posting things on here requested YOUR specific approval. They do not, and you do not, however I am taking you to task for what you posted and you are squirming and don't like it. Ever stare at a dog, right straight in the eye, they always look away.

I certaily hope you get your mini-fridge, if you don't in the next month or two try submitting a request to the Sheriff he might be able to accomodate you for your comments here

This pearl doesn't even rate a response.

Where are the law suits? The complaints?
C heck the Att. Gen. Office

The papers nor the media has any clue? Perhaps they should be tipped so everyone can read about it.
WAIT.......did you hear that? It was the recess bell.
before you go throwing stones about that ****. Why don't you drool over another advertisment of Jackie Randall...oh wait... did I say that??!

It is eveident that your lack of intellect rivals you lack of humor.

I don't think anyone was asking for that, but by the sounds of it Daddy hasn't patted your either. Or would you know what work was all about?

:confused: You know my daddy

Protection, They don't need protection they need a leader! and I don't think they take their sweet time responding to calls, but if they do I hope it's your's they are late too. Start the pot roast they are on their way!

The post I replied to and you jumped on said

Originally posted by GraveDigger

However, they have no one to stand up for them with a Sheriff that doesn't protect / Stand / and defend.
I am merely a small piece of the puzzle.
thats all...

OK, this is the deal. I don't think when people signed up for the board they asked for your permission nor asked you to solve any problems. They are my statements and my opinions and I didn't try to make ####! I know the fact, YOU don't have a clue. Obviously you have bitterness somewhere along the line and that's your business I really don't care because last I checked I don't report to you. All reveals itself in due time. But THEY WORK IN THE REAL WORLD and not for "parents" so I wouldn't think you would releate. No one was asking or stating they were voting the Sheriff out of office although "there's a thought". Take it or leave it, No one asked you to read it or comment on it.

Does the phrase "Pizz up a rope" mean anything to you?

I am not solving anyones problems, just trying to get the straight info, not one iota of which you have provided. You just keep banging away with your OPINION. When querried you weave and dodge.

You have no clue what I know and don't know but my stooge - o - meter is gonging away with you.

Me bitter, that is a hoot.

No one asked me to comment on it just the same as you were not asked to post about it. Free speech mean the freedom to say your mind and the freedom of somone to call you on it. Don't like it? I suppose in your kingdom just because you utter it, it is fact.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
I accept your apology Kain and *edited my comment*

Have a good day.
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