It seems you are somewhat miffed. Now I know you don't care for Zylak, but how in the hell is he supposed to know what one of his deputies told your daughter? Sit down, take your time, and compose a letter to him. Do several drafts to make sure you express your feelings about what took place in a clear and while offended a non-abrasive manner or just blast him, your choice. Ask if it is the deputies job to be a family counselor while performing law enforcement duties at the school. Tell the sheriff what his boy said and that you don't appreciate him tempting your daughter even if what he said was a factual legal statement.
Come on, you know you can do it, and while I am certain your venting is helping you wouldn't it better to attack the problem in a more direct fashion and actually accomplish something.
It seems you are somewhat miffed. Now I know you don't care for Zylak, but how in the hell is he supposed to know what one of his deputies told your daughter? Sit down, take your time, and compose a letter to him. Do several drafts to make sure you express your feelings about what took place in a clear and while offended a non-abrasive manner or just blast him, your choice. Ask if it is the deputies job to be a family counselor while performing law enforcement duties at the school. Tell the sheriff what his boy said and that you don't appreciate him tempting your daughter even if what he said was a factual legal statement.
Come on, you know you can do it, and while I am certain your venting is helping you wouldn't it better to attack the problem in a more direct fashion and actually accomplish something.