

Active Member
My son had them last year. He was 14. I didn't know what the rash was, but when I took him to the doctor and found out and saw pics online it was a very classic case. The rash wrapped around exactly 1/2 of his upper body, from mid front to exactly mid back.


Salt Life
I've never had them, but know a few people who have. My BIL had them back in the summer. It's extremely painful.


Would THIS face lie?
My son had them last year. He was 14. I didn't know what the rash was, but when I took him to the doctor and found out and saw pics online it was a very classic case. The rash wrapped around exactly 1/2 of his upper body, from mid front to exactly mid back.

That is exactly where mine are....I found out on 9/19/10 I had them....The rash has gone away but now there is pain inside....The nerves inside my chest and around to my back must be damaged in some way....My right side hurts like hell today....All that I have read online says that it could take months or years to get rid if....14 is very young to get them though...I also read that once you get them they probably won't come back...I sure hope not...These things have been a wild ride and still going on....


Isaiah 55:8-9
That is exactly where mine are....I found out on 9/19/10 I had them....The rash has gone away but now there is pain inside....The nerves inside my chest and around to my back must be damaged in some way....My right side hurts like hell today....All that I have read online says that it could take months or years to get rid if....14 is very young to get them though...I also read that once you get them they probably won't come back...I sure hope not...These things have been a wild ride and still going on....

My husband got them two years ago and went to the Express Care on a Saturday night because he was in so much pain. They told him it was a pulled muscle and gave him a narcotic. He followed up with his PCP and it was confirmed as Shingles.
He said the pain was intense-- and he hurt like Hell. His lasted about two weeks and was gone.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery.


Would THIS face lie?
My husband got them two years ago and went to the Express Care on a Saturday night because he was in so much pain. They told him it was a pulled muscle and gave him a narcotic. He followed up with his PCP and it was confirmed as Shingles.
He said the pain was intense-- and he hurt like Hell. His lasted about two weeks and was gone.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Thanks...Mine have been going on for almost 2 monthe....All the rash is gone but the pain inside is still there....I am on Vicadin but that isn't doing a whole lot of good...


New Member
A friend's daughter had them last spring (she was 12) and was in a lot of pain. IIRC, it took several weeks to get over completely.

Nanny Pam

Thanks...Mine have been going on for almost 2 monthe....All the rash is gone but the pain inside is still there....I am on Vicadin but that isn't doing a whole lot of good...

I think it took me something like 2 months. God, I feel so sorry for you. I've said it B4 ....I'd rather be in labor than have shingles again. That pain is something. I won't ever forget it.


New Member
I got them towards the end of September. Went through 2-3 weeks of severe pain and itching. Started clearing up until I had to have surgery for something else and they came back full force, pain and all. Now back on anti-virals for another 10 days. They definitely are not pleasant. Doctor says that I need to get the shingles vaccine as soon as this attack clears up or the next attack could be worse.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
My son had them last year. He was 14. I didn't know what the rash was, but when I took him to the doctor and found out and saw pics online it was a very classic case. The rash wrapped around exactly 1/2 of his upper body, from mid front to exactly mid back.

I've never had them, but know a few people who have. My BIL had them back in the summer. It's extremely painful.

A friend of mine from work had them and took over 6 weeks to recover and was still experiencing some side effects. She's in her 60's, so I'm not sure if her ase affected her in a different way or not.

My ex-BIL had them, too, but I can't remember how long he had them. He was much younger and was a Navy Aviator, so he was in good physical shape. I recall they were extremely painful for both of them.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
That is exactly where mine are....I found out on 9/19/10 I had them....The rash has gone away but now there is pain inside....The nerves inside my chest and around to my back must be damaged in some way....My right side hurts like hell today....All that I have read online says that it could take months or years to get rid if....14 is very young to get them though...I also read that once you get them they probably won't come back...I sure hope not...These things have been a wild ride and still going on....

:huggy: I hope the pain will start to subside soon! My friend from work is finally able to wear more of her clothing, as it was very painful to wear anything but certain fabrics. Her shingles started in mid-August and I think she is much, much better now. :yay:


Happy Camper
Note to self... Call doc's office to enquire about shingles vaccine! Duponster, sure hope you're feeling better soon!!!!


Would THIS face lie?
Note to self... Call doc's office to enquire about shingles vaccine! Duponster, sure hope you're feeling better soon!!!!

Thanks....I feel Ok but it is just aggravating that it won't go away....They should be gone by now....:ohwell:...slowing me down a little...


New Member
Note to self... Call doc's office to enquire about shingles vaccine! Duponster, sure hope you're feeling better soon!!!!

Just FYI--Shingles vaccine is usually only given to those over 60, (fda guidelines), unless you have had an active case. It seems to me that with so many under 60 getting them, they would give them earlier in life.


New Member
I sure hope you get pain free, soon! :huggy:

Me too. I knew I was in trouble with pain when my doc (who has never given me a pain medication prescription before (she says she doesn't manage pain), handed me a scrip for 180 Percocet. Told me to take 2 every 4 hours for 3 weeks then start to wean myself off. Even with the medication, the pain was horrible. Although the pain is not constant now, I still have times when it does get bad enough to wake me up at night. When will it end?