Shop with a Cop


Jack Russells RULE!
The article states:
We’re also getting [names of] students from all the public schools,” William Raddatz, state trustee and immediate past president of the FOP lodge, said this week.

Hence, no cop would approach an individual on his own.

Did you get his badge #?


Highlander's MPD
pingrr said:
There is no chin behind Chuck Norris’ beard. There is only another fist.

Now here's someone to worry about. Has anyone bothered to ready PINGRR's profile? Does anyone else recall a few months back that he said he was a proud member of NAMBLA? Hey PINGRR! Did you make it to the sex offender's web site with that conviction? I hope so.

Hey Elaine. Would you let this guy take your kid shopping?

I am a nice fellow and will not allow those unjust child pornography convictions to rain on my parade.
The Dojo
Repressed Memory Giver


New Member
LordStanley said:
Well if thats the case, I have a problem with this program.

Our tax dollars are being spent already on free public education. Now I have to help these kids purchase school supplies?

If the cops want to look good in the eyes of the community, trying getting the criminals and drugs off the streets. Use the money torwards their job and not community PR.

Id rather see my tax dollars well spent when some child molester is getting tazerd in the balls (with a brand spanking new tazer) and slammed head first into the side of the cop car, then buying pens and pencils for kids that dont really need it.

All of the money is raised through private donations. This isn't a pr stunt for the police it is a program to help people who are down on their luck, something I am proud to do.

The child I took last Christmas had two parents who both worked. She had 4 siblings living together and by the looks of their modest home, they were well taken care of according to the parents needs.

The parents seemed to be hard working caring persons, who just didn't have the skills to get a better job.

I am not saying this is the case in all the kids we pick up, but the parents are not those we are trying to help, it's the kids.
Just for the record it sounds like a good program to me. People helping others, how can that be bad? Toys for tots, Christmas in April, etc.


Well-Known Member
kbeachcat123 said:
The article states:
We’re also getting [names of] students from all the public schools,” William Raddatz, state trustee and immediate past president of the FOP lodge, said this week.

Hence, no cop would approach an individual on his own.

Did you get his badge #?
Each child who is selected for the program has to be contacted by the guy who helped start the program. He calls the parents and tells them the date, time and when to have the kids ready.

I really think it's sick how some people have made this thing, which is done by cops volunteering their time, and with money raised from great organizations such as ADF Bingo, The Moose Lodge a bad thing.

The Optimist and Fraternal order of Police have done something really good here. I commend the optimists, cops and Joe Stanalonis, one of the guys who started this for a job well done.


New Member
elaine said:
Not really. If I were a friggin saint I would have continued to let them take advantage. If people want to spend their hard earned dollars feeding and raising someone else's brats, more power to ya'. I have my own mouths to feed. If I feed, clothe and school supply everyone else's kids, who's gonna' take care of mine?
Yea, nothing like paying for other peoples kids, tivo, HS internet, cigs, forums, etc, etc, etc.... :duh:


smcop said:
Good! We wouldn't want to take your kid. This is something for good kids! With a parent like you who has no respect for the police, i'm sure it's reflected in your childs attitude. Don't worry though, I am sure someday your little darling will get the opportunity to ride in one of our cars.


General Lee

Well-Known Member
smcop said:
Good! We wouldn't want to take your kid. This is something for good kids! With a parent like you who has no respect for the police, i'm sure it's reflected in your childs attitude. Don't worry though, I am sure someday your little darling will get the opportunity to ride in one of our cars.

My thoughts exactly. Couldn't have said it better myself. :yay: :yay:


In My Opinion
marybek said:
Has anyone heard about this program called Shop with a Cop? A police officer called me and said he wanted to take my son shopping for school supplies this weekend. He said they have been doing this for a few years, and it would cost me nothing. I am kinda new here, but this sounds like a great thing. He told me they would be in police cars and would have identification. Anyone know?
I want a new truck, can you send him here next?


New Member
After seeing the Cops with the kids last christmastime, it is difficult to find anything wrong with this program. Not only is it free stuff for kids but it's a chance for them to see that the cop isn't the bogeyman that his Bro say's he is.


I know nothing
smcop said:
All of the money is raised through private donations. This isn't a pr stunt for the police it is a program to help people who are down on their luck, something I am proud to do.

The child I took last Christmas had two parents who both worked. She had 4 siblings living together and by the looks of their modest home, they were well taken care of according to the parents needs.

The parents seemed to be hard working caring persons, who just didn't have the skills to get a better job.

I am not saying this is the case in all the kids we pick up, but the parents are not those we are trying to help, it's the kids.

Private donations are a good thing.


New Member
Exactly. It allows kids to interact with law enforcement in a positive way. I've had kids tell me "I hate cops because they take my mom's boyfriend away." That about broke my heart! Lets face it, how often does youth get to interact with the police under positive circumstances?


Stop Staring!!!!!
JohnnyReb said:
Exactly. It allows kids to interact with law enforcement in a positive way. I've had kids tell me "I hate cops because they take my mom's boyfriend away." That about broke my heart! Lets face it, how often does youth get to interact with the police under positive circumstances?

I try to keep my eye on the Newspaper. I have taken the boys over to Leonardtown a time or 2 when they had kind of an Open House kind of thing for Police Appreciation day and such.

The also have the K9 Demonstrations once in a while. The last time I went I think it was sponsored by the 4-H club at the fairground. Somehow the event got flubbed up and the correct time was not put out in the right postings until the last minute. I think me and the boys were the only one's that showed at the proper time. I believe there were 6-8 officers and 3-4 K-9s. You know those folks still went through their entire display even though there were only the 3 of us there. Other than the 4-H people. May have been 15-20 people total. Unfortunately they had to cut it short as there was a call for a man walking down the street with a gun in Golden Beach. (Dunno how I still remember that.)

But I like to introduce my boys to an officer every chance I get and can catch one standing somewhere. They love sitting the boys in the cars and letting them look at all the gadgetry and such. I want my boys to know clear and simple that the police are there for "YOU" and don't be afraid to show your appreciation.

The EX wife makes some great Sweet Potatoe Pies. Last fall while she was making a batch the youngest asked her to make some extra. When I got them that weekend he brought 4 of them. We plowed through one and I sugggested we gave the others to an officer. We drove over to Sheetz later as I knew Summerville would be doing security there. We gave him the pies and he said he would take them to the shift brief for the others to share. My son still tells that story and I hope he continues with that willingness to show some appreciation.


New Member
Jeff said:
I try to keep my eye on the Newspaper. I have taken the boys over to Leonardtown a time or 2 when they had kind of an Open House kind of thing for Police Appreciation day and such.

The also have the K9 Demonstrations once in a while. The last time I went I think it was sponsored by the 4-H club at the fairground. Somehow the event got flubbed up and the correct time was not put out in the right postings until the last minute. I think me and the boys were the only one's that showed at the proper time. I believe there were 6-8 officers and 3-4 K-9s. You know those folks still went through their entire display even though there were only the 3 of us there. Other than the 4-H people. May have been 15-20 people total. Unfortunately they had to cut it short as there was a call for a man walking down the street with a gun in Golden Beach. (Dunno how I still remember that.)

But I like to introduce my boys to an officer every chance I get and can catch one standing somewhere. They love sitting the boys in the cars and letting them look at all the gadgetry and such. I want my boys to know clear and simple that the police are there for "YOU" and don't be afraid to show your appreciation.

The EX wife makes some great Sweet Potatoe Pies. Last fall while she was making a batch the youngest asked her to make some extra. When I got them that weekend he brought 4 of them. We plowed through one and I sugggested we gave the others to an officer. We drove over to Sheetz later as I knew Summerville would be doing security there. We gave him the pies and he said he would take them to the shift brief for the others to share. My son still tells that story and I hope he continues with that willingness to show some appreciation.

Thank you for doing the right thing. I wish more people were like you.


New Member
slotted said:
Link posted for SMCOP, Elaine, and Richard Cranium.


And your point? I can find people in all walks of life, cops, fireman, military, civilians, doctors, lawyers, judges, parents, teachers, clergy, you name it that have been accussed of crimes like this.

If a person doesn't want their 6 year old through 12 year old to participate in this event then don't let them. No hard feelings. But to suggest these cops, none of whom have ever been accused of something like this, have alterior motives, then I just don't get it.

Are you suggesting by posting this link we should just not help? Or are you saying people shouldn't let their kids go with the cops?