Shop with a Cop


New Member
smcop said:
And your point? I can find people in all walks of life, cops, fireman, military, civilians, doctors, lawyers, judges, parents, teachers, clergy, you name it that have been accussed of crimes like this.

If a person doesn't want their 6 year old through 12 year old to participate in this event then don't let them. No hard feelings. But to suggest these cops, none of whom have ever been accused of something like this, have alterior motives, then I just don't get it.

Are you suggesting by posting this link we should just not help? Or are you saying people shouldn't let their kids go with the cops?
Hold back there Keystone,
I provided a link and didn't give an opinion one way or the other.

I don't believe that the officer in my link has ever been accused of something like this before either, so, your point is moot.

I do believe that I heard mention on the radio this morning that they had originally met at a program the police were doing for the community. :elaine:


New Member
slotted said:
Hold back there Keystone,
I provided a link and didn't give an opinion one way or the other.

I don't believe that the officer in my link has ever been accused of something like this before either, so, your point is moot.

I do believe that I heard mention on the radio this morning that they had originally met at a program the police were doing for the community. :elaine:

My original question is what's your point? Then I asked some additional questions. You provided the link and put it to my attention, therefore you wanted some sort of response from me? So I again ask, what's your point? Are you suggesting people not let their kids go on this program? I am only asking a question and pointing out that every person in society is capable of being accused of anything.

And why the name calling? Can't you answer a question of someone without calling them a name? (Keystone)


Well-Known Member
Jeff said:
We drove over to Sheetz later as I knew Summerville would be doing security there. We gave him the pies and he said he would take them to the shift brief for the others to share.

Good on Ya! :yay:
I've had the pleasure of working with Mr. Summerville during Special Olympics events, great guy!


Stop Staring!!!!!
Airgasm said:
Good on Ya! :yay:
I've had the pleasure of working with Mr. Summerville during Special Olympics events, great guy!

Personnaly I wished he would have made Sherriff. I didn't go to all the Political events for the last election but I work nights and sleep days and on some weekends I can't sleep at night and head over to the Sheetz for coffee. Usually Summerville and Baxter are doing the security thing. I like standing around and BSing with them. But Mr. Summerville is a character. Great guy and easily approachable.

I just don't know how he does it. Will work a shift for the Sherriff, Then do security for Sheetz for 4-5 hours. Get off at 4AM and be back up at 6AM to support a fair or some other event.


New Member
Shop with a cop is totally legit. I worked in the school system and it happens all the time. The cop will pick up the child at your home and take him to the store and buy him/her whatever they need.

What’s with all the cop threads lately???


Has confinement issues..
Jeff said:
I try to keep my eye on the Newspaper. I have taken the boys over to Leonardtown a time or 2 when they had kind of an Open House kind of thing for Police Appreciation day and such.

The also have the K9 Demonstrations once in a while. The last time I went I think it was sponsored by the 4-H club at the fairground. Somehow the event got flubbed up and the correct time was not put out in the right postings until the last minute. I think me and the boys were the only one's that showed at the proper time. I believe there were 6-8 officers and 3-4 K-9s. You know those folks still went through their entire display even though there were only the 3 of us there. Other than the 4-H people. May have been 15-20 people total. Unfortunately they had to cut it short as there was a call for a man walking down the street with a gun in Golden Beach. (Dunno how I still remember that.)

But I like to introduce my boys to an officer every chance I get and can catch one standing somewhere. They love sitting the boys in the cars and letting them look at all the gadgetry and such. I want my boys to know clear and simple that the police are there for "YOU" and don't be afraid to show your appreciation.

The EX wife makes some great Sweet Potatoe Pies. Last fall while she was making a batch the youngest asked her to make some extra. When I got them that weekend he brought 4 of them. We plowed through one and I sugggested we gave the others to an officer. We drove over to Sheetz later as I knew Summerville would be doing security there. We gave him the pies and he said he would take them to the shift brief for the others to share. My son still tells that story and I hope he continues with that willingness to show some appreciation.

Somerville is one :cool: guy! I like to give them all a hard time. I beleive they all thougth I was a :drunk: until they realized I was the bartender.:lol:


smcop said:
With a parent like you who has no respect for the police, i'm sure it's reflected in your childs attitude.

Respect is not something given freely just because someone wears a badge. Respect is earned! If an officer is respectful of me, I will return the respect, he doesn't get if just because he has authority. Police need to remember they are citizens just like the rest of us that fund their paychecks and not treat every person that they meet as a potential criminal (and there are many of them that have the correct attitude). It should not be an us versus them scenario.


New Member
Pushrod said:
Respect is not something given freely just because someone wears a badge. Respect is earned! If an officer is respectful of me, I will return the respect, he doesn't get if just because he has authority. Police need to remember they are citizens just like the rest of us that fund their paychecks and not treat every person that they meet as a potential criminal (and there are many of them that have the correct attitude). It should not be an us versus them scenario.
I agree that police have to earn respect, but I also believe parents should teach their children to respect authority, otherwise the kids will have a difficult time in life. Authority is not just police officers, but teachers, employers etc. A police officer should treat you with respect when he is representing a police agency and comes in contact with you.

You say that police are like the "rest of us" yet you lump them in a category all by themselves. This is done all the time. People will have a negative contact with one or two police officers, then all of the sudden it becomes police are this or police are that.

You say citizens fund our paychecks. Well, unless your living in a self contained self sufficient compound, everyone pays everyone's paychecks, yet police officers are the only group of people I have ever heard that saying associated with. Don't we as a society pay civil servants paychecks, doctors paychecks, social workers paychecks? I could go on and on. There are jerks in every profession on the face of the earth.

There are people of all walks of life who have committed crimes, from the President of the United States, to the vagrant on the street and everyone in between. However, when a police officer in Florida is accused of committing a crime, someone here will link that crime and associate it with a good program.

The quote to the person about her child was in direct response an insult of a police officer she has never met and knows nothing about other than my opinions here.

As far as the us versus them scenario, I don't think with most citizens it is that. I for one believe every citizens should be treated with respect until they cross a line where they are going to be arrested. I have however witnessed first hand some citizens confusing respect with me doing my job. If someone breaks the law, and we enforce it, don't be angry because we didn't give them a break.


New Member
JohnnyReb said:
Exactly. It allows kids to interact with law enforcement in a positive way. I've had kids tell me "I hate cops because they take my mom's boyfriend away." That about broke my heart! Lets face it, how often does youth get to interact with the police under positive circumstances?
I couldnt agree more! Police around here get a bad rep. Lets look at the positive!
One day we are all going to need them. Think about it! KARMA is a B****!!


New Member
Hey all! Update on shop with a cop. My child just returned with the police officer and omg! What a good time! She can't stop talking about him and his daughter who took her shopping. Let me tell you, I am so excited. It wasn't just the shopping, (she got everything on her school list pluss clothes) it was also the stuff they did. She said they had animals for the kids to play with and she brought home a really neat balloon hat.

I am glad she went on this with them. This was a very positive experience for her, she lost her dad two years ago in an accident, so it was very nice to have a positive male role model. Who ever it was in my church who gave our name to the police I am forever grateful. Thanks, M/B.


Stop Staring!!!!!
marybek said:
Hey all! Update on shop with a cop. My child just returned with the police officer and omg! What a good time! She can't stop talking about him and his daughter who took her shopping. Let me tell you, I am so excited. It wasn't just the shopping, (she got everything on her school list pluss clothes) it was also the stuff they did. She said they had animals for the kids to play with and she brought home a really neat balloon hat.

I am glad she went on this with them. This was a very positive experience for her, she lost her dad two years ago in an accident, so it was very nice to have a positive male role model. Who ever it was in my church who gave our name to the police I am forever grateful. Thanks, M/B.
Balloon Hat????. Great, Is there a sign up list for this??? I wanna Balloon hat too. ;-).

Glad she had a good time. I figured they would go outta their way to try to make it quite the experience. Hope all the other parents and kids come away sharing the same feelings as you. And I am sure they will. I think to a child a COP can be intimidating, Uniform, Gun, badge etc. But they still are just another person.


Active Member
I was in Wal-Mart earlier today and saw alot of cops and kids. Some cops were in uniforms and some had 'Shop with a Cop' t-shirts on as did the kids.
It was kinda funny watching the cops being 'dragged around' by a kid :lmao:
They all seemed to be having a good time!
Kudos to the cops! :yay:


Active Member
marybek said:
Hey all! Update on shop with a cop. My child just returned with the police officer and omg! What a good time! She can't stop talking about him and his daughter who took her shopping. Let me tell you, I am so excited. It wasn't just the shopping, (she got everything on her school list pluss clothes) it was also the stuff they did. She said they had animals for the kids to play with and she brought home a really neat balloon hat.

I am glad she went on this with them. This was a very positive experience for her, she lost her dad two years ago in an accident, so it was very nice to have a positive male role model. Who ever it was in my church who gave our name to the police I am forever grateful. Thanks, M/B.

I'm glad all went well with your daughter. Goes to show, there IS still alot of GOOD goin' on! :high5:


New Member
marybek said:
Hey all! Update on shop with a cop. My child just returned with the police officer and omg! What a good time! She can't stop talking about him and his daughter who took her shopping. Let me tell you, I am so excited. It wasn't just the shopping, (she got everything on her school list pluss clothes) it was also the stuff they did. She said they had animals for the kids to play with and she brought home a really neat balloon hat.

I am glad she went on this with them. This was a very positive experience for her, she lost her dad two years ago in an accident, so it was very nice to have a positive male role model. Who ever it was in my church who gave our name to the police I am forever grateful. Thanks, M/B.
I am glad she had a good time, you should know this was as much fun for us as it was for her! Thanks for participating!


Well-Known Member
marybek said:
Hey all! Update on shop with a cop. My child just returned with the police officer and omg! What a good time! She can't stop talking about him and his daughter who took her shopping. Let me tell you, I am so excited. It wasn't just the shopping, (she got everything on her school list pluss clothes) it was also the stuff they did. She said they had animals for the kids to play with and she brought home a really neat balloon hat.

I am glad she went on this with them. This was a very positive experience for her, she lost her dad two years ago in an accident, so it was very nice to have a positive male role model. Who ever it was in my church who gave our name to the police I am forever grateful. Thanks, M/B.
That is pretty cool that your daughter had a good time. Too bad so many nay sayers on here tried to make it a bad thing!


Highlander's MPD
Dork said:
Now here's someone to worry about. Has anyone bothered to ready PINGRR's profile? Does anyone else recall a few months back that he said he was a proud member of NAMBLA? Hey PINGRR! Did you make it to the sex offender's web site with that conviction? I hope so.

Hey Elaine. Would you let this guy take your kid shopping?

I am a nice fellow and will not allow those unjust child pornography convictions to rain on my parade.
The Dojo
Repressed Memory Giver

I just got some red linked to this post I left a few days ago. Gee, I wonder who it's from. Thanks Pingrr. This gives me the opportunity to let everyone know they should keep their little boys away from you.

marybek said:
Hey all! Update on shop with a cop. My child just returned with the police officer and omg! What a good time! She can't stop talking about him and his daughter who took her shopping. Let me tell you, I am so excited. It wasn't just the shopping, (she got everything on her school list pluss clothes) it was also the stuff they did. She said they had animals for the kids to play with and she brought home a really neat balloon hat.

I am glad she went on this with them. This was a very positive experience for her, she lost her dad two years ago in an accident, so it was very nice to have a positive male role model. Who ever it was in my church who gave our name to the police I am forever grateful. Thanks, M/B.
:yay: :yay: Thats great I am glad to see good things like this happening in the community.


New Member
Richard Cranium said:
See, marybek, a majority of cops are good guys earning a living. Our internet local yokel smcop is full of :bs: and himself. Don't look at all cops the way smcop acts and portrays local cops to be. He's the rotten egg the department would flush down the urinal if they actually saw his antics.
I was reading some karma I got when I came across this comment. After reading some of what you said here, I read some of Smcop's posts and some of your posts. I think you aren't a nice person. I agree with some of the things smcop wrote about you. You seem like your a scared man who wants the police to be there when you need them, but also want to be critical of everything they do. You say these bad things about this police man but you don't seem to provide any specifics? Is that because your making it all up?