Pushrod said:
Respect is not something given freely just because someone wears a badge. Respect is earned! If an officer is respectful of me, I will return the respect, he doesn't get if just because he has authority. Police need to remember they are citizens just like the rest of us that fund their paychecks and not treat every person that they meet as a potential criminal (and there are many of them that have the correct attitude). It should not be an us versus them scenario.
I agree that police have to earn respect, but I also believe parents should teach their children to respect authority, otherwise the kids will have a difficult time in life. Authority is not just police officers, but teachers, employers etc. A police officer should treat you with respect when he is representing a police agency and comes in contact with you.
You say that police are like the "rest of us" yet you lump them in a category all by themselves. This is done all the time. People will have a negative contact with one or two police officers, then all of the sudden it becomes police are this or police are that.
You say citizens fund our paychecks. Well, unless your living in a self contained self sufficient compound, everyone pays everyone's paychecks, yet police officers are the only group of people I have ever heard that saying associated with. Don't we as a society pay civil servants paychecks, doctors paychecks, social workers paychecks? I could go on and on. There are jerks in every profession on the face of the earth.
There are people of all walks of life who have committed crimes, from the President of the United States, to the vagrant on the street and everyone in between. However, when a police officer in Florida is accused of committing a crime, someone here will link that crime and associate it with a good program.
The quote to the person about her child was in direct response an insult of a police officer she has never met and knows nothing about other than my opinions here.
As far as the us versus them scenario, I don't think with most citizens it is that. I for one believe every citizens should be treated with respect until they cross a line where they are going to be arrested. I have however witnessed first hand some citizens confusing respect with me doing my job. If someone breaks the law, and we enforce it, don't be angry because we didn't give them a break.