Shots Fired

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PREMO Member
Dude, I’m done with you.

Yeah Ok Sapidus ...... 🤣

You’re attacking a firefighter, someone who puts their life in harms way daily

Being a Firefighter doses not grant Immunity from Criticism status to Anyone, if you are a worthless cun t you are a worthless cun t
Neither does working for the SS and having tits, prohibit commentary about you being a worthless fuk at your job

I AM NOT Libs of TikTok

while you sit on your fat ass behind a keyboard.

YOU Have No Idea what I do for a living or what I have done .... dipshite

You have no idea if that post is true, do you? Do you even care? Did you validate it?

Feel free to conduct an investigation Twink


Well-Known Member
Yeah Ok Sapidus ...... 🤣

Being a Firefighter doses not grant Immunity from Criticism status to Anyone, if you are a worthless cun t you are a worthless cun t
Neither does working for the SS and having tits, prohibit commentary about you being a worthless fuk at your job

I AM NOT Libs of TikTok

YOU Have No Idea what I do for a living or what I have done .... dipshite

Feel free to conduct an investigation Twink
My point is you are reposting an account that is farming for hits and engagement, period.

We don’t know if that firefighter posted that, or even if it’s a real account or person.


PREMO Member
My point is you are reposting an account that is farming for hits and engagement, period.


Yeah spreading or sharing the insanity displayed by progressives, from gay's grooming children to dumbass things AOC says

I'm sure this is fake news

We don’t know if that firefighter posted that, or even if it’s a real account or person.

Whop the hell do you think Made the post ? Do you time LoT took the time to photoshop a fake twitter post ?

Well investigate ... FIGURE IT OUT if you care so damn much,

Complaining About a Problem.png
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
We don’t know if that firefighter posted that, or even if it’s a real account or person.

If he's not a real person why would you be so outraged at someone disparaging him? It's not a stretch that some firefighter is an indoctrinated loon - lunacy knows no occupation.

You can look at Twitter yourself and see these people responding in a horrific way. The one Democrat Congressman just fired his staffer because she tweeted it's too bad the shooter missed, and there are a TON more where that came from.

These aren't rando screen names - they are official accounts using their real names. If you don't believe it, it's because you don't want to.


Well-Known Member
If he's not a real person why would you be so outraged at someone disparaging him? It's not a stretch that some firefighter is an indoctrinated loon - lunacy knows no occupation.

You can look at Twitter yourself and see these people responding in a horrific way. The one Democrat Congressman just fired his staffer because she tweeted it's too bad the shooter missed, and there are a TON more where that came from.

These aren't rando screen names - they are official accounts using their real names. If you don't believe it, it's because you don't want to.
Twitter or X is less reliable over the last few years. I hadn’t hear of a congressperson firing their staffer.

Ok, GURPS reposts are what they are.