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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Twitter or X is less reliable over the last few years. I hadn’t hear of a congressperson firing their staffer.

But if it's a public figure's official account and their tweets are in their own words, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that's how they really think.


Not surprised your substandard news sources haven't made you aware of this.

Oh, and fun fact? Bennie Thomson was the head of the J6 Committee AND the main Congresstard calling to remove Trump's SS protection. You can look that up if you don't believe me.

So it's not terribly surprising that his staffer is a raving violent nutjob. Takes after her boss.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Remember that scene in “My Cousin Vinny” where they bring up that the tire used by the defendants MATCHED the tracks left by the killers? Until Vinny points out - it’s the MOST used tire in the country. Meaning so the eff what if it matches.

These folks talk about the AR-15 as though they never bought a rifle. Do they have any idea it’s the most commonly used rifle in the country?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
These folks talk about the AR-15 as though they never bought a rifle. Do they have any idea it’s the most commonly used rifle in the country?
They only know what they see in the movies.

Big. Scary. Black.

I'm surprised they havent offered reparations to it.


Power with Control
Dude, I’m done with you. You’re attacking a firefighter, someone who puts their life in harms way daily while you sit on your fat ass behind a keyboard.

You have no idea if that post is true, do you? Do you even care? Did you validate it?
So instead of just blindly saying that this probably wasn't true and asking if it was validated, you could have spent 30 seconds to validate it yourself. The below is from the firefighters Facebook account and discusses the x post in question



Power with Control
Twitter or X is less reliable over the last few years. I hadn’t hear of a congressperson firing their staffer.

Ok, GURPS reposts are what they are.
So that word you're using, reliable. To me and many others that's code for controlled. Curated. Filtered. Just because you see a thing on X and you haven't seen a corroborating source yet. Doesn't make it less reliable. Quite often what you're seeing on X is the real deal and media simply hasn't caught up yet. The day of the assassination attempt while real media was weasel wording with pops and noises and other maybes and might bees, you could see the real thing on X almost in real time. You could hear the shots and judge for yourself whether they were gunshots. You could see the secret services reactions or lack thereof.


Well-Known Member
But if it's a public figure's official account and their tweets are in their own words, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that's how they really think.


Not surprised your substandard news sources haven't made you aware of this.

Oh, and fun fact? Bennie Thomson was the head of the J6 Committee AND the main Congresstard calling to remove Trump's SS protection. You can look that up if you don't believe me.

So it's not terribly surprising that his staffer is a raving violent nutjob. Takes after her boss.
Benny probably thought the same thing but didn't post it.


Well-Known Member
I don't want to knock the Secret Service ladies, but we all saw them taking Trump off the viewing stand. They surrounded him with bodies, but there was one huge gap in their protection it shows in the iconic picture. The woman was too short to cover him. Now, that's a fact we all saw.
The picture is there it cannot be denied.


Well-Known Member
Didn't Eric sleep with a chinese spy while he was married and give out secrets
We don't know what secrets he may have given out, and I don't think he spent all of his time sleeping.
The Chinese have bought most of the pork business in America and this Chinese lady received a bit of Swallwell pork herself.


PREMO Member
🔥 Say what you want about the FBI, but they work fast. The Trump Assassination investigation is almost done! Bloomberg ran a story late yesterday headlined, “FBI Says Trump Rally Shooter Appears to Have Acted Alone.” So there you go. Quit whining, it was just another lone gunman scenario. America apparently has lone gunmen like coyotes have fleas.

image 6.png

Here’s what the FBI has come up with so far: nothing. Remember Die Hard?

HANS GRUBER: You asked for miracles, Theo? I give you the F-B-I.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has been unable to penetrate the wily defenses on Thomas Matthew Crooks’s cell phone. It keeps asking for a passcode! The feds have no idea how Thomas, 20, got hold of his father’s gun. They don’t even know who to ask. Baffled agents are scratching their heads over what motive could possibly have led Thomas to create an elaborate and successful plan to penetrate the Secret Service’s defenses at Saturday’s rally.

FBI investigators also remain clueless as to why Thomas had a rudimentary bomb in his car trunk, or what it was intended for, if Thomas knew he was taking a one-way trip to the terminated assassins’ club? Why bring the bomb? No reason!

For additional reassurance, the article quoted FBI Director Chris Wray and DOJ chief Merrick “Grandma” Garland, neither of whom said anything useful. This take may be a little hard on the FBI, since they’ve only had one day —Sunday!— to work on the case, except for the fact that they already concluded Thomas worked alone, which makes them fair game for merciless mocking.

image 7.png

Anyway. The FBI may be satisfied, but Coffee and Covid still has questions.
