Should a non-citizen have the right to purchase firearms?

Should non-U.S. citizens be permitted to own firearms in the United States?

  • Hell no, they don't have to defend the Constitution, why should they get to carry a gun?

    Votes: 45 91.8%
  • Hell yes, who cares if you're a citizen or not?

    Votes: 4 8.2%

  • Total voters


I'm the Boss of Me

thanks for feeding me, now I'll never go away.

Dork said:
Who cares. If someone wants a gun bad enough, they'll get it. Criminals don't follow the rules! Guns don't kill people, people do! I know people with hundreds of guns but they don't cause any trouble. Take their guns away. What will that change. Forestal, you are stupid!


I'm the Boss of Me
Well, the state of VA knew he was crazy. maybe we shouldn't sell guns to people that a doctor has determined is severely disturbed....

but hey, I could be wrong...

Virgina, home of Crazy gun owners

In December 2005 — more than a year before Monday's mass shootings — a district court in Montgomery County, Va., ruled that Cho presented "an imminent danger to self or others." That was the necessary criterion for a detention order, so that Cho, who had been accused of stalking by two female schoolmates, could be evaluated by a state doctor and ordered to undergo outpatient care.

Geek said:
This whole situation is so sad. The truth is there will always be members of society that are "broken" and ready to kill. If we are all armed then they will kill us in other ways like chemical weapons. They will always evolve with us to kill.


I'm the Boss of Me
Well, if there are no guns to be sold, the likelihood of a criminal gaining access to one is much, much lower.

They'd have to steal it, and that's when a gun owner would kill the intruder.

So no criminals could get guns!

Dork said:
Exactly! If we pass the strongest gun control laws, it won't stop people like this. Laws are only for honest people. Criminals don't follow the rules. Why doesn't that make sense to forestal and anyone else who wants tighter gun control. It will make it harder for good people to get guns and protect themselves. Only Police and criminals will have guns. Criminals will have less to worry about when breaking into a house or robbing someone. Why can't everyone see this? Just imagine someone breaking into your house at night and coming at you with a gun or knife. Wouldn't it be nice to have a gun to blow them away or would you rather wait til the Police got there to clean up the mess of your dead family?


forestal said:
Well, the state of VA knew he was crazy. maybe we shouldn't sell guns to people that a doctor has determined is severely disturbed....

but hey, I could be wrong...

Virgina, home of Crazy gun owners

In December 2005 — more than a year before Monday's mass shootings — a district court in Montgomery County, Va., ruled that Cho presented "an imminent danger to self or others." That was the necessary criterion for a detention order, so that Cho, who had been accused of stalking by two female schoolmates, could be evaluated by a state doctor and ordered to undergo outpatient care.
Cho was a liberal II_I


forestal said:
Well, the state of VA knew he was crazy. maybe we shouldn't sell guns to people that a doctor has determined is severely disturbed....

but hey, I could be wrong...

Virgina, home of Crazy gun owners

In December 2005 — more than a year before Monday's mass shootings — a district court in Montgomery County, Va., ruled that Cho presented "an imminent danger to self or others." That was the necessary criterion for a detention order, so that Cho, who had been accused of stalking by two female schoolmates, could be evaluated by a state doctor and ordered to undergo outpatient care.
He should have had NUTJOB tatood on his forehead :yay:


I'm the Boss of Me
Watch as I bust your nuts again.

Nope, you can buy a gun without being a citizen. a green card is all you need.

As a legal permanent resident, under federal law, in order to buy the gun, Cho had to show a government-issued photo ID—in this case, his green card—and proof that he lived in Virginia—his driver's license. Cho was also subjected to an instant, criminal background check.

Bustem' Down said:
You're dumb. I just purchased a firearm in VA you have to show bona fida citizenship for said background check. Don't talk about what you have no knowledge of.


I'm the Boss of Me
I don't leave negative karma. I consider it an infantile practice.

mrweb said:
<TABLE class=tborder cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY id=collapseobj_usercp_reputation><TR><TD class=alt1Active id=p2066759 width="50%">Should a non-citizen ha...</TD><TD class=alt2 noWrap>04-18-2007 01:50 PM</TD><TD class=alt1 width="50%">yes you did miss it dillhole!</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Perhaps you should read the entire thread before making yourself look like an a$$hat.


forestal said:
Well, if there are no guns to be sold, the likelihood of a criminal gaining access to one is much, much lower.

They'd have to steal it, and that's when a gun owner would kill the intruder.

So no criminals could get guns!,2933,266591,00.html
TOKYO — The mayor of the Japanese city of Nagasaki was shot to death in a brazen attack Tuesday by an organized crime chief apparently enraged that the city refused to compensate him after his car was damaged at a public works construction site, police said.

The shooting was rare in a country where handguns are strictly banned and only five politicians are known to have been killed since World War II.


I'm the Boss of Me
Hey, we got Japan beat! We have 33 times the deaths this week.

kinda like what I've been saying, more guns = more gun related deaths.

dustin said:,2933,266591,00.html
TOKYO — The mayor of the Japanese city of Nagasaki was shot to death in a brazen attack Tuesday by an organized crime chief apparently enraged that the city refused to compensate him after his car was damaged at a public works construction site, police said.

The shooting was rare in a country where handguns are strictly banned and only five politicians are known to have been killed since World War II.


Highlander's MPD
forestal said:
Hey, we got Japan beat! We have 33 times the deaths this week.

kinda like what I've been saying, more guns = more gun related deaths.

Well, that makes you! That's like saying fewer drugs means fewer drug addicts. Drugs are illegal but there isn't any shortage of drugs. We are very different from Japan but I would bet that if you sent 1000s of guns to Japan, things wouldn't change over there.


Watch it
It's a touchy subject. Cho had lived here since he was 8 years old. So I'm not sure what the right answer would be- I think people who were emigrated here with their parents and have lived here their whole lives should have that same right.

In this case, his citizenship has nothing to do with what he did- he's been here nearly his whole life. Plenty of U.S. citizens commit random violence as well and we don't consider their nationality as part of the issue.

But I DO believe that mentally unstable people (proved through courts, institutions) should NOT be allowed to purchase firearms. This kid slipped through that whole system of protection.


forestal said:
Hey, we got Japan beat! We have 33 times the deaths this week.

kinda like what I've been saying, more guns = more gun related deaths.

I'm really trying to understand how this makes sense, but I can't. I own three guns. One is always loaded and is only accesible by me. I will never blow someone away because they piss me off but I will use the gun if someone threatens me or my family.

Unfortunately, there are many people in our society who have no value for human life. If you look at them wrong, talk to their sister, take their parking space, whatever....they are going to kill you with or without a gun. These people DON"T CARE! Let's outlaw guns, close up all gun shops. Do you really think we'll all be safer? I would bet this pizzed off thug will have a gun anyway or will use something else. Knives, razor blades, bats, whatever.

I feel safer with my guns. If you are afraid of being shot, don't threaten my family and we will all be happy. I have no desire to shoot someone but I have no desire to be killed by some idiot even more.

You don't make a no sense!, forestal

Larry Gude

Strung Out

bdh802 said:
You don't make a no sense!, forestal

...let's examine that for a moment, shall we?

bd, you're post lays the foundation question of gun control; is man inherently violent or do weapons make him violent?

forestal and the anti crowd try to make the public argument that it is the latter and if one simply hands over whatever it is, a parking space, your wallet, whatever, then the aggressor will, somehow, want no more from you.
So, if there are no guns, at all, then the worst you can expect to go with being robbed is a beating or a stabbing or some other violence and it will only be you and not 32 people at once.

I just don't get it; If you tell a leftist he can't watch that movie or say this word or wear that T shirt; they're ready to man the barricades and fight back for all they're worth to protect their 'rights', including any and every movie, any and every word and any and every T shirt.

But guns, a tool that allows them the chance to fight back? Nope. Not that they'd misuse it, but that everyone else would.

It's a common theme; that the circumstances make mans nature violent or not; society makes one rob, makes one attack, makes one rape and resistance with a weapon will only make the bad guy mad at you to boot whereas before he only wanted your stuff.

Sorry for butting in, but forestal never wants to get into the nuts and bolts of why he thinks what he thinks, so, I'll throw this out there as a reason until he comes along to dispute it.

edited for grammatical terrorism
Last edited:


I bowl overhand
forestal said:
Well, the state of VA knew he was crazy. maybe we shouldn't sell guns to people that a doctor has determined is severely disturbed....

but hey, I could be wrong...

Virgina, home of Crazy gun owners

In December 2005 — more than a year before Monday's mass shootings — a district court in Montgomery County, Va., ruled that Cho presented "an imminent danger to self or others." That was the necessary criterion for a detention order, so that Cho, who had been accused of stalking by two female schoolmates, could be evaluated by a state doctor and ordered to undergo outpatient care.

Actually the state can't know anything, it's inanimate, and doesn't have the ability to think or know anything.

That being said, the only people that knew Cho was a danger were Cho, and the doctor that examined him. Since Cho's rights are protected, and medical records priviledged information, he was sold a gun without being able to look into his medical or psychological background.. and since he was a criminal before the shooting all he had to do was lie on the form.. WHO'D a thunk? A person planning on going on a rampage would actually LIE on a federal form..

Good thing he shot himself or we'd be trying him for providing false information .. :sarcasm:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That's right...

itsbob said:
Actually the state can't know anything, it's inanimate, and doesn't have the ability to think or know anything.

....unlike a gun that is ALL knowing and ALL powerful. A living, breathing minister of death choosing who lives, who dies. What channel we have to watch. Which shoes to wear with which holster...etc.