Should hunters be allowed to hunt with silencers?

Should hunters be allowed to hunt with silencers?

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"Typical White Person"
Yes you can. You can hunt deer with rifles in something like 14 counties and you can hunt most other forest game or upland game with rifles in any county.

Correct, I think all counties west of Mont. and a few others mixed in from the North and possibly the Eastern shore, too lazy to look that up now.

Novus Collectus

New Member
Correct, I think all counties west of Mont. and a few others mixed in from the North and possibly the Eastern shore, too lazy to look that up now.

There are 13 counties you cannot hunt deer with a rifle in: Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Calvert, Caroline, Charles Harford, Howard, Kent, Montgomery, Prince George’s, Queen Anne’s, St. Mary’s and Talbot Counties.

There are 2 you can hunt deer with a rifle in parts: Frederick and Worcester County

There are 8 where you can hunt deer with a rifle: Allegany, Carroll, Cecil, Dorchester, Garrett, Somerset, Washington and Wicomico counties.

So yeah, most are in Western MD or the Eastern shore with one in the North and one in the N. East.


Lem Putt
And I will ask you the same question I asked others. Is there good enough reason not to allow it if someone wants to hunt with a silencer? Why not do it?
In other countries it is considered neighborly to use suppressors when hunting. If someone was hunting at night I assume you would want them not to wake you with the loud sound, so a suppressor there is at the least one good reason.
Since I had already posted that I see no reason not to allow it, I didn't think you needed to read that again.

If you wanted to use a suppresor or silencer, go for it. Just don't try to push your "good manners" hunting onto the rest of us.

I don't really see night time hunting to be an issue, unless you are using a high powered rifle near houses. That's a different kind of stupid though.

Novus Collectus

New Member
Since I had already posted that I see no reason not to allow it, I didn't think you needed to read that again.

It was more of a rhetorical question really.

If you wanted to use a suppresor or silencer, go for it. Just don't try to push your "good manners" hunting onto the rest of us.
I see no problem with hunting without silencers too, I just say people that want to do either should have both options for whatever reason they have. For instance, one that cannot affor the two hundred dollar tax on the silencer would not be able to use one, and the person who has a sensitive neighbor they do not want to cause friction with will have the option of using the suppressor.
I did not intend to come off calling for everyone to use a silencer.

I don't really see night time hunting to be an issue, unless you are using a high powered rifle near houses. That's a different kind of stupid though.
State law says you have to be 150 yards from a house if you do not have their permission. Even for a .22 that is not too far sound wise if someone sleeps with their windows open, or for their dog to go berzerk when it hears the crack.

If I ever hunted possum at night, then I would use a silencer unless I was in the middle of nowhere because I can imagine someone calling the cops when they hear a few gun shots at night....even if I was using just a .22.


New Member
I vote yes! Not becasue I would ever go out and hunt with a silencer but if people would like to go out and do that then so be it. Why does everyone feel the need to tell everyone else what they can and cannot do? Just because you personally dont like something dont go and fawk it up for the people that do!
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
This is...

There are 13 counties you cannot hunt deer with a rifle in: Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Calvert, Caroline, Charles Harford, Howard, Kent, Montgomery, Prince George’s, Queen Anne’s, St. Mary’s and Talbot Counties.

There are 2 you can hunt deer with a rifle in parts: Frederick and Worcester County

There are 8 where you can hunt deer with a rifle: Allegany, Carroll, Cecil, Dorchester, Garrett, Somerset, Washington and Wicomico counties.

So yeah, most are in Western MD or the Eastern shore with one in the North and one in the N. East. deer hunting this last weekend;

YouTube - Quad 50


"Typical White Person"
I vote yes! Not becasue I would ever go out and hunt with a silencer but if people would like to go out and do that then so be it. Why does everyone feel the need to tell everyone else what they can and cannot do? Just because you personally dont like something dont go and fawk it up for the people that do!

Yup, that is about how I feel too. Leave me alone and I'll leave you alone.
Me - no - I would prefer to hear someones gun going off so I know where someone else is hunting...

Plus - the sound of someone else's gun going off has driven a deer or two over in my direction from time-to-time!

Novus Collectus

New Member
Hell no, if you are that bad of a shot that you are worried about scaring them away you don't need to be out there with a gun.

There are numerous other reasons to use a silencer while hunting. Night hunting not too far from residences is one, hearing protection is another, reducing recoil, hunting varmint when there are numerous vermin that have to be shot and scaring them would be counter rpoductive.....etc.


"Typical White Person"
There are numerous other reasons to use a silencer while hunting. Night hunting not too far from residences is one, hearing protection is another, reducing recoil, hunting varmint when there are numerous vermin that have to be shot and scaring them would be counter rpoductive.....etc.

This is a topic that many people are not educated on at all. Most people think that they are illegal and the only purpose they could ever have is covertly killing someone. Most people probably are educated by Hollywood on the subject.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
There are numerous other reasons to use a silencer while hunting. Night hunting not too far from residences is one, hearing protection is another, reducing recoil, hunting varmint when there are numerous vermin that have to be shot and scaring them would be counter rpoductive.....etc.
Well in this area a silencer on a shotgun seems a waste of time, night hunting for what, coyote? Not many around that I recall. Oppossum, racoon, and what else, not really pack animals so you won't frighten any away when capping one of them. Close to residences, well you already have to be 150 yards away so that .22 shouldn't upset many, any closer and you have to have their permission so they would expect some noise anyway. Hearing protection, those little soft foamy ones aren't bad, mickey mouse ears are a pain in the ass, but deal with it. Reducing recoil, get a better butt pad or suck it up. The only one of your reasons that has any validity in my mind is the vermin, but does one need a high power rifle for them, I think not. I wouldn't even use a shotgun for them.

Also in an area like Maryland, with a large population and limited hunting area, a silencer could lead to more accidental shootings by someone meandering into anothers firing zone (possibly a hiker, horse rider, someone, maybe even a child, exploring the woods) that had they been able to hear a shot they would have avoided the area completely.

Sorry, but I just don't see a need unless maybe at a range or something along those lines.

Novus Collectus

New Member
Well in this area a silencer on a shotgun seems a waste of time,
Why? It is common in the UK to use a silencer on a shotgun and they have numerous reasons for using one as well.

night hunting for what, coyote? Not many around that I recall. Oppossum, racoon, and what else, not really pack animals so you won't frighten any away when capping one of them.

Yes, coyote, possum, racoon and fox are what are hunted at night. Not sure about where you live in MD, but in some parts one or more of those are bountiful, and since they are mostly nocturnal it is why the DNR has nightime hunting of them.
When hunting at night these animals, scaring off others was not the issue. Waking up the unsuspecting resident was.
The issue about scaring off the animals which are pests that congregate was not referring to the nightime hunting and was a seperate issue.

Close to residences, well you already have to be 150 yards away so that .22 shouldn't upset many, any closer and you have to have their permission so they would expect some noise anyway.
Ok, you hunt coyote with a .22 humanly, go ahead, but others of us may choose to use a proper round for coyote, fox, possum, or big racoon.
What you may feel good using is not what others necessarily will. Some people have higher standards with hunting that you do.

But even with an un-silenced .22, someone sleeping with their windows open will be disturbed by a .22 shot 150 yards away from them depending on the local geography.

Hearing protection, those little soft foamy ones aren't bad, mickey mouse ears are a pain in the ass, but deal with it.
With muffs or plugs, how can you properly hear the prey, or how can you be sure you can hear another individual hunting or hiking nearby that you don't want to shoot near?
What you feel comfortable with using may be considered, and may actually be slightly, more dangerous by others.

Reducing recoil, get a better butt pad or suck it up.
Well, you can choose to, but why should someone taking out their kid for the first time hunting be denied the right to have the extra tool to use which will make the hunting experience for their kid better?
Or for those people handicapped or who are inflicted with some degree of shoulder pain live up to your standards of "sucking it up"? A shoulder pad may still be used, and may still not be enough for them. Are you thinking using an elitist position?

The only one of your reasons that has any validity in my mind is the vermin, but does one need a high power rifle for them, I think not. I wouldn't even use a shotgun for them.
Wouldn't that all depend on the range, the vermin and the circumstances? WHy restirct the circumstances that people can use to hunt if there is no extra danger to others involved?

Also in an area like Maryland, with a large population and limited hunting area, a silencer could lead to more accidental shootings by someone meandering into anothers firing zone (possibly a hiker, horse rider, someone, maybe even a child, exploring the woods) that had they been able to hear a shot they would have avoided the area completely.
Actually, that argument could be used to forbid all trapping and bow hunting, could it not.
The child scenario is bizarre because when I was a child I was MORE likely to seek out the source of shooting out of a childish curiousity if I was unsupervised. So the "but think of the children!' idea does not work in maybe half the situations and may actually work against your arguments.

If the hunters are using responsible practices, there is no safety issue with the stragglers. BUt this too is bizarre of you to mention because they would not have heard the first shot from an unsienced rifle which may have killed them anyway. If they did not know there was hunting going on, then the first shot would have killed them regardless, or they may not have run away fast enough to avoid the second shot from a loud gun.

You have tried to make many excuses for trying to get MD to ban hunting with a silencer. YOu had to seek reasons for doing so and some or all are faulty to some degree. You have to ask yourself why you had to seek reasons why MD should ban silencers for hunting. Is it possible that there is no definite or prevalent justification for banning what is legal to do in MD and what has been done for decades in MD with no example of an incident you listed?
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Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Why? It is common in the UK to use a silencer on a shotgun and they have numerous reasons for using one as well.
Well go hunt in the UK.

Yes, coyote, possum, racoon and fox are what are hunted at night. Not sure about where you live in MD, but in some parts one or more of those are bountiful, and since they are mostly nocturnal it is why the DNR has nightime hunting of them.
I no longer live in Maryland and those animals are in greater abundance where I now live and they don't use silencers here either. I see by your information that you live in PG, well just how abundant are the coyote there?
Ok, you hunt coyote with a .22 humanly, go ahead, but others of us may choose to use a proper round for coyote, fox, possum, or big racoon.
What you may feel good using is not what others necessarily will. Some people have higher standards with hunting that you do.
The reference to using the .22 was it is the only legal rifle usable in the area of SOMD. But go ahead, try to make yourself and this desire a righteous one.

But even with an un-silenced .22, someone sleeping with their windows open will be disturbed by a .22 shot 150 yards away from them depending on the local geography.
Does this include the deaf residents or those that snore louder than a chainsaw? :sarcasm:

With muffs or plugs, how can you properly hear the prey, or how can you be sure you can hear another individual hunting or hiking nearby that you don't want to shoot near?
Let's see hunting at night and with a silencer is just so safe because you and all the others that will be doing so should this be allowed have excellent night vision, can identify your prey at the range of your projectile, and of course only shoot at positively identified targets.
What you feel comfortable with using may be considered, and may actually be slightly, more dangerous by others.
I don't use ear protection when hunting.

Well, you can choose to, but why should someone taking out their kid for the first time hunting be denied the right to have the extra tool to use which will make the hunting experience for their kid better?
You would take your kid out for their first hunt and give them a silencer denying them the full experience of the sound and recoil or are you speaking of making the first hunt a night-hunt?
Are you thinking using an elitist position?
Maybe I am but it beats thinking from a moronic position of potentally turning hundreds loose with high-powered rifles and shotguns equipped with silencers at night or day in our neighborhoods. Makes poaching easier too, doesn't it?

Wouldn't that all depend on the range, the vermin and the circumstances?
And the legally allowed weapons for the area.
WHy restirct the circumstances that people can use to hunt if there is no extra danger to others involved?
Are you saying that a silencer adds no danger to an already dangerous activity?

Actually, that argument could be used to forbid all trapping and bow hunting, could it not.
It could but it wasn't used in that context and you damn well know it.
The child scenario is bizarre because when I was a child I was MORE likely to seek out the source of shooting out of a childish curiousity if I was unsupervised. So the "but think of the children!' idea does not work in maybe half the situations and may actually work against your arguments.
What is bizarre is someone heading towards shooting, I was taught to head away from it.

If the hunters are using responsible practices, there is no safety issue with the stragglers. BUt this too is bizarre of you to mention because they would not have heard the first shot from an unsienced rifle which may have killed them anyway. If they did not know there was hunting going on, then the first shot would have killed them regardless, or they may not have run away fast enough to avoid the second shot from a loud gun.
Yes some might be hit with the first shot, but if not then they have a chance to clear the area whereas with a silencer you have removed that chance.

You have tried to make many excuses for trying to get MD to ban hunting with a silencer. YOu had to seek reasons for doing so and some or all are faulty to some degree. You have to ask yourself why you had to seek reasons why MD should ban silencers for hunting. Is it possible that there is no definite or prevalent justification for banning what is legal to do in MD and what has been done for decades in MD with no example of an incident you listed?
No excuses to ban it, I just think it's a bad idea unless extra protections are inplace, such as requiring a greater distance from any and all residences.

Novus Collectus

New Member
Well go hunt in the UK.
I and others live in MD. You don't like people hunting with silencers, then move to California.

I no longer live in Maryland and those animals are in greater abundance where I now live and they don't use silencers here either. I see by your information that you live in PG, well just how abundant are the coyote there?
I live in MD. If I have a hunting license it is good for the entire state.
But even here in PG we have a boatload of possum and many fox.

The reference to using the .22 was it is the only legal rifle usable in the area of SOMD. But go ahead, try to make yourself and this desire a righteous one.
You are wrong. YOu cannot hunt deer with a rifle down there, but you can use rilfe on most upland and forest game. Look it up.

Does this include the deaf residents or those that snore louder than a chainsaw? :sarcasm:
I have never heard my neghbor snoring, but I have heard gunshots way off in the distance before.

Let's see hunting at night and with a silencer is just so safe because you and all the others that will be doing so should this be allowed have excellent night vision, can identify your prey at the range of your projectile, and of course only shoot at positively identified targets.
I don't use ear protection when hunting.

You are allowed to hunt some of that game with lights, and you are allowed to hunt with nightvision scopes as well.
Using silencers is not illegal in MD.

You would take your kid out for their first hunt and give them a silencer denying them the full experience of the sound and recoil or are you speaking of making the first hunt a night-hunt?
YOu mean not using ear protection at all when taking the kid out hunting? Some people would call that negligent or abuse. Using silencers is like using ear muffs, but with other benefits as well.

Maybe I am but it beats thinking from a moronic position of potentally turning hundreds loose with high-powered rifles and shotguns equipped with silencers at night or day in our neighborhoods. Makes poaching easier too, doesn't it?
Poachers don't obey the law, so no law againsty using silencers will deter poaching.
There are many legitimate hunters, exterminators and/or farmers in MD which legally hunt with silencers.

And the legally allowed weapons for the area.
And state law says I can hunt anything besides deer with any firearm. Even if my area says I cannot hunt within city limits with a firearm, I can take my rifle to a short distance away within the state and hunt there.

Are you saying that a silencer adds no danger to an already dangerous activity?
Danger would be due to negligence or improper practices. Proper hunting is not dangerous, it is just potentially dangerous.
And yes, I am saying the proper and lawful use of a silencer adds no more to the potential danger of legal hunting and will even add to the safety in many situations.

It could but it wasn't used in that context and you damn well know it.
I read it in context and that is what I responded to.
Your inordinate fear of people lawfully using silencers hitting a hiker or other hunter makes no sense unless you apply the same standard to all hunting with firearms or bows......and you should know this.

What is bizarre is someone heading towards shooting, I was taught to head away from it.
And I, like many kids raised in MD, was not taught. When I was a kid, and many other kids in MD which are not taught this would possibly run towards the gun shots out of curiousity.
As one example, kids like excitment and they like fireworks, so some would go searching for the things that go boom.

Yes some might be hit with the first shot, but if not then they have a chance to clear the area whereas with a silencer you have removed that chance.
Except for when hunting vermin or varmints, just how many shots do you think it takes to kill a racoon or a deer? If it takes a follow up shot, then do you honestly think a hinker could run away fast enough before the follow up shot goes off?

No excuses to ban it, I just think it's a bad idea unless extra protections are inplace, such as requiring a greater distance from any and all residences.
And I think what some consider a bad idea other think is a good one and they should remain to be able to decide for themselves if or when they use a silencer while hunting.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Well I have already moved out of the state but not to California (I suspect that you would fit in well out there) and have just expressed a concern for what I think is a bad idea, I have children and grandchildren that still live in Maryland (they have been or are being taught to head away from what sounds like gun fire) and I will be visiting and possibly hunting there on occassion myself and wouldn't want to be in a public hunting area (or on private property for that matter) with people using silencers. I've seen the many careless people that think simply because the are allowed to do something that they think they can and had pretty much given up hunting in the area because of lack of free space to do so.

If you are so bent on making this a legal activity why don't you petition the state to allow for the use of silencers, if you doubt it will make any headway through the legislature put it up in the form of a moratorium and let the people of the state decide, you do have that ability you know.

Any bet on how that ends up?

Novus Collectus

New Member
Well I have already moved out of the state but not to California (I suspect that you would fit in well out there) and have just expressed a concern for what I think is a bad idea, I have children and grandchildren that still live in Maryland (they have been or are being taught to head away from what sounds like gun fire) and I will be visiting and possibly hunting there on occassion myself and wouldn't want to be in a public hunting area (or on private property for that matter) with people using silencers. I've seen the many careless people that think simply because the are allowed to do something that they think they can and had pretty much given up hunting in the area because of lack of free space to do so.

If you are so bent on making this a legal activity why don't you petition the state to allow for the use of silencers, if you doubt it will make any headway through the legislature put it up in the form of a moratorium and let the people of the state decide, you do have that ability you know.

Any bet on how that ends up?
There is no law against using silencers for hunting in MD.

If you do not like this, then pettition the state to disallow the use of silencers. BUt if you do remember this is MD run by anti hunting Mo., PG, Baltimore counties and Baltimiore city and what you will probably get is a ban on all hunting or all types of guns as a result. The anti's love gun bans and restrictions because it gets their foot in the door to a total ban and I hope you don't want to help them in their purpose.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Not that I doubt you but I had already sent an inquiry to DNR simply asking "is it legal to hunt with a silencer in Maryland", I'll await their response and post it upon receipt.